Psychosomatics endometriosis: the causes of disease, the opinion of Louise Hay, Lise Bourbeau

Many studies confirm that human psychological state affects his health. The existence of negative factors has a direct impact on the reproductive system.

Psychosomatics and endometriosis can be closely related. It is worth considering that it is thought by leading psychologists.

a psychologist


  • Psychosomatics as science
  • psychosomatic causes
  • According to psychologists
    • Louise Hay
    • Vladimir Jikarentsev
    • Liked?
    • Yelena Guskova

Psychosomatics as science

Psychosomatics - a relatively new science that studies the impact of psycho-emotional disorders to physical condition. This term is applied both in psychology and in medicine.

Adverse psychological factors may be the cause of various diseases, including endometriosis. No one will deny that after suffering stress, a person may have a headache and increased blood pressure. Similarly, developing other illnesses.

Impaired psycho-emotional state causes a protective response in the body. In the brain triggers the production of hormones, designed to protect a person from negative factors. When their level for a long time remained elevated, developing pathology.

instagram viewer

psychosomatic causes

endometriosis Psychosomatics lies in various factors. Are important experiences of women and their perception of the world. The reason due to which the developing endometriosis, may be hiding deep in the subconscious.

Still in puberty girls body begins to prepare for full operation of the reproductive organs. These processes inherent in every woman. Menstruation begins, starts work hormones. Monthly increases endometrial layer intended for comfort of implantation of the fertilized ovum.

Many women faced with infertility caused by endometriosis. Some experts believe that the etiology of pelvic disease is often associated with violation of the psycho-emotional balance, inner fears and misperceptions the world.

For unknown reasons, in the brain there is an emotional blockage, tuning a woman against pregnancy and childbirth. Because of this lock body Conception does not occur, and the result of this condition lasting a long time is endometriosis.

Psychosomatic factors, which is a possible consequence of endometriosis, the following:

  • wrong attitude to their own sexuality;
  • non-perception of their body as a feminine;
  • fear of the upcoming birth;
  • experiences after abortion or miscarriage;
  • feeling of helplessness;
  • fear of rudeness men;
  • flagellation;
  • lack of internal balance and opportunities to realize themselves;
  • negative thoughts, emotions and many grievances;
  • a sense of frustration and fear of the future;
  • feelings of anger.

Women faced with such conditions and negative mental perception, not only prone to endometriosis, but other gynecological diseases. Because of the negative influence of stress hormones in the ovaries appear cysts, polyps, tumors. Not uncommon among women of reproductive age uterine fibroids. We have to deal with the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and many other pathologies.

negative thoughts woman

According to psychologists

Researchers have noticed that those who are satisfied with their lives, rarely faced with diseases of internal organs and lead a more active filled activities. Experts note the psychological causes of endometriosis and psychosomatics linked with the general condition of the female body.

It should examine in detail the results of observations of Louise Hay, Elena Guskova and other psychologists. This will help to assess the state of their own, to choose the right method of action.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay to basic psychosomatic factors in the development of endometriosis and uterine adenomyosis include:

  • a sense of lack of security;
  • frequent disappointment in themselves and surrounding people;
  • chronic insults and protracted conflicts;
  • reproaches of your own or someone else's address.

Matters related to the women themselves and the world around them. It is important to convince themselves of their own strength, learn to experience contentment and gratitude, notice achievements, moderately proud of them and believe in a brighter future. So it is possible to destroy the disease and improve their own health.

Vladimir Jikarentsev

Psychosomatics uterine endometriosis, according to this doctor, is also associated with a sense of security. It is important to create a comfortable and warm relations with others. You must love yourself and those who are close.

The negative state, some seek to replace the excessive consumption of sugar. This not only not solve the problem, but can also cause the disease to other organs.


Psychologist more fully describes psychosomatics uterine endometriosis. The disease Liz Bourbeau gives the following assessment:

  • since endometriosis occurs proliferation of the endometrium beyond its borders, the body tries to reproduce the reproductive structure in miniature outside the system;
  • the woman herself gives himself emotional attitude to the inability to conceive;
  • fear of pain, birth, death, blocking the woman's body and makes it unable to birth.

Getting rid of psychosomatic reasons may take time, but it will allow to cope with the "root" of the pathology. This will provide an opportunity to conceive and bear a healthy child.

think of a child

Yelena Guskova

According to Elena Guskova, psychosomatic causes of endometriosis are covered in the following:

  • dissatisfaction with his own house;
  • a feeling that the real source of comfort and convenience is in a different place;
  • lack of emotional comfort.

Fix this problem is possible only after achieving a sense of satisfaction with life and place of residence. You do not always need to move, since the reason often lies in human psychology.

To cope with abnormalities of the physical nature will be much easier if you remove the negative psychosomatic factors. This may take time, but the result is worth all the effort.

Just to check about the traditional schemes treatment of endometriosis among women.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 47
  • 188