Endometriosis highlight: brown spotting, white, bloody

Endometriosis - a very serious disease of the female reproductive system, in which the displacement of endometrial pathology occurs. Can be affected with the uterus adjacent organs, tissue, lymph nodes, and cervix. And that's allocation of endometriosis, as well as in cervical diseases before other signs indicate the emergence of the disease.



  • Symptoms of endometriosis
    • When it appears allocation endometriosis
    • Allocation of the menstrual period
    • intermenstrual discharge
  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle
    • Gipomenoreya amenorrhea and endometriosis
    • painful periods
  • treatment of the disease
    • How to stop bleeding

Symptoms of endometriosis

If time does not cure the disease, it will lead to infertility, anemia, neuralgia, cancer. Isolation of the uterus endometriosis can vary in flavor, color and consistency. It is therefore important to understand which of them correspond to a healthy body, and under what should listen to inner feelings and consult with a specialist.

When it appears allocation endometriosis

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In this disease, an inner layer of the uterus (Ie, the endometrium) grows beyond the usual limits of its location. This may be the cervix, ovaries, urinary bladder muscle layers or genitals. The causes of the disease is considered a hormonal failure and a sharp decline in immunity.

In a normal body under the influence of hormones to the end of the menstrual cycle exfoliate old lining of the uterus - and start menstruating. But because of the proliferation of abnormal endometrial tissue can be separated and on the other days of the cycle. Therefore spotting - a sign of the development of this disease.

In this secret, which is characteristic for the disease it appears already when sprawling inner layer uterus begins to detach and bleed, while in non-smoking female parts body.

blood in endometriosis

Rejection can cause:

  1. Mechanical trauma to the walls of the mucosa internal genitals during sex.
  2. Allocation after examination by a gynecologist.
  3. Urination or bowel movements, if endometriosis struck these bodies.
  4. Excessive exercise.
  5. Jar of Hearts.

If the uterus accumulates a large amount of mucus, it can come out spontaneously. Therefore, in addition to any spotting cycle period endometriosis may be the cause of spontaneous bleeding.

Often started intermenstrual rejection blood is extremely difficult to stop yourself. Resorting to hormones, medication and special procedures. In order to not communicate, you need at least 1-2 times a year to visit the gynecologist and do ultrasound genitals. Timely detection of the disease is much easier to cure.

examination by a gynecologist

Allocation of the menstrual period

By the nature of menstrual blood can be separated to determine the presence and stage of the disease. Endometriosis month are:

  1. Significant volume. With the development of the disease increased blood loss.
  2. Selection with black and dark red. Blood at the heavy period does not have time to oxidize and acquire normal red. Having a dedicated chocolate color - one of the most striking signs of the disease.
  3. Protracted. secretion Rejection continues to 7 days.
  4. With more viscous and mucus clots.

In some cases, when the endometrium penetrates the ovaries, monthly, on the contrary, become scarce and spreadable, and it ceases to be a regular cycle.

At such times, a woman operability is greatly reduced. When detected at these symptoms should go to the doctor in time to capture the development of the disease at an earlier period. In the later stages of the disease progression require surgery.

intermenstrual discharge

Such allocation may occur mid-cycle, regardless of the occurrence of critical days. However, they differ significantly from the monthly, has its own peculiarities, such as:

  • Brown color;
  • viscous consistency;
  • mixture of mucus and blood clots;
  • repellent smell;
  • anointing nature of the discharge.
brown allocation endometriosis

If endometriosis is exacerbated by inflammation, the secret will be very bad smell and have blotches green slime.

A large number of colorless or white mucus secretions is added to brown in the case of endometriosis affects muscle, lymph nodes and vessels. They may be amplified after sexual contact, or at a voltage of abdominal muscles, for example during defecation.

As with menstruation, such a bloody secretion is accompanied by a painful condition in the pelvis or lumbar area.

Disruptions in the menstrual cycle

System delay menstruation endometriosis - a frequent occurrence, so if a woman from month to month can not wait for the time of menstruation - is a serious reason to see a doctor. This is the case for any of these reasons:

  • gametes need more time to mature;
  • malfunction of the ovaries;
  • on the background of hormonal imbalance endometrium grows in the cervical region and prevents the outflow of menstrual flow.

Other women with this diagnosis, in contrast, bleeding occur several times during the month, which is not correct, because the egg is not matured and is not alienated so often. In this case, estrogen is produced in much larger quantities than progesterone, which does not happen in a normally functioning organism. This may affect reproductive function.

the doctor talks about the menstrual cycle

Gipomenoreya amenorrhea and endometriosis

The nature of menses in women with endometriosis manifests itself in different ways. It all depends on:

  • on the characteristics of the body;
  • stage of the disease;
  • pathology placement.

Gipomenoreya - is an abnormal condition of the body, which is characterized by scanty menstrual flow as a result of proliferation of the uterine mucosa. Such a symptom of endometriosis is uncommon, but it happens when the disease affects the vagina and the outer layer of the uterus. Thus possible bleeding and other periods of the cycle.

Amenorrhea - a violation of menstruation, in which women of childbearing age do not occur in the critical days for 6 months or more. So what happens with endometriosis when there is a malfunction of the appendages. In this case, the ovaries cease to produce germ cells, which leads to further breakdown of the hormonal balance in the body. At the same time pain occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back.

In the case of prolonged absence of menstruation should be screened for an ectopic pregnancy, which increases the probability of occurrence of endometriosis.

ectopic pregnancy

painful periods

Pain during menstruation are due to rejection overgrown endometrium. They are aching, stabbing or resemble battle. The intensity is different, too. Soreness may suddenly grow and disappear quickly or last for the entire period of menstruation.

At the beginning of the disease the pain is periodic, and becomes continuous with the growth of the endometrium. Malaise continues not only during menstruation, but also after it. And if not for a long time to treat the pathology, it increases the risk of the underlying inflammation, the formation of cancer cells and infertility.

To get rid of pain in the critical days, you have to be examined and to fight the disease.

treatment of the disease

Since the disease can be managed at any stage. At the beginning of the treatment of endometriosis, the disease can be carried out:

  • The drug for strengthening blood vessels;
  • medicines that increase blood clotting;
  • antiinflammatory agents;
  • the influence of hormones.
Girl drinking pill

It is desirable to capture the disease at an early stage of development, when the symptoms are just beginning to emerge, and not wait for frequent heavy blood loss. After all, the disease not only impairs the well-being women, but also leads to infertility.

How to stop bleeding

If abundant brown discharge for a long time does not stop with endometriosis, it is an occasion seek emergency medical help. In that case, when the gasket is impregnated with less than 2 hours, an urgent need to see a doctor.

To stop the bleeding needs help of qualified professionals. You should not self-medicate in such a serious situation, because it threatens not only health, but a woman's life.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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