How to apply dry yeast

Yeasts are living organisms, they belong to unicellular fungi. Under their influence, the starch or sugar is converted to carbon dioxide or alcohol. Yeast is particularly appreciated by bakers, brewers and winemakers: without them, it would not have turned out good bread, wine or beer.

Yeast, which is used to make a yeast dough, is called baking. This product is divided into fresh and pressed yeast, dry or "live".Dry yeast, in other words inactive, is obtained as a result of artificial dehydration.

To use dry yeast for its intended purpose, you, besides themselves, will need water and granulated sugar. And remember: dry yeast is divided into active and instant. There are no differences in the choice and storage conditions of both species, but they are applied in different ways.

How to dilute active dry yeast

Active dry yeast with its appearance resembles a beige bead fractional beads. Just about such yeast there is a speech in almost all culinary books compiled by Western authors. There about the amount of yeast it is written: a sachet or a few grams.

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To bring dry yeast to the active state, it is necessary to pour the right amount of warm water or milk( how much to take liquids, indicated in the recipe or on the package itself).Since you are dealing with live yeast, you should "wake up" the product, but in no case "brew" it! That is why the temperature of water or milk, which you will breed dry yeast, should fluctuate within 35-42 degrees Celsius.

Several teaspoons of sugar will become a kind of "food" for yeast. Sugar sand should be added to the warm liquid and make sure that it is completely dissolved there.

Next sprinkle the dry yeast surface of warm milk and after a few seconds, split the liquid with yeast. This time will be enough for the granules to be saturated with liquid and become a paste-like mass.

If the kitchen is warm, then the container with the yeast will be covered with polyethylene, if it's cold, add a towel to it. After 5-10 minutes.yeast must start to play, foam. If this did not happen, then they should not be used in baking, they were never able to "wake up".The reasons for this may be different: expiration date, storage conditions were violated, the liquid in which they were dissolved was too hot. If as a result the yeast has played, safely put them into the dough.

How to apply instant dry yeast

Instant dry yeast is also called instant, fast, fast-growing, in other words, fast yeast.(One of these names will certainly meet you in one of the recipes).Such yeasts look like a finely powdered powder of a light brown color.

Instant yeast does not need to be activated, they can be immediately combined with dry ingredients. In addition, during kneading dough with this kind of yeast is put on a proofing only once.

However, with all the visible advantages of this yeast, baking results in not so fragrant. However, this circumstance does not matter if you put many sugar and fragrant spices in your products.

Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 09, 2018
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