Candles Viferon thrush

Thrush - an illness that bothers many women, including pregnant women. candidiasis virus is easily transferred to the child in the process of natural childbirth. To avoid unpleasant consequences, a doctor can prescribe suppositories Viferon thrush.



  • What is thrush
  • The main properties and characteristics of the preparation
  • Viferon during pregnancy
  • How to use a rectal suppository
  • Viferon for children

What is thrush

Thrush or candidiasis called fungal infection caused by yeast-like fungi are Candida albicans. Easy to recognize the disease by the following symptoms:

  • white and yellowish vaginal discharge cheesy consistency;
  • appearance of itching and burning;
  • rash and redness in the genital area;
  • painful intercourse;
  • painful urination;
  • unpleasant smell.

Candidiasis occurs for the following reasons:

  • failure to comply with the rules of hygiene;
  • an allergic reaction to chemicals;
  • hypothermia;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, violation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • antibiotics;
  • infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • stress;
  • hormonal failure or reorganization;
  • abuse addictions;
  • weak immunity.
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If we neglect the treatment, the disease can be transmitted to the partner and child during childbirth. Thrush is today easily and quickly treated. One of the most effective means is Viferon.

The main properties and characteristics of the preparation

Viferon represents immunomodulating preparation with a pronounced antiviral effect. It is produced in the form of suppositories which are used rectally.

Active substances are interferon alpha-2b, alpha-tocopherol acetate, ascorbic acid, vitamin E and B. They effectively kill virus cells have immunomodulating effects and normalize microflora of the vagina.

Viferon designate not only in the treatment of thrush, but also a variety of viral and venereal diseases: bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, papillomavirus infection, trichomoniasis and others.

candles viferon

Viferon candles have the following effects:

  • effective in killing viruses;
  • slow down and block virus multiplication cell;
  • neutralize pathogens;
  • restore microflora;
  • improve immunity.

Viferon during pregnancy

Candidiasis in pregnant women Women often arises hormonal changes. To get rid of the disease before birth, so that it is not passed on to infants. The use of rectal suppositories Viferon thrush during pregnancy contributes to the rapid destruction of the virus without any harm to the body.

Pregnant women are often prescribed Viferon. The drug helps to overcome a variety of viruses, including fights with cytomegalovirus infection, influenza, SARS and viral hepatitis. It is completely safe for a healthy pregnancy and baby. The main thing - to adhere to a specific application instructions.

How to use a rectal suppository

Basic rules for the application:

  1. receiving a course of 5 days. After 7 days followed by a break.
  2. The minimum interval between application - 12 hours.
  3. Candles can be used morning and evening.
  4. The preparation is suitable for basic and complex treatment.
  5. Candles should not be used in the first trimester.

The drug has no side effects, so it can be taken for pregnant and lactating women. An allergic reaction is possible only if there is intolerance to any ingredient in the formulation.

Terms of use:

  1. Rectal suppositories Viferon gently inserted into the anus. Before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the bowel and to take a shower.
  2. That they did not melt and do not lose the useful properties, they must be stored in the refrigerator. In addition, cool candles is easier and more convenient to use.
  3. For easier sliding before application can be spread suppository or anus vaseline, vegetable oil or baby oil. The main thing that was not in the vehicle which may cause skin irritation.
  4. You must lie on your side, pull your legs and bring the drug into the anus to a depth of no more than 3 cm. When you enter you can not make any sudden movements, otherwise you may injure the anus.
  5. It is recommended to use candles before going to bed. During the night, they will melt and be absorbed better.

Do not forget that before and after using the suppository is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly.

Viferon for children

If you have a newborn infectious diseases that are transmitted from the mother, the pediatricians recommend using Viferon 150000. For these purposes, use candles or ointment. The course should not exceed 5 days.

Dosage can be increased only on the recommendation of the attending physician, for example, in the case of acute infection. The preparation is suitable for combined therapy. It is proved that interferon contained in the composition, allow to reduce the side effects of antibiotics.

Viferon - one of the best, which helps to effectively eliminate yeast and its unpleasant symptoms. Due to the composition of the safe can be used for all women, including pregnant and nursing, as well as children from the first days of life.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 68
  • 135