Thrush during ovulation and after it: causes, treatment

Thrush - a pathology caused by the yeast belonging to the genus Candida. Such fungi are included in the normal vaginal microflora, but hormonal fluctuations observed in the period ovulation and after it, the microorganisms begin to lead an active life activity that leads to pathology. Thrush after ovulation can independently go into remission, but should be treated to reduce the risk of recurrence of this pathology.

woman in shorts and a t-shirt


  • Causes of thrush
  • Thrush and ovulation
  • The main symptoms
  • Treatment and prevention

Causes of thrush

The main causes of this fungal disease during and after ovulation lie in a reduced immune response to hormonal changes. The defeat of the fungus Candida may occur when the following factors:

  • change the vaginal microflora after antibiotic treatment;
  • chronic disease;
  • reception of contraceptives;
  • changes in hormonal composition at fertilization, menopause or menstruation delay;
  • the development of allergies.

In addition, the yeast after ovulation can be caused by excessive consumption of sweet, baked, savory, irritating procedures, such as syringing. Also, a woman can become infected after sexual intercourse with an infected partner.

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Thrush and ovulation

Cells vaginal mucosa are responsible for the production of glycogen, which promotes maintenance of a normal microflora. The first phase of the cycle, which consists in follicular maturation, is characterized by increased amounts of estrogen that causes activation generation vaginal secretions.

After release into the blood of the egg begins to rise hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the ability to fertilize, proper implantation of the ovum, embryo formation. Progesterone significantly inhibits the action of glycogen, which is why the vagina microflora begins to change thrush and appears at ovulation.

In the first days after ovulation showed symptoms of fungal disease, an urgent need to see a gynecologist. This is an obligatory stage of diagnosis, so as thrush after ovulation appears similar to herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia symptoms. For the diagnosis of candidiasis is used microscopy technique in which the doctor takes swabs from the urethra, cervix, the vaginal walls.

The process of ovulation

Sometimes this fungal disease appears a few days after conception, as during pregnant women immunity weakens considerably, allowing pathogenic microflora begin actively multiply.

Candida Infection It can occur at the fertilized egg through sexual intercourse with an infected partner.

Frequent Thrush says the transition to the chronic form of pathology. The reason for the constant development of the fungus is incorrect or incomplete treatment of disease. Untreated fungus at some time passes in a state of remission, and in the event of favorable activate their livelihoods for the breeding conditions.

The risk of recurrences - is not the only danger of self-medication, which is held by many women, if at the time of ovulation started thrush. Receiving or improper antifungal agents can cause not only serious hormonal disorders, but also sterility.

The main symptoms

Symptoms vary in severity depending on the period of a woman's cycle and the severity of disease. Thrush during ovulation can be diagnosed by a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • the formation of heavy cheesy whitish discharge;
  • the unpleasant sour smell;
  • Distribution pruritus intimal area;
  • appearance of irritation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • distribution of irritation of the skin in the intimate area;
  • redness of mucous membranes, occurrence of edema.
woman with magnifying glass

In severe cases the pain during urination can occur at occurrence of edema.

Treatment and prevention

To eliminate the risk of situations in which there are both ovulation and yeast, it is necessary to carry out prevention this disease. It is subject to the following measures:

  • adherence to the principles of balanced nutrition: the use of high amounts of fruits, vegetables, replacing sweets, smoked, salted dairy products, cereals, lean meats;
  • drinking regime, the rejection of carbonated drinks in favor of pure water, stewed fruit, fruit drinks and juices;
  • personal hygiene;
  • rejection of the use of hormonal preparations, in the absence of acute need;
  • use of barrier contraception in order to avoid the risk of infection from a partner;
  • rejection of douching.

If during the period of ovulation or after the abnormal symptoms still appeared, urgently need to see a doctor for a correct diagnosis and determination of treatment of the disease.


yeast treatment requires a comprehensive approach in the form of tablet, suppositories, creams or gels. These drugs stop the activity of mold and help restore normal vaginal microflora.

As the topical preparations can be assigned Nystatin, sertaconazole, miconazole, neomycin, natamycin, ketoconazole. Additionally prescribed drug in the form of tablets: Fluconazole, Flucostat, Diflucan, Rumikoz, Nistanin, Pimafutsin, Trichopolum, Clione.

In addition to antifungal therapy is assigned a course microflora recovery, He held the following medications:

  • lineksom;
  • Duphalac;
  • bifiform;
  • Biobakton.

If a woman is planning to become pregnant, and she had during the liberation of the egg came a characteristic feature of the disease, conceived to be postponed until complete recovery, so as fungal infection can cause depletion and disease uterus.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 48
  • 142