Endometriosis in women after 40-50 years: symptoms and treatment than dangerous drugs

One of the most common pathologies in menopause - endometriosis. Symptoms and treatment of women over 40 will be different from the procedures used at an earlier age. The consequences of this disease of the uterus unpleasant, so you need time to diagnose the disease and begin treatment.

diagnosis of endometriosis


  • Symptomatology of the disease and age features
    • Endometriosis after 40 years: causes and consequences
    • Risk of complications
  • Timely and complete pathology diagnostics
  • Especially the treatment of the disease
    • Conservative treatment
    • Operative and combined techniques
  • Other practices endometriosis treatment
  • Pregnancy in disease

Symptomatology of the disease and age features

Not all women's diseases at once make themselves known. The symptomatology may be absent, and the disease manifests itself only when the pathology has progressed.

Endometriosis menopause initially asymptomatic. Distinctive manifestations, which must pay attention to a woman after 40 years, the following:

  • plentiful monthly;
  • occurrence of strong pain syndromes;
  • instagram viewer
  • dark brown discharge during menstruation;
  • flatulence reinforced in the critical days;
  • temperature rise;
  • pain when going to the toilet;
  • discomfort during intercourse.

For endometriosis is characterized by overgrowth of the endometrium - the tissue that normally lines the inside surface of the uterus. In the presence of pathological cells spread it beyond the reproductive organ. After 40-50 years, the risk of this disease increases.

Menopause does endometriosis symptoms manifest. Pain in menopause are constant or occur intermittently during the same activity. Foci are not only on the cervix, but also abroad. Because of this, symptoms of the disease can occur in different parts of the female body.

To help themselves and to protect themselves from the consequences of, a woman must understand what causes endometriosis after 40 years. Sometimes the development and progression of the disease can be prevented.

lower abdominal pain

Endometriosis after 40 years: causes and consequences

Foci of proliferating endometrial tissue can be localized not only in the reproductive system. Along with current pathological blood cell fragments are carried on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, lungs, intestines, bladder. Settling in various organs, foci formed.

During menstruation, when you change the common hormones, endometrial cells that depend on hormones, get the team to the lead out. Tissue located in the uterus and tubes, freely go along with monthly secretions. Because of endometriosis during the critical days of women notice an unusual phenomenon:

  • acute diarrhea;
  • coughing up blood;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The exact causes of this behavior of endometrial cells are not fully understood. The most powerful following factors are considered in the development of the disease:

  • low immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • transferred abortions and miscarriages.
The cause of endometriosis

Most of these factors are beginning to manifest itself in women after 40. Hormonal changes and unstable menstrual cycle are predisposing to the development of endometriosis.

Features of the disease is directly related to the level of female sex hormones. normal cycle basis provides a balance of estrogen and progesterone.

After 40 years of progesterone production declines. When estrogen stimulates growth of the endometrium, to provide favorable conditions for the implantation fertilized egg, an increase of progesterone stops the process and stimulates rejection. Hormonal imbalance leads to uncontrolled growth of endometrial tissue, including the outside of the uterus.

Risk of complications

After 40 years increases the risk not only of developing endometriosis, but also its complications. Therefore we can not ignore the symptoms appeared. Do not forget about danger of endometriosisThat it is necessary to treat.

endometriosis symptoms in menopause

Uncured inner diffuse endometriosis capable trigger the development of unpleasant consequences such as:

  • anemia due to massive blood loss during menstruation and rejection of abnormal cells in all the centers;
  • the formation of endometrial cysts;
  • foci formation external endometriosis in the pelvic organs and in any other location of the body;
  • launch of adhesive processes;
  • increasing susceptibility to cancer.

Endometriosis ottorgnuvshiesya endometrial cells attach to the surfaces of other bodies. Under the influence of hormonal levels in the next cycle begins their growth, and later, with the onset of menstruation, they were rejected again. Can be cast pathological tissues in other organs. Due to the fact that there is a rupture of the blood vessels sets in different parts of the body, anemia.

Women who have been diagnosed with diseases such as fibroids during menopause, Endometriosis or adhesions in the fallopian tubes, suffer from infertility. Condition is reversible after a thorough treatment.

Although after menopause all endometriosis symptoms may disappear, it does not mean that the disease is defeated. The damping characteristics due to the suppression of estrogen - growth hormones endometrial tissue. The treatment is still required.

Timely and complete pathology diagnostics

Endometriosis is most often develops in the early years, however, symptom bother the woman only after 40. Therefore, most of the fairer sex with this diagnosis are in premenopausal age.

woman at the doctor

A diagnosis only on the basis of their own feelings and symptoms appear dangerous, as many gynecological diseases have similar symptoms. To know all about his illness, you should consult your gynecologist and pass all examinations scheduled doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment policy - the task of the treating specialist. In most cases, the following medical procedures are assigned:

  • general and biochemical blood analysis;
  • clotting assay;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus, breast and pelvic organs;
  • thyroid;
  • laparoscopy for endometriosis;
  • histology;
  • analysis on the tumor marker CA-125.

Only after obtaining all necessary results of the study doctor can make a diagnosis and to select effective therapy. List of diagnostic procedures gynecologist determined individually based on the age and symptoms, the woman appeared.

Especially the treatment of the disease

The treatment of endometriosis in women after 40 years, has its own characteristics. To therapy produced a lasting effect, and the symptoms are not resumed after the medication again, the individual approach is important. It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the state after the start of medication. When choosing a method of treatment, the doctor takes into account whether the woman wants after 40 years to have children.

tablet in hand

The progression of endometriosis may reduce the quality of life. When tissue growth outside the reproductive system problems with the stomach and intestines. The speed and intensity of the growth of the endometrium affect the amount of menstrual flow and overall health.

Treatment is carried out by different methods. Can be used hormone pills, products for pain relief, and even surgery. therapy for women after 40-50 gynecologist determines individually, starting from the survey results.

Conservative treatment

Conservative therapy begins with the elimination of negative symptoms, which lowers the quality of life for women after 40. This may be used analgesic drugs:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Nimid;
  • analgin;
  • Ketoprofen.
analgin and ibuprofen

These medicines should not be used for a long time, as they have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. When menstruation is very painful, such medications can start to take on the day before the start of a new cycle. This helps to stop unpleasant sensations in the critical days.

The main treatments for endometriosis in women after 40 are hormonal agents. Since the growth of the endometrium depends on the level of hormones, such therapy is often effective.

During treatment specialist selects drugs that inhibit the production of sex hormones in the ovaries. Develop a condition similar to an artificial menopause. Due to the lack of estrogen the development of endometriosis is not possible. Abnormal cells do not grow, and has formed hotbeds of the disease may regress.

During menopause recovery continues long period of time. After this gap 40 can be more than six months. Normalization of hormonal balance takes an even greater length of time.

In order to reduce the possible effects of hormonal drugs, some gynecologists recommend the formulation of an intrauterine device. The product is evenly allocates the uterus necessary hormones, controlling the growth of endometrial tissue.

Operative and combined techniques

The treatment of endometriosis in women after age 50 may be carried out not only conservative medical methods. Performing surgery is required when the medication was ineffective or the woman asked for help in advanced endometriosis.

endometriosis operation

The operation is performed in the following cases:

  • there are contraindications to hormones;
  • 6 months of conservative therapy failed to produce results;
  • endometriosis greater than 3 cm in diameter;
  • severe course disease accompanied by severe bleeding.

After the surgery, be sure to use hormones. Otherwise, after handling the disease can develop again.

The operation can take place in different ways. Often simply remove abnormal endometrial tissue. To this end, a puncture is made in the abdomen and perform interventions.

After 50 or 60 years old at the time of menopause often have to resort to more radical surgery. During operation erases the uterus, ovaries, and all the centers of the expanded fabric. Subsequent hormone therapy is required.

Other practices endometriosis treatment

Some women, for fear of complications after hormone therapy or surgery, endometriosis tend to deal with traditional methods of treatment. Uterine abnormalities may lead to disastrous consequences, so before using unconventional methods is best to consult a gynecologist.

woman thinking about folk remedies

Among women over 40 have been successfully used the following therapies:

  • Internal receiving infusion upland uterus;
  • the use of elecampane, nettle and plantain;
  • use decoctions knotweed, sweet and bloodroot.

To restore the normal function of the endometrium treatment of folk remedies can be combined with drug therapy. Some prefer homeopathy, which should be used separately from the drugs.

Pregnancy in disease

Endometriosis and Pregnancy after 40 years of consistent, although the probability of conception is somewhat reduced. If a woman is suffering from infertility caused by the growth of the endometrium, after adequate treatment, well-being can be improved.

Menstruation as a result of successful treatment of the disease will soon be restored, including after 40. The cycle becomes stable, and ovulation is again beginning to happen in time. Even after surgery, the possibility of pregnancy. During the operation can be performed destruction adhesions, which improves the patency of the fallopian tubes and increasing the probability of successful conception.

Early treatment of endometriosis in women after age 40 makes it possible to preserve the health of the reproductive system, to avoid dangerous complications and carry and give birth to a healthy baby if desired.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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