Levomekol of yeast infections in women: the use of an ointment for the treatment of candidiasis

Levomekol ointment has been widely used in many fields of medicine because of the combined effect. The medicament has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating action. It is used for various skin problems. Sometimes experts appointed Levomekol from yeast.



  • Description of the drug and its effects
  • testimony
  • Application in Gynecology
  • Contraindications
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • undesirable effects
  • Pros and cons of the use of

Description of the drug and its effects

The core includes the drug chloramphenicol. Auxiliaries act Methyluracilum and polyethylene glycol.

Levomekol - powerful antibacterial agent. Furthermore, it possesses immunostimulating effect, accelerates the healing process and eliminates inflammation. With it possible to withstand pathogens, e.g. such as the fungus Candida and Staphylococcus.

Due to the presence in the composition of metiluratsila, medications can quickly remove the inflammation and significantly improve immunnitet locally. Polyethylene glycol, also part of the drug, provokes removing excess fluid from the tissue. Due to the combined effect of the ointment is effective in the fight against various bacteria.

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ointment on the finger

Applied Levomekol and thrush. With it possible to remove the major clinical manifestations of the disease and to protect against the penetration of mucous bacterial and fungal infections. At the initial stage of the disease, even it can destroy causative agent.

If thrush occurs in severe form, it resorted to a combination therapy with the use of this ointment only as an aid.

As a combination therapy administered tablets or gynecologists candles from yeast.


The drug is used in the therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The main indication is festering wounds. This problem Levomekol copes admirably. In addition, the cream rapidly reduces swelling, eliminates the inflammation and block the growth of harmful organisms. Use of a cream shown in order to restore the epithelium after cuts, wounds, joints and microcracks.

The drug is used to treat:

  • burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • suppuration;
  • warts and corns;
  • thrush;
  • bedsores.

Application in Gynecology

In gynecology ointment Levomekol widely used. Experts have resorted to its purpose in the following cases:

  • genital infections of bacterial origin (coleitis, inflammation of the ovaries, vaginitis);
  • erosion which is caused by inflammation of the vagina;
  • body gap and cervix, perineum and vagina as a result of labor;
  • infection penetration into the joints after surgery;
  • purulent inflammation in the genital area.
with Dr.

Use ointment Levomekol and thrush. For this purpose, it is impregnated cotton swabs into the vagina and is administered before bedtime. In the morning you used a swab is taken. These procedures were performed during the week.


The only, but important contraindication to the use of the drug is an idiosyncrasy its components or allergic reaction to these ingredients. To avoid unwanted complications, it is recommended before the application of an ointment to take samples from the epithelium.

For this purpose, you need to apply the minimum amount of preparation on the wrist and let stand for at least a quarter of an hour. Using ointment is allowed in the event that the result of such actions have not appeared itching and redness.

Pregnancy and lactation

This preparation has no contraindications to the use of the period of gestation and lactation. It is intended for topical use and is not able to be absorbed into the blood, respectively, had no effect on the child. Therefore, experts do not prohibit the use Levomekol during pregnancy and lactation.

baby breast feeding

In addition, this drug is often administered immediately after birth. With it possible to speed up the process of healing of fractures and joints, and also to prevent the body's defeat candidiasis after childbirth.

undesirable effects

Among the side effects are sometimes observed allergic reaction. In this case, patients such symptoms may appear as profuse discharge, severe burning, itching, and hives.

The appearance of such clinical manifestations should immediately stop using the drug and Levomekol to see a specialist in order to adjust the therapeutic course.

Pros and cons of the use of

The therapy may be used as a Levomekol of yeast infection in women, as well as other drugs of antibacterial action. For this reason, before the appointment of an ointment compared the pros and cons.

This drug has a number of advantages:

  • combined effects of;
  • minimum number of contraindications;
  • allowed to apply during the period of gestation and lactation;
  • acceptable price;
  • used in the treatment of children.

Despite the significant advantages, the tool has some drawbacks:

  • efficiency is lower than with systemic antibiotic agents;
  • Use inconvenience;
  • It is necessary to consult a specialist before starting therapy;
  • It does not exclude an allergic reaction.

Levomekol - an effective ointment, widely used in medicine. The effectiveness of its notes in the fight against thrush. More importantly, before the application of the drug to consult with the attending physician and agree on a course of treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 52
  • 152