How to stop the bleeding of endometriosis in the home: the most effective ways

As a result of an imbalance of hormones and a sharp decline in the body's resistance to disease and infection is a shift of the endometrium in other organs and tissues that are not intended for this purpose. Endometriosis is often accompanied by bleeding, similar to the abundant painful menstruation.

Women suffering from this disease, you need to know how to stop the bleeding of endometriosis.

girl and a drop of blood


  • The causes of uterine bleeding
    • Bleeding at various kinds of endometriosis
    • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Ways to stop bleeding
    • Drug elimination
    • Surgery
    • folk
  • prevention

The causes of uterine bleeding

If a woman knows the cause of concern to its non-cyclic abnormal bleeding from the genital tract, and know how they stop, then it will be easier to cope with the problem.

Endometriosis is often the culprit of occurrence of bloody secretions are:

  • reduction of pituitary hormone progesterone;
  • Canceled ovulation;
  • increase in secretion of estrogen;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • proliferation of lesions and their long-term rejection.

Common causes of endometriosis and bleeding when it often become:

instagram viewer
  • surgery in a woman's genitals (abortion, surgery, obstructed labor);
  • frequent inflammation;
  • uterine fibroids endometriosis;
  • smoking, abuse of strong liquor;
  • violation of the endocrine glands.
The cause of endometriosis

All this together with reduced immunity provides a fertile ground for the growth of the inner layer of the uterus and heavy menstrual flow.

Bleeding at various kinds of endometriosis

Doctors emphasize the dependence of the nature of the bleeding localization overgrown endometrium. The peculiarities of pre-discharge physician can diagnose and paint treatment, without waiting for test results.

Internal genital endometriosis is characterized by painful periods longer than a week.

In the propagation of endometrial cells on the outer layer of the uterus is also observed prolonged periods. To these are added the arbitrary allocation of blood in other periods of the cycle and during intercourse. In this case, a woman can often experience pain and discomfort while having sex. For large blood losses appear lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, frequent dizziness.

It is not always the case with endometriosis uterine bleeding. In the case of extragenital type of this disease there are other affected organs bleed. Bloody sputum may leave the lungs by coughing or bowel, sometimes too liberally.

cough with blood

Diagnosis and treatment

The most meaningful and reliable methods of detection of this disease are:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy;
  • diagnostic scraping the uterine cavity hyperplasia;
  • cervicoscopy.

As a further method of diagnosing method using ultrasound.

For accurate assessment of the woman's doctor it is also important to examine the patient and to get answers to specific questions about symptoms.

To eliminate bleeding of endometriosis, women prescribed complex treatment aimed at fighting disease:

  • hormones;
  • antiinflammatory agents;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • surgical intervention;
  • immunomodulators;
  • vitamins and antioxidants.
girl drinks tablet

Getting to the treatment of this insidious disease, we must remember that the treatment will last for at least 6-7 months. That's how much time is needed to achieve sustainable recovery results.

Ways to stop bleeding

In endometriosis bleeding stopped by surgical or hormonal means. And the use of hemostatic drugs only without the knowledge of the doctor will result in a blood concentration in the affected organ and aggravate the situation further and inflammation.

Any other ways to eliminate bleeding endometriosis disease can help relieve pain and eliminate the symptoms, but does not solve the problem. Therefore, the treatment of this serious disease is carried out only under the supervision of a gynecologist and as part of combination therapy.

Drug elimination

With abundant pouring uterine bleeding, which satellites are cramps, lightheadedness, and high temperature, it is necessary to call an ambulance immediately. Until the doctor arrived, you can drink a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (diclofenac, ibuprofen) and Hemostatic agents (Alfit-8 Tranexam, Vikasol, aminocaproic acid, Dicynonum, Oxytocin, Askorutin). Medicaments contribute to relieve pain, seizures, and eliminating the temporary stop bleeding.

While waiting for the doctor, you should lie down and raise the legs up. On the stomach is necessary to put ice and dehydration fill frequent drinking.

ice on her stomach

In identifying endometriosis in women therapy is conducted with the help of:

  1. Hormonal agents that reduce estrogen levels. They also relieve pain and not allowed to develop profuse uterine bleeding. These include Buserelin, leuprorelin.
  2. Oral contraceptives. After a month of using tablets reduced pain during menstruation, reducing the amount of non-recurrent uterine bleeding. Most often prescribe Janine, Regulon Novinet, Ovidon, Marvelon, Diane-35, Non-Ovlon.
  3. Steroid agents. Such drugs are dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription from a doctor. With their help, you can get rid of bleeding in the middle of the cycle and stop the proliferation of the endometrium.

Independently appoint a similar drug is very dangerous, as each group of drug has some serious side effects.

You need to know any representative of the fairer sex, which drug to drink, once to stop the sudden onset of profuse blood rejection. And yet, the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. A starting therapy, must be treated until complete healing. It is important to realize that every woman needs different time to heal. It depends on the individual.


For surgical treatment resorted to in case of:

  • excessive bleeding, life-threatening;
  • If drug therapy does not work for a long time.
kriodistruktsiya endometriosis

These methods include:

  1. Scraping. Such a way of dealing with endometriosis is suitable for women of any age and has no contraindications. Upon removal of the uterus hyperplasia foci of any strong painful rejection of blood quickly stops. The operation is performed under general anesthesia for 15-20 minutes.
  2. cryodestruction method. It involves cauterizing lesions with liquid nitrogen.
  3. Ablation. Doctor electrocautery or laser vaporizes the endometrium with a body surface. The method is not suitable nulliparous girls.

In extreme cases, surgery is performed to remove the uterus. Such a procedure is proposed adult women who have children and is not planning to give birth in the future. After surgery, hormonal therapy is shown.

What method of treatment the doctor chooses will depend on the location of the place of endometriosis, bleeding strength and physical condition of the woman.


Since ancient times to deal with bleeding endometriosis used traditional medicines:

  1. A decoction of the bark and fruit of viburnum. It is drunk for the narrowing of blood vessels, relieving pain and blood stop at home.
  2. The infusion of dried nettle. It increases blood viscosity and enhances the capillary walls.
  3. Strong tea of ​​yarrow. Mainly used for the purpose of prevention of bleeding.
  4. Decoction of shepherd's purse. It possesses hemostatic properties due to contractions of the uterus and an increase in its tone.
decoction of shepherd's purse

Also to cope with bleeding and relieve inflammation capable juice of plantain leaves and tea with raspberry leaves. And help boost immunity tincture of ginseng root, echinacea, St. John's Wort and Rhodiola rosea, frequent consumption of sea-buckthorn berries.

These traditional methods people fled from bleeding in the old days when it was not possible to see a doctor. We must understand that while life expectancy was shorter, and higher mortality. Herbs in the treatment of endometriosis can be used, but only as an addition to primary therapy, and with the consent of the attending physician who is familiar with the peculiarities of the female organism.

The use of decoctions and infusions can also have serious side effects. Helping to cope with the disease, they can cause and harm to the body.


To the risk of endometriosis and its accompanying uterine bleeding was minimal, it is necessary to:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, sleep around 9 hours a day, to avoid the emotional overload, often go outdoors.
  2. With frequent stress to take sedatives.
  3. 2 Drink a multivitamin once a year.
  4. Regularly go for a visit to the gynecologist. If the time to notice the disease symptoms, get rid of the disease in its very early it will be much easier.
  5. Taking hormones as a means of contraception.
  6. Avoid abortions and other surgical procedures in the genitals. And if it has already occurred, most often seen in the antenatal clinic, especially in the menstrual function.
  7. Upon detection of gynecological diseases in the acute or chronic form through the entire course of treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Timely detection of problems and a holistic approach to therapy to help restore women's health and preserve the reproductive function.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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