Spiral Mirena Endometriosis: Is it possible to set than to replace it (alternative)

Among the most common causes of endometriosis doctors call a hormonal imbalance and abortion history. Spiral Mirena endometriosis eliminates both of these problems. It maintains for the female body biologically active substances balance. Fighting disease, acting as a contraceptive.

The choice of this method of contraception and the treatment is carried out only with the consent or the advice of a gynecologist, which analyzes the health status, possible side effects and usage restrictions.

Mirena coil


  • Operating principle
  • Indications
  • Side effects and contraindications
  • The effectiveness of Mirena spiral
  • Special features
  • Can I get pregnant

Operating principle

Inside the T-shaped therapeutic helix are synthetic hormones. Mirena endometriosis continuously allocates equal doses into the uterus of biologically active substances that prevent disease spread.

Contraceptive and drug action spiral Mirena is designed for five years. During this time, hormone spiral beneficial effects on women's cycles, reducing menstrual blood loss by eliminating the painful symptoms and making monthly bleeding regular.

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Use of the drug in the initial stages of endometrial disease gives good results. Thus, producing a local effect, the spiral has far fewer side effects than the total hormonal action.


Mirena is recommended for endometriosis and other serious ailments female reproductive system, such as:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • long periods with a substantial loss of blood, which lead to anemia;
  • hyperplasia;
  • bleeding during menopause.

Also it is used in the post removal of polyps in the uterus or cervical canal.

Navy statement assigns exclusively gynecologist after a thorough examination and assessment of the state of women's health.

Side effects and contraindications

Contraindications to the use and installation of the spiral:

  • pregnancy;
  • cancers are found in any part of the body, not necessarily related to the reproductive sphere;
  • inflammation and infections of the reproductive system;
  • any organism infectious diseases in the acute form;
  • intrauterine bleeding of unknown nature;
  • various changes in the uterus.

Before installing the spiral Mirena endometriosis sure to carry out the following studies:

  • swabs for infections;
  • Ultrasound examination of the uterus;
  • bakposev from the mother channel;
  • testing for latent infection.

Diagnostic procedures are necessary to rule out the presence of contraindications to the installation of Mirena with adenomyosis.

gynecologist takes a swab

Doctors say that in the first months after the appearance of the body Navy women are often concerned about:

  • scanty bleeding isolation after setting the helix not during menstruation;
  • Lack of regular arrival of menstruation;
  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • the swelling of legs;
  • weight gain;
  • appearance on the face of excess vegetation;
  • The increased loss of hair on the head;
  • skin imperfections: acne, oily sheen.

Sometimes women feel depressed psychological state, laziness, apathy. A drug during menopause removes its unpleasant manifestations, such as sweating, frequent flushes.

Gynecologists say that the side effects of IUDs disappear by themselves within a few months after installation. Too aggressive manifestation of the above symptoms should consult a doctor to check the hormone levels in the blood. You may have to remove a means of contraception and find another way of dealing with endometriosis.

We recommend also to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the material month after the spiral.

The effectiveness of Mirena spiral

Spiral for treating endometriosis Mirena is highly effective for combating hysteromyoma and endometriosis at an early stage of development, and also provides a contraceptive effect.

Use a spiral can be after the gynecologist will evaluate the condition of the body and allow for possible contraindications and indications for use. Set Navy can only specialist.

The main advantage of hormonal agents is that six months or a year after its extraction possible conception. After this time a pregnancy occurs and the woman will be able to make a long-awaited baby.

Special features

Putting spiral can only be a doctor. Pre-woman undergoing tests listed above to exclude the presence of contraindications.

In order to avoid problems with the reproductive system, the doctor should appear next week, a month, six months after IUD insertion.

Can I get pregnant

After Mirena coil for endometriosis has served his sentence, it must be removed.

If a woman is planning to conceive, the reproductive system after removal of contraception need to be restored. Every organism needs to do his time. But on average, it takes 6 months to a year.

According to clinical studies, 80% of women have successfully become pregnant in the first year after the removal of the IUD. Therefore, it is important at this time to think about contraception if the plans have no desire to have children. After removal of Mirena, you can install a new spiral and use it for another 5 years.

holding in his hand helix
  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 64
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