Laryngitis is an inflammatory process that is localized in the submucosal and mucous layer of the trachea and throat. The cause of this disease is cold, whooping cough, measles, tonsillitis and rhinitis. Laryngitis can also be triggered by factors such as hypothermia, ligament overstrain, frequent use of hot drinks and addiction to smoking. How to cure laryngitis in a child? To eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, doctors prescribe to their patients an effective method - inhalation.
- 1 Benefits
- 2 Types
- 2.1 hydrocortisone
- 2.2 Pulmicort
- 2.3 With berodualom
- 2.4 With naftizina
- 2.5 Oil
- 2.6 with soda
- 2.7 With lasolvan
- 2.8 With cycloferon
- 2.9 adrenaline
- 2.10 With saline
- 2.11 With dexamethasone
- 3 Inhalation for children
The use of
Inhalation procedure involves inhaling the necessary portion of the drug substance with the mouth and nose. The inhaled substance can be presented as particulate matter or dissolved in water. All depends on what effect from such treatment it is necessary to receive.
The positive effect of inhalation on children and adults is achieved due to the fact that the larynx and the oropharynx are separated anatomically and physiologically. As a result of the use of rinses in the throat, no medicinal substances enter.
If a person gets a foreign object in the larynx, then a violent cough begins. It is a protective reflex that protects a person from suffocation. Steam and small aerosols do not have such an irritating effect on the larynx receptors, so they can be used for therapeutic purposes. Inhalation with laryngitis can achieve the following effect:
- dilute sputum;
- to relieve inflammation and swelling;
- soften the mucosa;
- to overcome all bacteria;
- to increase local immunity of the mucosa.
The video tells about inhalations with laryngitis:
Types of
Today, the treatment of laryngitis with the help of inhalations can occur in various ways. It all depends on what kind of medicine a doctor prescribed to the patient and what result he expects from such treatment. With laryngitis, you can do the following inhalation
With hydrocortisone
With what do inhalation with laryngitis? The most effective and popular drug remains hydrocortisone. Most often it is used in the treatment of laryngitis by inhalation by using a nebulizer. Hydrocortisone has a positive effect, and the larynx mucosa, eliminates swelling, liquefies mucus, relieves inflammation and prevents interferon from leaving the body, resulting in protective functions of the body remain in their original position.
Taking hydrocortisone, like any drug, should be done very carefully and according to the doctor's prescription. For inhalation with laryngitis, it should be dissolved in an amount of 25 ml per 3 ml of saline.
If you use Pulmicort for inhalations, you can reduce the puffiness of the larynx and bronchus. This preparation is presented in the form of a suspension, which reduces the production of sputum and saliva, reduces the reactivity of the airways. Dosage to children up to 6 months is 0.25-0.5 mg per day, adults and patients aged 1-2 mg per day.
With bardodal
This inhalation solution must be used as a preparatory or supplementary agent. Berodual has an excellent effect when combined with Lazolvan. As a result of this therapy, it is possible to expand the passages into the bronchi and quickly withdraw the sputum. The main advantage of using a medicine is that it can be used in pediatrics.
With naphthyzine
Naphthyzine is a very easy-to-use and inexpensive drug that helps to overcome swelling. As a rule, it is prescribed as a remedy for eliminating nasal congestion, but many doctors have found properties in it that can eliminate laryngitis.
Naphthyzine is a vasoconstrictive drug with a weak anti-inflammatory effect. It should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, when it is required to remove puffiness of the larynx.
With the use of oil inhalations, it is possible to create a strong protective film in the respiratory system, thanks to which the throat mucus will be protected from harmful substances. The following oils have a calming, bactericidal and wound-healing effect:
- fir;
- of the juniper;
- of lemon;
- eucalyptus;
- menthol.
Steam inhalations should be carried out over a wide bowl of boiling water. The duration of the procedure is 5-8 minutes. If the patient has vascular disorders, sleep is disturbed, there is increased excitability, then the doctor can recommend cold inhalations to him.
For manipulation, put a few drops of oil in a water bottle. After that, take a few breaths, lifting the vessel to the nose.
With soda
Soda is a product with multiple functions. It can alleviate the patient's condition in the presence of various ailments. If you carry out inhalations with soda with laryngitis, then you can add healing herbs, salt.
For a more comfortable process, it is worth making a tube of thick paper, take it in your mouth and inhale the steam in your throat. To prepare a soda solution, take ½ dessert spoon and dissolve in a glass of water.
lazolvan. Carnival can be produced in various forms: tablets, syrup and solution. The latter form is actively used for inhalation with laryngitis. If this treatment is used by small patients, then it will be an excellent substitute for many drugs that contain ambroxol, sodium chloride, citric acid.
The main advantage of this drug is that it has a quick effect. Produced by inhalation droplets, begin to instantaneously settle on the walls of the bronchi and effectively stimulate the formation of sputum. Progressive movements of the epithelium under the influence of Lazolvana contribute to the rapid advancement of phlegm to the exit.
With cyclophorone
This drug belongs to immunomodulators that are actively used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in such a disease as acute laryngitis.
Cycloferon is not a special preparation for inhalations. It is used for injections. But in practice, there have been cases of positive effects of the drug during inhalation. For these purposes, take ½ ampoule of the drug and dilute it in 4 ml of saline. The number of treatment procedures should be 1 per day. Therapeutic course - 10 days. After the inhalation after a couple of hours, the patient may experience a slight rise in temperature.
With adrenaline
This kind of inhalation will allow the patient to provide emergency help with a strong puffiness of the larynx. The reason is that adrenaline is a powerful antiallergic agent. It is advisable to use it during severe attacks of coughing.
With saline solution
When using saline solution, it is possible to restore the mucous membrane. For this reason, this drug is in great demand in the treatment of cough, cold. To activate saline is allowed in the acute phase of the disease and at the time of recovery in order to speed up this process.
With dexamethasone
Inhalation procedures with dexamethasone are allowed for adults. As for children, it is only necessary to apply such treatment in extreme cases, when acute inflammatory processes take place. The presented medicine refers to hormonal, therefore it is not recommended to carry out inhalations more often than a week.
Inhalation for children
To carry out similar treatment of laryngitis in small patients it is possible using the following methods:
- Using a container filled with medicines and preparations.
- Using a conventional teapot, which has a narrow and long spout.
- With the help of a special device - an inhaler and a nebulizer.
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Reviews on the use of Flemoxin Solutab in angina: http: // flemoksin-solyutab-pri-angine.html.
Here it is possible to read whether furatsilin helps with angina.
For accurate determination with the method of treatment and drug, it is necessary to take into account the nature and form of the disease, the age of the baby, the presence of chronic diseases, hereditary and allergic reactions. If you use a nebulizer for inhalations, you can significantly shorten the course of the pathological process. And you can use the device even while the child sleeps.
For the implementation of steam inhalations it is necessary to use not only medicines, but also decoctions of medicinal herbs and fruits, add essential oils. Then you will be able to strengthen the procedure.
Whichever variant of inhalation you choose, before using it, consult with a specialist. Only he will be able to identify the "weak spots" of the child and prescribe him a treatment, taking into account individual characteristics.
The link describes treatment of laryngitis folk remedies in children. Treatment of laryngitis is a very complex and lengthy process. Very positive effect on the process of recovery of inhalation. Various medicines, herbs and oils can be used for their carrying out. Everything depends on the form of the disease and the way the inhalation procedures are performed. Perhaps you will also benefit from information on the treatment of loss of voice with laryngitis. Under the link it is possible to read, is contagious or a laryngitis?