Thrush in pregnancy: treatment of folk remedies at home

Thrush is often difficult for a normal pregnancy. In this important and hectic for a woman during an infectious disease brings a lot of inconvenience and trouble. Disease controls mood, appetite, sleep and well-being of the expectant mother, but timely diagnosis of candidiasis in pregnancy successfully treated.

Doctors know everything about this disease. In cases where drug therapy is undesirable or contraindicated, appointed an alternative treatment option. It is possible the participation of folk remedies for yeast infection during pregnancy. At home, you can prepare any medicine on a natural basis. They are available, useful and safe. The main thing - do not abuse, to monitor the reception and adhere to medical recommendations.



  • How dangerous candidiasis during pregnancy
  • We are treated without any harm to the baby
  • That can be used in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • What is allowed in the 2 and 3 trimester
  • Folk remedies: properties and recipes

How dangerous candidiasis during pregnancy

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If you add up the classic symptoms of pregnancy and thrush, the load is very serious: itchiness, discharge, pain plus toxemia of pregnancy, swelling, heartburn and persistent feelings about health child. Risks really are, but do not panic. With proper treatment involving medical complications are unlikely.

Against the background of hormonal dysfunction and weakened immunity yeast infection during pregnancy is developing very actively. When the infection in the first trimester of typical symptoms may not appear. This does not mean that the disease in the early stages, you can forget. To treat it is necessary to start immediately, leaving no chance of fungal infection spread.

Candidiasis affects the vaginal mucosa. Up to 4 months of pregnancy, the body is still able to resist the proliferation of fungi in the second and third trimester of these abilities are weakened. at chronic thrush and untreated, the child may be born prematurely.

pregnant experiencing

Very often exacerbated pathology before delivery. This causes contamination baby at birth.

Neonatal disease is transmitted in 70% of cases, babies born by natural or after caesarean section, identically infected. The fungus infects the lungs, umbilical cord, skin and oral mucosa.

We are treated without any harm to the baby

for treatment pregnant women with a diagnosis of "Candida" doctors selected sparing means and methods. The main task - not to harm the fetus and help the expectant mother to get rid of the disease and associated symptoms.

Toxic effect of potent drugs may adversely affect fetal development baby. For this reason, the selection of suitable medication experts with extreme caution, and taking into account all possible risks and consequences.

Progressive fungus is able to cause a lot of trouble, and the expectant mother. The vulnerability of the body during pregnancy when there is a weakening of immunity, bacteria overgrowth and hormonal disruptions, provokes the development of adhesive processes. As the growth of the fetus a woman may experience frequent pain.

Get rid of the discomfort and pain helps the treatment of folk remedies, but not always enough of such therapy. When running forms of candidiasis medicinal teas and infusions are powerless.

To determine the stage of disease and the selection is really effective means of recommended regular inspections and to be tested. The results enable physicians to make accurate and error-free destination.

Pregnant drinking pill

Especially for pregnant women diagnosed with thrush developed a lot of drugs, but not all of them are equally safe. Have contraindications and side effects, allergic reactions are possible. In such cases, the patient is prescribed topical agents (creams, ointments, candles for pregnant women).

That can be used in the first trimester of pregnancy

First trimester - is the most difficult and anxious period for expectant mothers. In the body there are serious changes, accompanied by toxemia. The appearance of the symptoms of yeast infection during pregnancy in 1 trimester is highly undesirable, but it is at the early stages of candidiasis can make itself felt. From taking antifungal drugs during this period should be abandoned. You can use ointments and creams, to be treated with folk remedies, do hygienic procedures with herbs, soda and potassium permanganate.

As for the choice of plants for the treatment, need help and advice of your doctor in this regard. In the first trimester it is better to eliminate the grass. Some of them raise the tone of the uterus, can cause miscarriage and the development of abnormalities in the fetus. Danger during pregnancy are:

  • ginseng;
  • aloe;
  • basil;
  • cloves;
  • hyssop;
  • parsley;
  • succession;
  • tansy.
herbal infusions

Useful Herbs can be used, but very carefully, in small doses and with strict doctor's permission.

In the early stages are not recommended tampons and douching. Banal carelessness can cause spontaneous abortion. At home, the better to make compresses, lotions, baths. More efficient than conventional wiping and irrigation.

What is allowed in the 2 and 3 trimester

The second and third trimester - not less responsible and important period for the future mother and actively growing fetus. It was at this time it is necessary to closely monitor the state of health, or during labor the baby may become infected with a fungal infection. Cure yeast infection for pregnant women should be under a doctor's supervision.

Refrain from sweet, walk more, avoid stress. Any preventive measures are useful, but if the later stages of thrush reminds himself familiar symptoms, immediately take action. When pronounced manifestations need professional help. If the symptoms do not cause much discomfort, try folk remedies.

pregnant smiling

yeast infection treatment during pregnancy at home in 2 trimectre and prenatal requires caution. Do not abuse syringing. This is the most effective way to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms, but problematic pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage from the procedure should be abandoned. Can replace the trays and surface treatment of the genitals.

Folk remedies: properties and recipes

If contraindications to medical drugs folk remedies are essential participants in the treatment of thrush during pregnancy. At home, you can prepare infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. They are safe, have an impact on the focus of inflammation and prevent the proliferation of fungi.

To help get rid of yeast infection during pregnancy, your doctor may recommend:

  1. Wiping carrot juice, 3% hydrogen peroxide (diluted with water), extracts of Hypericum based, celandine, yarrow.
  2. Irrigation using broths from burdock root, birch buds, juniper or diluted oregano oil.
  3. Syringing and cleaning the solution based on Potentilla and calendula.

Herbs can be used alone or doing taxes.

Folk remedies during pregnancy is used to strengthen the immune system and create an alkaline environment in the vagina, destructive fungi. The best among the medicinal plants for the treatment of thrush considered oak bark, chamomile. They form on vaginal mucosa protective layer. Thanks to the useful properties of natural antiseptics itching and burning are reduced considerably.

decoction of oak bark

If the funds are purchased in a drugstore, a detailed application information can be found on the packaging or in the instructions. recipes are very similar. Raw materials (1 glass) is filled with water (1 liter), heated, drawn and carefully filtered. Decoctions store in the refrigerator, use 1-2 times a day. After a week of treatment make a break and then repeat the procedure.

Infusions do better in a thermos. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions, pour boiled water, at least 4-5 hours and filtered.

In the treatment of yeast infections in expectant mothers well established non-plant facilities. We select the most popular:

  1. Soda. The solutions based on water and soda used for irrigation and caving. The recipe is simple: 1 tablespoon of baking soda diluted liter of water. When properly implemented, such solutions are reduced vaginal flora and prevent propagation of fungi. You can do with the addition of iodine.
  2. Honey. In the absence of allergy to bee products swabs soaked honey, inserted into the vagina for 1-2 hours. You can simply dilute the honey with water in a ratio of 1:10 and used for the treatment of inflamed mucosa.
  3. Zelenka. Affordable and budgets perfectly clears mucous from fungi and blunts symptoms. To prepare the agents blended 3% solution of peroxide and water in equal proportions, add 4 drops of green fodder. Mixture recommended external rubbing.
  4. Tar soap - a great antiseptic. His grate, diluted with water, used for baths and washing away.

In the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women, traditional medicine has proven its efficacy and safety. We should not exclude this alternative therapy. The benefits will be, especially in the early diagnosis of disease and medical control. If your gynecologist insists on taking medications, do not give up. In the treatment of the chronic phase of the popular recipes will not save the illness, only the complex therapy will protect you and your baby from complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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