Hysteroresectoscopy: what it is, unlike hysteroscopy, especially preparation for surgery

Operative treatment of gynecological pathologies in some cases is inevitable. In order to remove polyps in the uterus and other neoplasms often used hysteroresectoscopy. What it is, how it's performed, and what complications after the procedure may arise, it is necessary to know in advance.

He tells about the procedure


  • Description and characteristics
  • Indications for
  • Contraindications
  • The methodology of the
    • Removing the polyp
    • miomnogo site treatment
  • The main advantages
  • Recovery after surgery
  • complications

Description and characteristics

Hysteroresectoscopy is a minimally invasive method of treatment and diagnosis of genital organ pathologies. It is carried out by a special unit - hysteroresectoscopy which is introduced into the cervical canal and enters the uterine cavity. Thanks to this operation, fails to fully assess the state of the mucous and immediately comply with all therapeutic interventions, if necessary.

The technique is effective in the treatment of uterine diseases such as:

  • polyps of the cervical canal and genitals;
  • endometriosis;
  • submucous nodes;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • benign tumors;
  • septum in the uterus.
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Indications for

Gisterorezektsiya used in cases when it is necessary both to diagnose and eliminate pathological lesions. Injuries are minimized, and the rehabilitation process is accelerated.This is due to the fact that only one intervention is performed.

The procedure is shown in the following cases:

  • recently held abortive events or suspicion that the body remained pieces of the placenta, the embryo;
  • helix removal;
  • Frequent miscarriages;
  • hyperplasia of the endometrium;
  • acyclic allocation;
  • cycle crash;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • endometriosis, endometritis;
  • anomalies of the uterus;
  • adhesions;
  • benign tumors;
  • fibroids;
  • monitoring of body condition after surgery.
read about the diseases of the uterus


There are certain contraindications, under which the procedure is not carried out. Among the major ones stand out are:

  • viral diseases;
  • the presence of infection or inflammation in the reproductive system;
  • kidney disease and liver;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine fibroids, the size in diameter of more than seven millimeters;
  • malignancy in cervical canal.

If the surgery despite the presence of contraindications to be made, there is a risk of serious complications.

The methodology of the

Hysteroscopy with resectoscope - it is a fairly simple operation that is easy to carry a woman and rarely leads to complications. The method is considered to be minimally invasive and is increasingly used in various fields of medicine, including obstetrics. It is that on the skin did not make the cut the main difference between this procedure by open surgery. The device is simply injected into the body through the vagina.

The duration of the operation is about an hour. All manipulations are carried out in phases:

  1. Anesthesia is administered. They used light drugs because anesthesia is necessary only for a short period. Due to this condition after waking up quickly normalized. The choice of drugs is carried out anesthesiologist given the state of women.
  2. It expands the cervix. The liquid is then injected into a cavity or a gas that promotes the expansion organ walls. Due to this, it manages to get a better look lesions and examine the condition of the mother layer.
  3. In the genital organ through the cervical canal is introduced a tube equipped with a video camera. The image thus transferred to the monitor, the doctor an opportunity to carefully consider all the changes in the uterus.
  4. Thereupon administered resectoscope. This is a special device by which the abnormal areas are excised. All manipulations are carried out under careful visual inspection.
  5. Areas in which tumors have been removed, burned. Thus possible to prevent the onset of the inflammatory process.
  6. Finally all the tools are removed and the liquid or gas is withdrawn.
hysteroresectoscopy device

Fabrics obtained in the course of the survey, be sure to send in the histological laboratory. Due to this it is possible to accurately set the flows in the organ malignancy or not.

Removing the polyp

Immediately it should be noted that hysteroresectoscopy not carried out during menstruation. It is prescribed in the fifth or seventh day cycle when bleeding from the vagina is no longer observed. In the process of removing polypous formations using a standard set of tools. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Genital organ is filled with a special liquid that promotes the expansion of the field of activity. As a result, it becomes easier to distinguish healthy tissue from pathological.
  2. After cervical canal instrument is introduced with the video camera on the end. Thus, during the entire operation performed visual inspection.
  3. Following this, the cavity is placed resectoscope. With the loop cut growth on the stem and body of the buildup is removed with forceps.
  4. Bed neoplasms sear.
  5. The liquid is removed from the uterus, and the woman goes to the House.

polyp body obtained in an operation sent to histological laboratory.

there are ways to treating polyps without surgery, So for more information For more information on this topic

miomnogo site treatment

Traumatic dissection of the septum in the body and removing nodes miomnyh minimum. The recovery process after surgery is rapid.

Submucous myoma danger lies in the fact that they are able to provoke uterine bleeding and affect the body in the same manner as the IUD. As a consequence of this conception is impossible. Thanks to carrying out the operation can not save the reproductive organ and remove the lesions. In the future, the woman has every chance to become a mother.

During the procedure, the instrument is introduced into the body through the cervical canal. Dissected nodes using a cutting loop. Then the damaged areas of the mucous sear. Used for this purpose an electrode with a broad surface.

Particles of tumors can be removed after each movement of the loop, and upon completion of the final removal of the buildup. Used in this vacuum or curettage.

fibroid removal

The main advantages

Hysterectomoscopic study has an impressive list of compelling advantages. First of all, we should highlight the fact that in the course of carrying out its tissue damaged only slightly. A woman can easily tolerate this operation and the recovery period does not take much time.

After the intervention is no formation of post-surgical scars. Due to the risk of complications is reduced to a minimum.

During the procedures fully examines the state of the uterine mucosa, the complex of rehabilitative and therapeutic procedures.

After hysteroresectoscopy woman after a short time, can return to normal life and the usual chores. In addition, it is possible to preserve the reproductive function and after a short period you can think about planning a pregnancy.

Due to the fact that in the course of the manipulation image is visualized on the screen, all actions possible to produce with maximum precision.

Methods considered a valuable alternative treatment methods such as radical surgical intervention and use of hormonal drugs. The main thing is to be tested for the presence of infections in the body and make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure. The risk of complications due to this will be kept to a minimum.

Recovery after surgery

The recovery process does not require a long period. Usually, it ends after a couple of weeks. A woman to go home the next day after surgery.

For the first time after the procedure may appear pain in the abdomen and spotting of brown vagina. Unpleasant symptoms disappear after a maximum of ten days.

During the first month of the need to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • do not lift weights;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • to refuse to take hot baths and douches;
  • avoid excessive physical exertion;
  • sex life - only a month later;
  • adhere to all medical prescriptions.
He thinks about douching

If in the course of the operation were excised fibroids or cysts, the rehabilitation period is appointed hormonal drugs and medicines that will accelerate the recovery of childbearing authority.

Also we recommend that you read the information on the nature menstruation after hysteroresectoscopy.


After hysteroresectoscopy in rare cases, complications arise. Among the main ones are the following:

  • gas embolism vessels genitals. Such disturbances occur in a few cases and only when the gas is used to expand the body;
  • perforation of the uterine wall. Against this background, there are bleeding and fainting. Such changes need immediate medical care;
  • penetration into the genital organ pathogenic microflora or necrotic tissue undetected fibroids. This gives rise to infectious complications;
  • hemometra. Pathological condition in which blood accumulates at genital organ;
  • infertility provoked significant damage to mucous membranes.

The consequences are very rare. As a rule, these complications occur only if the doctor does not have the proper experience. For this reason, it is recommended to trust the operation only by an authorized doctor. In general, the procedure is considered gentle and safe.

Hysteroresectoscopy - widely used in gynecology method to carefully examine the state of the genitals and should eliminate pathological sites at once. Duration of operation does not exceed one hour. Calibration is done under general anesthesia, due to which a woman does not feel discomfort during handling. The recovery period is relatively short in this case. Already on the next day you can return to the familiar life. Suffice it to adhere to medical recommendations and to monitor the overall health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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