How dangerous uterine endometriosis: what will be, if not treated, the consequences

The female reproductive system - structure, in which health is affected by many factors. Some gynecological diseases are a danger not only for those who wish to have children in the future. Not everyone understands what is endometriosis and how dangerous it is. Untreated pathology brings serious consequences and affect the quality of life.

endometriosis complaint


  • General information about the disease
    • The main challenges and risks
    • The causes of endometriosis
    • Kinds and forms of endometriosis
  • Accompanying illnesses
    • The development of post-hemorrhagic anemia
    • Infertility
    • Oncological diseases
  • complications of the disease
    • Hemorrhage and scarring
    • Formation of endometrial cysts
    • neurological disorders
    • The general health deterioration
    • degeneration
  • How to treat endometriosis
    • Surgical treatment of the disease

General information about the disease

Endometriosis - a pathology of the female reproductive system. In this disease, the inner layer of lining of the uterus begins to grow. The endometrium is updated every month and leave the body tissue with the menstrual flow.

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Endometriosis is dangerous because the endometrial cells divide faster than normal. With the progression of the pathology they leave the female genital system and can settle in various organs, including the bladder, liver, kidneys, causing disruption of their functions.

The consequences of endometriosis may even affect the lungs and lacrimal glands, leading to hemoptysis during menstruation and the allocation of the bloody tears.

inside bowel disease foci formation causes internal bleeding. Women often take it for the worsening of hemorrhoids.

Severe stage of the disease leads to serious violations, affecting not only the uterus, but also other organs of different systems.

The main challenges and risks

Complications of endometriosis may be as follows:

  • fallopian tube;
  • infertility;
  • higher risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy.
ectopic pregnancy

Risk of Endometriosis in the fact that there is still the likelihood of missed abortion. In addition to the complications in the reproductive system, which is undesirable for most women suffer and other organs.

Wrong level of estrogen leads to instability of the menstrual cycle. The woman may change psycho-emotional background, suffer skin and hair.

The causes of endometriosis

There is no consensus as to what triggers the development of endometriosis. There are many factors that influence the occurrence of this dangerous disease.

The main reasons that the endometrial cells grow deep into the body and its limits are as follows:

  • transferred uterine trauma;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • low immune defense;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • undergone surgical intervention on the uterus, abortion, curettage;
  • abnormally rapid growth of cell division;
  • excessive exercise.

The pathological lesions may grow to the muscular layer of the uterus, resulting in disturbed their natural location environment disease begins.

zone proliferation edometriya

Kinds and forms of endometriosis

development of the disease occurs in several stages. Allocate 2 main forms of disease:

  • inside;
  • exterior.

For internal endometriosis affects only the uterus itself. Although endometrial tissues grow, they do not go beyond the reproductive organ. When the outer shape of the flow pathological lesions are formed in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other organs. That is endometrial cells outside the normal environment.

When the therapy is not performed or used the wrong methods may require a fundamental organ removal.

From the stage of the disease depends on the intensity of the symptoms manifested:

  1. If developed endometriosis 1st degree, which is characterized by shallow germination of endometrial lesions woman may notice copious clotted, pain during sexual intercourse, malaise during critical days.
  2. For the second stage characteristic lesions increase in size, even deeper germination. Pain syndrome endometriosis become stronger, which causes a woman to take painkillers.
  3. At the third stage of the endometrium grows around the body beyond its limits: in the peritoneum, fallopian tubes. Begin adhesions, which causes pain in adjacent organs, the formation of cysts. Treatment with surgery alone.
  4. 4th degree of endometriosis - the cause of infertility. Fallopian tubes become impassable, and in particularly severe cases there is fusion of bodies.
step endometriosis

Accompanying illnesses

Endometriosis can cause disturbances in other women's reproductive organs. Progression of the disease is rapid, it is possible to prevent only a competent treatment.

The development of post-hemorrhagic anemia

Anemia develops because of severe blood loss. Endometrial layer larger than normal that during menstrual adjustment in the critical days leads to more damage of blood vessels.

Frequent and heavy monthly result in massive blood loss, and anemia. Women experience fatigue and dizziness, which is only exacerbated when external endometriosis.


The causes of infertility in endometriosis include:

  • overgrown endometrium pushes the fertilized egg outside the uterus;
  • due to the obstruction of pipes developing an ectopic pregnancy;
  • adhesions are formed, which prevents fertilization.

Endometriosis hormonal balance is disturbed, which is also important for pregnancy.


Oncological diseases

Endometriosis is dangerous only if it is not treated. While proliferation of limited outside of the uterus, the degeneration into a malignant tumor is not threatened.

The outer form of the disease, e.g. endometriosis of the cervix or endometrioid ovarian cyst, dangerous because it increases the risk of cancer by 2-3%. Timely operational cyst removal contributes to the preservation of health.

complications of the disease

Proliferation of endometrial tissue of the uterus in other reproductive organs of a woman - a common phenomenon, if the disease is not treated. It should be understood that the pathology is not only brings pain during sexual intercourse, but also able to trigger the development of more serious complications.

Hemorrhage and scarring

Penetration of the endometrium into the abdominal cavity leads to the formation of foci. The estimated days of menstruation, these cells led hormones begin to be rejected, which causes internal bleeding and inflammation.

adhesion formation in the reproductive organs gradually. Initially triggered inflammation, then increased local concentration of leukocytes, which leads to the generation of fibrin - adhesive composition.

adhesions in the pelvis

Formation of endometrial cysts

Outbreak of disease often has no exit to the outside with menstruation, it is fraught with the accumulation of cells detached by the blood inside. The cycle is repeated monthly, which leads to increased formation. Since forming cysts.

ovarian cysts in women are dangerous risk of rupture. Contact with secretions from tumors in the abdominal cavity leading to peritonitis. cyst formation can affect the functioning of the tubes and uterus. As the increasing pressure on the surrounding tissue, their food deteriorates.

neurological disorders

Impaired hormonal balance leads to emotional instability, loss of hair, chronic pain syndrome. Woman becomes nervous and irritable.

tearing her hair

The general health deterioration

Endometriosis can cause severe consequences in the female genital organs. Although the growth of the endometrium almost never causes uterine fibroids, the simultaneous existence of pathologies violates the menstrual cycle causes constant pain and discomfort during sex.


Degeneration of uterine endometriosis rarely threatened oncology. The risk of this disease increases if the endometrial tissue proliferation started in the ovaries, which can only be identified by the survey.

How to treat endometriosis

When the adverse symptoms it is important to contact your gynecologist to undergo examination. After diagnosis it may designate hormone therapy.

If you do not treat endometriosis, a high risk of infertility and other diseases. The negative consequences of feeling even those women who do not plan to have children.

Surgical treatment of the disease

If grade 3 endometriosis held surgical intervention. Surgically cleared of tumors of the uterus cavity and neighboring organs.

Timely treatment specialist will cure the disease by conservative methods - without surgery. Early treatment makes it possible to avoid the serious consequences of disease, it is important for every woman's life.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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