Kefir for thrush: can drink, douching, and tampons for the treatment of

It may seem strange, but the yogurt with thrush will help to quickly cope with its manifestations. In addition, if a woman has frequent relapses of the disease, this drink will prevent their further manifestation. Apply yogurt with candidiasis can be a variety of ways, and this is not only a daily drink sour milk drink, but also other methods.

yogurt on the table


  • Can I kefir thrush
  • The products are contraindicated in the treatment of thrush
  • Topical application kefir

Can I kefir thrush

Thrush - an unpleasant disease, which is common in women, men and children. Candida fungi that are present in the body of any person, but are there in a dormant state, when a favorable conditions are beginning to multiply and cause abnormalities in the mouth, genitals and digestive tract. Children most often affects the oral cavity, while the violation of the vaginal microflora is observed in women.

There are a variety of reasons that can cause activation of the fungus Candida, first and foremost, these include:

  • weakened immunity (so the disease is often diagnosed during pregnancy);
  • instagram viewer
  • unbalanced diet;
  • violation of the digestive tract works;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

The primary purpose of treatment for thrush is to prevent breeding of harmful bacteria and normalization microflora. When the first unpleasant signs of disease, such as itching, burning, irritation in the intimal area, abundant vaginal allocation cheesy nature, Should immediately seek medical attention. Timely treatment of this disease can quickly eliminate all unpleasant symptoms.

But quite often candidiasis does not passAnd then, in addition to the drugs, which are sold in pharmacies and help cope with the disease on early stage need to revise your diet and find out what products are allowed and prohibited at thrush. Following the proper diet consisting of healthy foods will not only cure the disease, but also to prevent its future recurrence.

Yogurt that does not contain in its structure any fruit additives, is very useful for thrush. With it is possible to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and prevent the occurrence of constipation.

If you drink kefir with candidiasis, it is possible to achieve the following objectives:

  • normalize total microflora of the organism;
  • prevent a prolonged course of the disease;
  • establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Since this product has an antiseptic effect on the organism, it is recommended to drink against thrush - as in the chronic form of the disease, and when it is an exacerbation. Some doctors believe that if you regularly drink kefir for thrush, then deal with it will be possible even without the use of drugs. In addition, the use of this fermented milk drink will prevent the occurrence of candidiasis.

Choosing yogurt, you need to pay attention to that, which is made on a living ferment with the addition of live bacteria. The composition useful milk product should contain pasteurized milk, bifidobacteria and special yeast. This drink, due to its composition, it will be better absorbed by the body and have a healing effect on the digestive tract.

It is best to choose the yogurt with a fat content of 3.2%, since the addition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the composition it will be present vitamins B, C, A and PP.

The products are contraindicated in the treatment of thrush

To yogurt can give full play to all of their therapeutic properties, the appearance of diseases such as thrush, is to abandon a number of some products. Otherwise, the drink will not be able to normalize the acid-alkaline balance in the body, and the number of fungi Candida will only increase.

If thrush is forbidden to use these foods to eat:

  • All yeast and the products in which they are contained (buns, bread, beer, kvass, etc...);
  • any sweet foods, including sugar, candy, chocolate;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • canned, fried, smoked and salty foods;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces;
  • tea, coffee and juices are purchased;
  • hard cheeses.
bakery products

Weakened immunity and promotes smoking, so you should give up this harmful habit.

Those who do not know whether you can drink kefir for thrush, it is worth remembering that it is permitted to use in any amount, since it is able to quickly restore the flora and strengthen the immune system.

Topical application kefir

Treatment for thrush yogurt is carried out in many different ways. This irrigation may be oral drink and douching and introducing swabs into the vagina. These folk remedies already proven its effectiveness since they were applied even our ancestors, when there was no effective way to fight against this disease by using pharmaceuticals drugs.

To achieve therapeutic effect by oral candidiasis enough to irrigate it kefir 1-2 times a day, after which time it is not necessary to drink anything that bifidobacteria have time to start my healing impact.

Treatment of vaginal candidiasis is douching and using tampons soaked kefir:

  1. Before performing douching with yogurt, should be thoroughly washed away by using chamomile. Then, you can douche - this is the most convenient to do lying to administration of the drug could linger in the body.
  2. Once completed, you can insert a tampon into the vagina with yogurt, which well help from yeast. They may be used without irrigation milk drink, but first must be thoroughly washed away chamomile infusion.

These procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly, for 3-6 days to complete disappearance of symptoms.


With strong secretions effectively treated with magnesium. Take 1 tablespoon purchased in a drugstore and magnesia is mixed with 1 liter of heated boiled water. Thereafter douching resulting solution, and then inserted into the vagina tampon moistened kefir.

Treatment to be effective, you should choose high-quality dairy product for the procedure. It is better to use a drink, in which structure contains lactobacilli or bifidobacteria.

If quality yogurt is hard to find, it is done independently. To do this in drugstores special bacteria are added to fresh milk (the best - home). The cooking process should be carried out strictly according to instructions.

Before applying the above recipes, you should definitely consult with your doctor, because the individual response of the mucous membranes in each patient may vary.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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