Duphaston endometriosis: how to make (instruction), can I drink during menstruation

Doctors frequently prescribe medication Duphaston endometriosis. This is due to the fact that hormonal agent is able to eliminate the cause of the disease and its consequences. After the end of therapy in women has a chance of becoming pregnant.

Open box Djufaston


  • What is Duphaston
  • How to take in endometriosis
    • Standard treatment of endometrial pathology using duphaston
    • Endometriosis treatment for pregnancy planning
  • Indications for use
    • Reception during pregnancy
    • Application duphaston in menopause
    • Use of the drug in the complex therapy
  • The effect of the reception duphaston
  • Contraindications and side effects

What is Duphaston

Duphaston is a hormonal preparations, which included there is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, the following functions:

  • cessation of menstruation cycle in the event of successful fertilization;
  • attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the genitals;
  • preventing muscle contractions;
  • stimulation of the accumulation of fatty tissue;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • taking part in the formation of tissues.
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Accordingly, medications taken during pregnancy planning, since its offensive in order to prevent the development of complications and for the treatment of infertility. It used in hormone replacement therapy Djufaston in the case of diagnosis of endometriosis.

How to take in endometriosis

at treatment of endometriosis Djufaston estrogen and androgen synthesis is suppressed, and the concentration of progesterone, which is the basis of a medicament increases. In this process of childbearing body return to normal, the endometrium is reduced and ceases to expand, whereupon menses becoming scarce, and pain is suppressed.

Progesterone as a part duphaston

The instructions for use of said treatment regimen that directly depends on the stage of development of the pathology and ultimate goal. When complicated shape and the presence of concomitant diseases drug dosage becomes larger than in case of treatment in the step of endometriosis.

Standard treatment of endometrial pathology using duphaston

The course of treatment pathologies begin on the 5th day of menstrual cycle and ends on the 25th day. If the disease is in the initial stage of development, the dosage duphaston endometriosis - only one tablet. You need to take the medicine three times a day. Also, your doctor may prescribe a course from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

In a complicated course of the disease the drug is prescribed in an increased amount. The dosage is chosen on an individual basis taking into account the full clinical picture and history features.

The duration of therapy depends on the characteristics of the female organism and the scale of destruction. Often the course takes about six months.

Endometriosis treatment for pregnancy planning

Quite often, the cause of infertility is abnormal proliferation of the endometrium. Accordingly, if you wish to become pregnant woman must first get rid of endometriosis. The dosage regimen with pharmacological agent will vary significantly. Therapy is aimed at creating a favorable background of hormones, which can be achieved at the expense of progesterone in the composition of the drug.

Scheme application duphaston

When planning a pregnancy, treatment is initiated during ovulation. If the gap between Regulus is 28 days, the reception appointed for the 15th day since the arrival of menstruation. Twice a day the patient drinks two tablets 12 hours apart. The course lasts until conception.

Indications for use

Solution physicians to prescribe a drug taking the treatment of endometriosis, irregular discharges during the critical days bleeding outside the period of menstruation, the pronounced premenstrual syndrome, infertility and lack of concentration progesterone. In the case of a threat of miscarriage during pregnancy Duphaston it is also recommended to use, but for a different scheme.

Reception during pregnancy

Often, experts recommend taking the drug after successful fertilization in order to maintain normal levels of the female sex hormone. Means at this drink twice daily inteval in 12 hours.

If there are threats of miscarriage once drink four tablets, and then take one every eight hours. Therapy is stopped after the disappearance of symptoms of anxiety and return to the normal pattern.

Application duphaston in menopause

AT during the onset of menopause pathology more often than not shown a bright clinical picture. This is due to the cessation of ovarian function and the insufficient number of female hormone. Lesions continue to grow.

Changes in menopause

In such situations, doctors resort to duphaston purpose. The drug conducive to neutralize estrogen and inhibits the division of cells of the endometrium. In addition to being grown up outside the childbearing body tissues become thinner, and sometimes disappear altogether. Uterine fibroids, which accompanies endometriosis, is also assigned to this hormonal agent.

Use of the drug in the complex therapy

In the treatment of endometriosis and infertility maximum effect can be achieved in the case of duphaston in integrated treatment. In this case, the woman should take turns several varieties of hormonal medications. The scheme is selected after determining the level of progesterone in the blood and scope lesion.

Standard treatment involves a two-week medication, at the heart of which contain estrogen. Thereafter, the drug use is stopped, and instead start drinking two tablets duphaston a day for 14 days. Keeping such a sequence, therapy was continued until full recovery. Typically, this involves a long period of time.

It should be noted that the intake of medicines successful fertilization during the treatment becomes impossible. Accordingly, an integrated approach is not used when planning a pregnancy.

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The effect of the reception duphaston

Among the main actions to be addressed drug, are the following:

  • effects on functional ovarian activity to suppress the synthesis of estrogens and stimulation of progesterone;
  • prevention of endometrial proliferation;
  • formations inhibition of growth in muscle tissue.

In the treatment of endometriosis is likely to result would be positive. The reason is that cell division is stopped and the affected area after being replaced by healthy tissue. The maximum effect can be achieved during therapy in the early stages of the disease.

When running the form pathology hormonal treatment is often not enough, and then you need surgery.

Medications are also used as a preventive measure. The drug helps to neutralize the impact of prostaglandins, blood circulation in the genital organs and triggering excessive uterine muscle tissue. The drug reduces the intensity of menstrual bleeding. Against the background of his admission skin conditions improved, and irritability disappears.

The medicament is also used as a means of contraception and in the treatment of infertility. If the problem conceiving is in violation of hormonal background, the Djufaston quickly cope with this. During pregnancy, it is prescribed in the case of threatened miscarriage.

Efficiency duphaston

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is considered safe, for this reason it is prescribed to women of all ages. Use the medication and pregnancy. However, the list of contraindications to its use still is:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • renal failure, flowing in the chronic form;
  • the tendency to form blood clots;
  • lactation;
  • myoma submikoznogo type;
  • pronounced extragenital endometriosis.

It is imperative before starting the use of hormonal agents pass a comprehensive examination in order to identify contraindications. Only then can you start therapy.

Duphaston has a soft, gentle effect on a woman's body and does not affect the state of the liver and important processes. Nevertheless, at the background of its application may experience side effects. Among the main are the following:

  • excessive sensitivity and appearance of breast pain in this area;
  • migraine;
  • swelling;
  • hives;
  • Angioedema;
  • uterine bleeding.

Allocation after duphaston It may take an unusual character, so for more information for more information on this topic.

The drug is effective Djufaston hormonal agents used for contraception, when threatened abortion, as well as in the therapy of endometriosis and infertility. The drug has a high efficiency and is considered relatively safe. Despite this, it can be taken only on prescription. Self can lead to deterioration.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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