Laparoscopy for endometriosis: subsequent pregnancy, the treatment, the possibility of relapse

diagnosed "endometriosis" when excessive growth of the endometrium. In the treatment of this pathology often resort to surgical intervention. There are several ways to perform the operation. Quite often used laparoscopy for endometriosis. This method makes it possible to diagnose and remove the lesions.

laparoscopy procedure


  • laparoscopy method
  • The use of laparoscopy
  • Diagnosis and operation
  • Contraindications
  • Endometriosis after intervention
  • How to prepare
  • The postoperative period
  • Consequences and complications
  • recovery Regulations
  • When recovering cycle
  • The probability of pregnancy

laparoscopy method

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic and one for the treatment of diseases of the abdominal cavity and the pelvic. The procedure is carried out by a special unit - a laparoscope. With a view to its introduction into the abdominal area make small punctures. Thereafter, the cavity is injected carbon dioxide and the basic tool is placed.

Often, along with the diagnosis and surgery is performed. Excision of diseased tissue is performed by means of additional devices.

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The use of laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is considered an effective way to diagnose pathology and therapy. There are a number of indications for this procedure. The use of laparoscopy in endometriosis is assigned in the following cases:

  • heavy menses, Which led to the development of anemia;
  • conservative methods have proved ineffective;
  • disease provoked the formation of ovarian cysts;
  • disease accompanied by other diseases reproductive organ;
  • infertility;
  • malignancies;
  • a history of visceral pathologies, because of which used hormone therapy can not;
  • the proliferation of the endometrium to other organs.
Indications for laparoscopy

Excision of the lesion is considered the best treatment option. After laparoscopy endometriosis need to continue to be treated with conservative methods. Only in this way will be able to avoid a relapse.

Diagnosis and operation

The method is fundamentally different from open surgery and microsurgical considered. There are two varieties of it:

  • diagnostic. Carried out to identify the localization of the lesion - genitals, appendages of the intestine. It allows to study in detail the peritoneum and pelvic organs without causing significant harm to the body;
  • therapeutic and operational. In this case, removal is carried pathological sections of the endometrium, endometrial cysts and adhesions. The recovery period after surgery is only three days.

Diagnostic laparoscopy in endometriosis of the ovaries, uterus or bowel involves pre-testing that is needed and abdominal surgery. The procedure itself is performed under general anesthesia.


Treatment of endometriosis by laparoscopy is not allowed in all cases. There are a number of conditional and absolute contraindications to the implementation of this tactic.

The girl on reception at the doctor

Minimally invasive surgery is strictly forbidden in the presence of such pathologies:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. This is due to the fact that during the procedure is introduced into the peritoneal cavity gas which can cause a spasm;
  • states in which the process of blood coagulation is slowed down, and hemophilia;
  • neoplasms of various natures;
  • violation of the diaphragm structure.

Among the relative contraindications are the following:

  • a recent cavernous surgery;
  • malignancies;
  • hepatic failure, flowing in the acute form;
  • strong inflammation in the ovaries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • overweight.

Endometriosis after intervention

Removal of affected tissue sites in several steps. Originally made punctures through which will continue to perform the operation. Thereafter, the abdominal cavity is entered gas, providing good visibility.

Puncture for laporosokpii

In one of the pinholes is placed a special tool, which is a tube equipped with a camera that transmits images to the screen. Thus conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

After identifying lesions evaluates their size and extent of the lesion. In the next step one of the puncturing tip is introduced from a laser and excised damaged areas.

After laparoscopy pain is suppressed. the next day a woman can go home already. Immediately appointed hormonal medication to prevent relapse.

No doctor can not give an absolute guarantee that the endometriosis after a while begins to grow again. This disease has not been studied thoroughly, the risk of recurrence of the disease process remains even after surgery.

How to prepare

Operation laparoscopy is performed without performing the recessed section, whereby the probability of complications rehabilitation period is greatly reduced, but, despite this, the procedure is necessary to advance prepare.

Conducting diagnosis includes delivery of analyzes and ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Mandatory step is consulting specialists - endocrinologist, internist, cardiologist. Thus we can estimate the state of women's health and to make the conclusion about whether surgery is possible. In the case of chronic pathologies with acute symptomatic treated properly.

Doctors examine the patient

In order to avoid complications in the postoperative period in the preparatory phase is assigned to hormone therapy, the duration of which is about three months. Often, it is noted a decrease in the size of the lesions. The need for a surgical procedure, respectively, eliminated.

The procedure is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Women are advised to give up the evening meal, and after waking to put a cleansing enema.

The postoperative period

The duration of the recovery period after surgery is about three days. Then the patient is under strict medical supervision on an outpatient basis over the crescent.

As a result of the operation on the body there are small seams. Their first week shoot. By this time already are ready scraping results and histological examination excised tissue.

It is worth noting that after laparoscopy in order to avoid possible complications therapy continues. Without proper treatment significantly increases the risk of recurrence.

Many women are concerned about the issue when starting month after laparoscopy? Therefore we recommend to read additional information on this issue.

Consequences and complications

The procedure is considered minimally invasive and relatively safe. Complications related to post-operative risks and are not directly linked with the laparoscopy. Among the main are the following:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • penetration of infection into the peritoneal cavity;
  • beginning adhesions;
  • bowel injury, bladder and urethra.
The girl's stomach hurts

Furthermore, it is possible recurrence of endometriosis after laparoscopy. For this reason, it is important to carry out hormone replacement therapy in the postoperative period. During manipulation of the reproductive organ is not removed, and because it does not lead to infertility. After passed course of treatment a woman has every chance conceive after endometriosis.

recovery Regulations

Typically, after the surgery the doctor immediately appoint hormonal drugs group that the patient should be taken at least three months. Also during this period should follow these recommendations:

  • live a healthy life;
  • to organize food, including in the diet of foods rich in trace elements and vitamins;
  • abandon the intimacy of one month;
  • systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist and other specialists;
  • conduct ultrasound a month later, and three months after surgery;
  • for a month not to bathe in a bath and go to the bath;
  • take a shower every day;
  • twice to measure body temperature during the day;
  • wash at least twice a day;
  • abandon aspirin;
  • not to resort to the use of tampons, douching, and;
  • Avoid excessive exercise and weight lifting.
The doctor examines the patient after surgery

When recovering cycle

In diseases of the uterus and the use of laparoscopy is often observed bleeding which is mistaken for menstruation. Particular attention to women at this time should be given to the appearance of pain and spotting, symptoms which in many respects is similar to the critical days. Such changes may indicate the development of complications.

In the postoperative period is assigned to hormonal means, and for this reason, periods may be absent for a long time. Nevertheless, the delay regulation is not always due to the operation and use of medicines. The cycle depends on a number of factors, including hormonal condition, age of the patient, and a history of other pathologies.

As a rule, changes in the menstrual cycle after the procedure does not take place, but in some cases the menses are late for several days. There may be longer and the lack thereof. The day of the intervention in this case is considered to be the beginning of the cycle.

Accordingly, the arrival of the critical days is to be expected after the usual period of time.

The probability of pregnancy

This method of excision of lesions allows to preserve reproductive function, and therefore in the future women can plan pregnancy after laparoscopy. Due to surgery on the uterus walls are formed scars, but they have no effect on the likelihood of conception. Become pregnant succeed in six months after surgery. At this point, the body has time to fully recover.

In the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis often resort to laparoscopy. This is a minimally invasive method to detect lesions and eliminate them. The method is simple and safety, but in some cases it is contraindicated. Only a doctor can evaluate the risks and decide on the need for this procedure.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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