How to treat thrush at home in women: a fast and effective way

Candidiasis therapy should be carried out at occurrence of the first clinical manifestations. Use while antifungals local or systemic administration. It permitted to additionally use folk remedies that can accelerate the healing process. Cure yeast infection in women in the home need only after a visit to a gynecologist.

herbs in dishes


  • Why Candida is at all, but there was only thrush you
  • How to get rid of yeast infection at home
  • Folk remedies
  • Medications
  • for Lifestyle Tips

Why Candida is at all, but there was only thrush you

Candida fungi present in the body of every woman in moderation and do not carry health risks. Under the influence of certain factors begins active reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora, and on the background of developing candidiasis. Getting rid of yeast infection permanently is possible, but only during the proper therapy. When the immune system is weakened, the infecting agent is activated and begin to show symptoms of the disease.

Among the factors that are conducive to the development of thrush, are the following:

instagram viewer
  • immunosuppression;
  • pregnancy;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • prolonged use of contraceptives or antibiotics;
  • chronic disease;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • improper diet.
sad woman

How to get rid of yeast infection at home

At the initial stage of the disease home treatment has a favorable prognosis, but only when the therapy was picked up by a physician, and the woman does not resort to self-medication. Used with antifungal agents that are available in different forms.

In acute illness during positive trend observed as a result of receiving the local preparations. It can be sprays, Candles, ointments, gels and creams that have antifungal properties. With their help it is possible to destroy pathogens on the mucosa of the vagina and to eliminate clinical symptoms of candidiasis in the home environment.

In the chronic form of thrush, when cure all disease local drugs fails, resort to tablets intended to be accepted inside. Treatment of thrush at home at the same time is the most effective.

Provide first aid is possible, using the recipes of traditional medicine. Eliminate the unpleasant symptoms manages soda solution, decoction of herbs, yogurt.

Folk remedies

In addition to drug therapy may be to treat yeast infections in women in the home traditional methods.

The most popular way is a soda that can reduce the acidity of the microflora. At the same pathogen activity it is suppressed. Cooking soda solution and applied for douching needed as follows:

  1. In liter of purified water and added slightly warmed tablespoon soda and iodine floor tea spoons.
  2. The liquid is stirred.
  3. The resulting solution was tempted several times a day, and irrigation is carried out in the morning and before bedtime. The therapy lasts about a week.
baking soda

In order to alleviate the condition, eliminating burning and itching in the vagina using herbal infusions and decoctions:

  • mixed in a single container camomile, sage, oak bark and nettle, and boiling water is poured overnight insist. Obtaining funds to wash twice a day;
  • pour into a thermos calendula, sage, chamomile, birch and poplar buds and juniper, pour a couple of teaspoons of eucalyptus oil and a liter of boiling water. Capacity close lid and insist 12 hours. With such medications make the bath;
  • mixed lavender, alternating, oak bark and nettle and immediately poured to 150 mL of boiling water. The mixture insisting two hours, after which it was added another 150 ml of water and used for baths.

It is struggling with thrush and normal kefir, Which helps normalize the microflora and eliminate discomfort. It simply moisten a cotton swab and inserted into the vagina before going to sleep. Upon awakening, the swab is taken and make douching decoction of herbs.

Home help cure Candida tea tree oil. A solution based on it is used for baths and douches. Just a few drops mixed with 500 ml of water and a tablespoon of vodka. The liquid is suitable for cleaning the.


Cure yeast infection at home quickly will be possible only in the case of medicinal antifungal agents. Therapy is complex and is aimed at facilitating the clinical manifestations, the elimination of the root causes and prevention of complications.

Treat at home need with special responsibility. You can not make a choice on their own preparations. Fighting fungus Candida would be quick and effective only if therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

woman and doctor

The fight against disease involves the use of systemic medications and topical administration of drugs. Inside are antifungals in tablet form. This can be Diflucan, or Flyuzak Itrakon. Apply the medicine in this group is not recommended during pregnancy. Both sexual partners must take medicine at the same time. Only in this way will be able to avoid relapses.

As the local media that impact directly on the site of infection, can act candles, solutions and ointments. Women at home is recommended to use drugs in suppository form: Livarol, polizhinaks, Pimafutsin or Terzhinan.

Some of these drugs have a combined effect, due to which are effective in the fight against thrush.

for Lifestyle Tips

To home treatment yeast infection to be effective, you need to pay special attention to lifestyle and a number of precautions:

  1. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Change pads during menstruation at least three times during the day.
  3. Refuse wearing underwear made of synthetic materials.
  4. Do not use for cleaning the soap. Give preference to need special means of personal hygiene, are not washed microflora.
  5. Revise the diet, to introduce into it a sufficient quantity of vegetables and fruit and to minimize the salty, fried and sugary foods.
  6. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Cope with thrush at home is possible, but only in compliance with these guidelines and the use of drugs.

Thrush is well treated, and with timely treatment to the doctor quickly removed all of its clinical manifestations. The main thing, even at home to strictly adhere to the recommendations of a gynecologist and not to resort to self-medication. Only in this case, the prognosis is favorable.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 36
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