Jeanine endometriosis: how to make analogues of the drug

Endometriosis - a pathology, which in the development of hormone-dependent endometrial tissue begin to grow rapidly, affecting various organs of the urogenital system. The therapy of this disease are applied surgical and conservative methods. Often, women are prescribed the drug Jeanine. Instructions for use in endometriosis and adenomyosis of this medication are found in every package, but it is better before treatment consult with a physician.



  • Description of the preparation
  • Indications
  • Instructions for use
  • Efficiency Janine
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Interaction with other drugs
  • possible complications
  • Jeanine and pregnancy
  • analogs Janine

Description of the preparation

Janine - a contraceptiveWhich often is assigned for use in the process hormone therapy for endometriosis. The drug is considered to be one of the safest contraceptives. Among its main components - progesterone and estrogen. A medicine often used in the fight against various gynecological diseases.


Treatment of endometriosis Jeanine shown in the following cases:

instagram viewer
  • the presence of symptoms of the disease without laboratory confirmation tool;
  • Small forms of pathology and endometriosis in genitals, cervix, or ovary;
  • mild course of the disease;
  • symptoms of dysmenorrhea;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • prior to surgery and in the postoperative period;
  • restoring fertility.

Janine in endometriosis may be taken only on prescription.

tablet Janine

Instructions for use

With Janine drug treatment of endometriosis may be performed at different stages of disease development. Regimen of the drug at the same time chosen individually. Only a doctor can determine what will be effective, and to make recommendations on the use of hormonal agents. It is used in this form of drug release such as tablets.

Duration of treatment is not less than three months. Tablets drink for three weeks, and then make a seven-day break and continue again welcome. Jeanine between courses for a few days in women menstruation occurs.

If treatment is conducted after laparoscopy or advanced stage disease, pills take courses of 42, 64 and 84 days, between which do week break. The duration of this treatment is about a year.

Regardless of the chosen treatment dosing regimen starts with the first day of menstruation cycle. During the first week at the same time it can be assigned to the use of barrier contraceptives. During therapy, the woman will have to undergo examination by a gynecologist with an interval of three months.

Efficiency Janine

Dienogest, part of the drug, creates a barrier for testosterone and prevents further growth of the endometrium. Ethinyl estradiol promotes normal growth and development of the follicle. Due to this, Janine endometriosis helps restore menstrual cycles and eliminate the bleeding. The drug is used as in the treatment of disease and for the prevention of post surgical intervention.

In addition, pharmacological agent has the following effects on the body:

  • inhibits ovulation;
  • It creates a barrier to permeability of the cervix sperm by thickening secretion;
  • normalizes menstrual cycle;
  • suppresses pain syndrome during the regulator;
  • reduces androgen levels.
girl drinks tablet

In patients receiving medications hormonal surges do not occur and lack of ovulation. As a result, critical days do not come, pathology stops developing. Such a condition is noted during pregnancy and lactation. By using these preparation processes are created artificially, endometrium and begin to degrade.

Contraindications and side effects

Absolute contraindications to the use of the hormone drug include the following:

  • arrhythmia;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes of any type;
  • angina;
  • pathology of liver, pancreas and kidneys;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition.

Be wary of this drug should be taken in such cases:

  • irregularities in the digestive tract;
  • ulcer;
  • the tendency to form blood clots;
  • epilepsy;
  • excessively large weight;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • high blood pressure;
  • smoking;
  • disorders of lipid metabolism;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • sickle-cell anemia.

In some cases, the drug can provoke side effects:

  • deterioration of the skin and hair;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • bloating;
  • Meager menses;
  • vaginitis;
  • excessive perspiration compartment;
  • seborrhea;
  • pain in the breast;
  • increased appetite;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • noise in ears.
girl noise in the ears

Before therapy is extremely important to get a full examination and pass a series of tests on the basis of which the doctor can choose the best course of treatment. If the intake of medication marked the appearance of edema, muscle cramps, excessive pain in the hands and legs, chest, blurred vision, or vomiting, therapy should be stopped and immediately go for help doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Before combining the drug from endometriosis with other drugs, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Some of the medications can reduce the effectiveness of Jeanine and provoke bleeding outside the menstrual phase. Among the main ones are the following:

  • antibiotic agents (Penicillin, Tetracycline, Griseofulvin);
  • antituberculosis drugs (Rifampicin, Rifabutin, Ethambutol);
  • Medicaments that are assigned with HIV;
  • antiepileptics (felbamate, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin).

Also worth noting is that Janine is not compatible with the following medications:

  • macrolide antibiotics group;
  • antidepressants;
  • medicines to treat ulcers and hypertension.

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe non-hormonal treatments for endometriosis, Therefore it is advisable to read the more detailed information on this issue.

possible complications

Janine in endometriosis may be taken only on doctor's prescription. In long-term therapeutic course significantly increases the risk of breast cancer disease, cervical and liver. The drug is capable to provoke pancreatitis, migraine, decreased libido, swelling and tenderness of the breasts, excessive fatigue, blurred vision and rapid weight gain.

woman on the scales

In some cases, it noted the appearance of adverse reactions from the digestive tract. Possible pain in the peritoneum, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If an allergic reaction occurs rash, itching and swelling. In those cases, when the face of the oral contraceptives menses become abundant, it is possible the development of iron deficiency anemia.

The time intervals between courses of Jeanine testosterone levels can rise and consequently a rash, hair starts to fall, and there is increased irritability.

While taking medication is sometimes observed the appearance of spotting and uterine bleeding. Typically, these symptoms may be the initial stage of treatment.

In overdose appear side effects such as bleeding out of phase menses, vomiting and nausea.

Jeanine and pregnancy

Janine is a means of contraception during the reception is successful fertilization completely eliminated. In this case, the drug has no negative impact on reproductive function, and sometimes even contribute to its recovery. Pregnancy after receiving medicament can occur at any time.

Immediately after the abolition of oral contraceptives begins follicle development, and therefore there is the possibility of conception. Fully cycle is restored after a couple of months. If a woman while pregnant is still not possible, then you need to seek help from a doctor. The use of contraceptives is not related to the inability to fertilization. The reason lies in something else.

doctor and patient

analogs Janine

Among Janine analogues having similar structure and pharmacological effect, are the following:

  1. Diane-35. Active ingredients of the drug and act cyproterone ethinylestradiol. This is a popular substitute for Janine, also appears to be effective in controlling the endometriosis.
  2. Yarina. A medicine produced in Germany, which is considered to be a monophasic contraceptive having estrogen-progestin action. With its help it is possible to block ovulation and restore cycle and reduce the risk of bleeding.
  3. tablets Silhouette. Hungarian monophasic contraceptive group is intended to prevent ovulation and reducing androgen concentration.
  4. Dietsiklen. Combined contraceptive, in which structure there dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. The drug made use not only to prevent pregnancy, but also in the treatment of endometriosis. With it possible to suppress ovulation, shorten the duration of the regulation, to reduce painful sensations that occur during the first days of menstruation.
  5. Novinet. The combined contraceptive, among the main components of which desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. With the help of gonadotropins generation is significantly reduced, and the ovulatory process is suppressed.

Janine - a means of oral contraception, which can not only prevent pregnancy, but also positively affects the state of the reproductive system. Medication often prescribed in the case of endometriosis. Upon receiving hormonal agents pathological process in most cases suspended.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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