Homeopathy for thrush in women: the effectiveness of treatment

Thrush or candidiasis is a common disease that affects many organs and body systems. Under the blow of the disease may be: in women - the vagina and vulva, in men - the glans and foreskin. Oral candidiasis and intestinal forms diagnosed in adults and in children, even newborns.

For the treatment of this disease are used as methods of traditional medicine, and homeopathic remedies are appointed. Thrush can be cured, and homeopathy can offer a range of drugs to fight it, for example, Mercurius solubilis, Natrium muriaticum, Sulfur. To learn how to apply these and other homeopathic remedies, will be discussed in the article.



  • Not to be confused with homeopathy phytotherapy
  • Homeopathy - the way of miracle to pseudoscience
  • Homeopathic remedies for candidiasis: what they look like
    • Mercurius solubilis
    • Natrium muriaticum
    • Sulfur
    • Borax (Borax veneta)
  • Recommendations for receiving medication

Not to be confused with homeopathy phytotherapy

Before we consider how candidiasis is treated, and how homeopathy can help traditional medicine, it is necessary to explain some of the features of this technique. Sometimes, for the layman is no difference between homeopathy and herbal medicine - herbal medicine. However, these methods of alternative medicine have significant differences.

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  1. Phytotherapy - is a method of curing a variety of diseases with medicinal properties of plants, while homeopathy involves use as therapeutic agents not only grass, but also minerals, insects, and animals, various microorganisms, bee venom, and snakes. To sum up, the use of homeopathy for the treatment of almost all variety of animate and inanimate nature. The basic principle is considered to be "treated like that - like".
  2. One of the main ideas of homeopathy states that creating the conditions in the body that are incompatible with the possibility of developing the disease, it can be cured. This is facilitated by the fact that homeopathic medicine is used for a long time in small doses.
  3. Another difference from homeopathy is a method of making herbal medicines. Homeopathic physician prepares them by repeated dilutions starting material. Thus, a single dose of a homeopathic medication microscopically small compared with traditional medicines or herbal remedies.
  4. Traditional medicine is skeptical of homeopathy, and considers it a pseudoscience.
  5. Phytotherapy, unlike homeopathy, recognized by official medicine. Usually, doctors prescribe to their patients use herbal medicine as supportive measures and maintenance therapy.
Figure homeopathic medicine

Homeopathy - the way of miracle to pseudoscience

Homeopathy, which appeared at the end of the XVIII century., In its history, it was accepted with delight, it becomes a pseudoscience. It is believed that by receiving homeopathic preparations can not only recover, but for ease of chronic diseases, especially in acute stage. Thus, the use of means homeopathy can substantially soften during such diseases as:

  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases.

The list of pathologies, in facilitating the flow of which can help to homeopathy, it is very wide.

Currently, homeopathic remedies are sold in the form of finished dosages in a particular composition. Such a medicament is taken in solid form (dragees) or dissolved in water.

tablets in capsules

The homeopathic treatment is so that treatment of the same disease in different people can vary significantly. Homeopath chooses medicine strictly individually, taking into account the particular condition of the whole organism. And it may also vary and the dosage and dosage regimen.

Official medicine believes that this approach to the treatment of such funds and contrary to the basic principles of modern pharmacology. After years of controversy and heated discussions between supporters of homeopathy and conventional medicine, the Russian Academy of Sciences expressed its the final point of view in a document called "Memorandum №2 from 07,022,017 a year RAN Commission to Combat Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific research. " The scientific community in Russia has recognized homeopathy pseudoscience recommended to withdraw it from the legal field of public health. Homeopathic remedies contain information will be that their effectiveness has not been proved.

Will take into account the conclusions of the Commission, what decisions will the Ministry of Health, is still unknown. But in Russia, many people hold a different opinion and has the experience of successful treatment, homeopaths. In particular, many women combine traditional medicine for the treatment of thrush with homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic remedies for candidiasis: what they look like

Candidiasis or thrush - a fungal disease that is caused by the uncontrolled multiplication of immune system Candida fungi. This pathogenic microflora is always present in the human body, but its growth is blocked immunity. In the case of weakening due to various reasons, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly, there are characteristic signs of thrush. Thrush is of several types, depending on the location of the place:

  • oral candidiasis (oral cavity affected);
  • genital (external and internal sex organs);
  • intestinal (GI tract is affected).

If by oral and intestinal candidiasis young children suffer more often (most often it diagnosed in newborns), the fungal infection of the genitals affects mainly adults women and men.

Homeopathy thrush can offer a number of drugs. These tools differ in their composition and are selected purely individual.

Mercurius solubilis

Most often, this homeopathic medicine doctors prescribed for genital form of thrush, to eliminate such its manifestations, such as:

  • redness of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs;
  • appearance of lesions;
  • itching and burning.
Mercurius solubilis

Natrium muriaticum

The main ingredient - sodium chloride. He is appointed for thrush, manifested in the form of:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • white cheesy discharge from the vagina or urethra;
  • rash on the lips and oral mucosal (at oral form).
Natrium muriaticum


The main active agent component is sulfur (in Latin - Sulfur). Advantageously used in lesions of external and internal genitals, accompanied by:

  • discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • severe itching and burning;
  • pain in lower abdomen.

It may also be applied to oral therapy when a symptomatic lesions on the lips, buccal mucosa.

Borax (Borax veneta)

The active substance - drill. This tool helps in the treatment of thrush in the case of:

  • heavy cheesy discharge;
  • itching and burning sensation in the vagina;
  • redness of the skin of the external genitalia.

We must remember that, as in the case of therapy with conventional medication, homeopathic remedies should be appointed exclusively homeopath.

Recommendations for receiving medication

Treatment for thrush homeopathy involves strict adherence to physician recommendations. They tend to change as conditions change:

  • chronic form 200 or even 1000-fold dilution;
  • acute stage: use 12 or 30-fold dilutions of the drug.

Also, changing the multiplicity of reception: from several times a day, 1-2 times a week. The course of treatment is generally about 2-3 months. Grains need to dissolve drugs for half an hour before meals.

Thus, homeopathy helps to cope with the symptoms of candida, which cause discomfort and disturb the usual way of life of the patient. Although from the point of view of official medicine homeopathy - pseudo-science, the use of these drugs for adults and children to practice positive results.

In addition to this, you can use Folk remedies for the fungus Candida. For more information, we recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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