Dining with endometriosis, adenomyosis: diet menus

Proper nutrition for endometriosis is of great importance. Conservative treatments are more effective if they reinforce the right to the body products. Unhealthy food at the same time is able to make the situation worse.

Girl and vegetables


  • symptomatology of endometriosis
  • food rules
  • Healthy foods
  • Fasting and raw food
  • Overeating
  • What you need to exclude
  • Sample menu
  • athletics

symptomatology of endometriosis

Endometriosis - a pathology in which there is excessive growth of genitals mucosal tissue. The reason for its occurrence lies in hormonal disorders and immunosuppression. The ovaries begin to produce excessive amounts of estrogen and progesterone synthesis is inhibited. The consequence of this division becomes active endometrial cells.

The main clinical symptoms of endometriosis They are as follows:

  • pain in women in the pelvic area. They may have a different location and different character;
  • pronounced pain in the first few days of menstruation;
  • discomfort with intimacy;
  • increase the volume of lost blood during the critical days;
  • menses are prolonged;
  • dizziness and fatigue.
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Pathology requires timely therapy. Diet uterine endometriosis helps eliminate clinical symptoms and improving health. Proper diet can accelerate the process of therapy and prevent serious complications.

How to eat in endometriosis: what can and can not

food rules

Power uterine endometriosis should be directed at reducing the levels of estrogen and stabilization of body weight. Food is recommended to take small portions and at least five times a day. It is imperative at this consume enough fluids. Of particular importance are foods that contain a lot of minerals and vitamins.

Thanks to a balanced diet is possible to normalize the carbon, oxygen and water balance, which in turn positively affect the condition of the body.

Healthy foods

A diet with endometriosis does not imply complete starvation. Need to eat properly, to include in the diet of healthy foods, the task of which is to strengthen the production of progesterone. In the first place when it is necessary to pay attention to plant foods. Every day should be consumed at least 300 grams.

Per day allowed to eat up to 200 grams of meat and sea fish is possible only once a week. It is imperative that the sources of dietary fiber have been added to the menu. Mustard, broccoli and cabbage with proper nutrition helps to stop the production of estrogen.

Useful for endometriosis as fruits and vegetables, herbs, unrefined cereals and bread with bran, which contain fiber. With their help it is possible to reduce the severity of symptoms. Excessive intake of these products also capable cause constipation. Fiber helps to normalize digestion. That its use has been balanced, it is necessary to include in the menu grains and brown rice.

Food on the table

energy sources are considered oat and wheat bran. They help regulate the concentration of fatty acids and cholesterol. It is imperative that the omega 3 acids present in the diet, stimulating metabolism. They are found in nuts, vegetable oil, fatty fish, and pumpkin seeds.

Thus, in the list of useful products include:

  • lean meats;
  • barley, oats and buckwheat porridge;
  • bakery products, meal;
  • dairy products, in particular cheese;
  • teas and tea-based wild rose;
  • Red pepper;
  • leafy vegetables are dark green in color;
  • lentils and beans;
  • beans and peas;
  • Berries red and purple;
  • celery, parsley and fennel.

Fasting and raw food

Fasting during therapy is popular among women who resort to unconventional therapies. Such a method is not for everyone. It is extremely important to consult a physician before using such drastic measures.

She refuses to eat

The effectiveness of the diet, where only introduced into the diet of raw foods is higher. The main thing that turned out to be a sufficient number of plant foods and fiber to the menu. It will also need to seek help from a doctor. Not in all cases, such a diet may be used.


No matter what kind of diet is chosen, it is strictly forbidden to overeat. This is due primarily to the fact that the use of food excess amount of harmful toxins in the body increases greatly. Reduce their concentration by using vitamin E, which is contained in a vegetable oil.

Besides, overeating contributes to estrogen levels, and accordingly, worsening the situation. It is noted that an excessively fatty foods can affect the hormonal balance.

For this reason, care must be taken to ensure that the food was not only balanced, but also low-calorie.

What you need to exclude

A diet with endometriosis involves not only the introduction of the diet of healthy foods, but also to avoid harmful. Intensive production of estrogens noted in the excessive use of animal fats, but due to the fact that these substances are involved in metabolic processes, completely abandon them it is impossible.

Harmful and useful products for endometriosis

You must exclude the following products:

  • red meat and fat;
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • fatty cheese varieties;
  • mayonnaise;
  • butter;
  • eggs;
  • cakes - they contain phytic acid reinforcing severity of clinical manifestations of disease;
  • pastries, bread and pasta;
  • coffee, strong tea and all the products that have caffeine;
  • soybeans;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • semi-finished products.

It should be noted that certain fruits and vegetables consumed in endometriosis is not desirable. Among them, pomegranate, citrus, yams, carrots and spinach. Should also avoid wheat products. Takeout need of flour, wheat groats, sugar and honey. They can lead to the development of inflammation and create an acidic environment in which the pathological process is accelerated. It is recommended to avoid products containing refined flour. This is due to the fact that in them is practically no nutritional value.

Sample menu

Diet has a direct effect on the hormones. Certain foods can affect the production of hormones and antioxidants it contains help to eliminate pathological formations.

A woman should include in your menu a maximum of products enriched with vitamins and trace elements, and namely green leafy salads, lean meat, zucchini, beets, sweet red peppers and all sorts berries.

Girl eating vegetable salad

Sample menu is as follows:

  1. Breakfast. Boiled water buckwheat, baked fish and vegetables, tea, herbal and bread made from whole grains.
  2. Lunch. Plain yogurt and fruit.
  3. Dinner. Potatoes boiled, chicken, steamed, salad with fresh vegetables and floral (preferably linseed) oil.
  4. Afternoon tea. Fruit salad or vegetables and seafood.
  5. Dinner. Steamed rice with vegetables.
  6. Before bedtime. A glass of low-fat yogurt.


Uterine diseases contraindicated excessive exercise, but it does not mean you have to completely abandon sports in endometriosis.

Moderate activity leads to a reduction of estrogen concentrations and improve the general state of the organism.

In the morning it is recommended to do gymnastics, in which dynamic exercises should be included. Positive impact running in place and walking at a slow pace.

Girl doing exercises

It is worth noting that all the exercises that promote blood flow to exclude endometriosis pelvic area. For this reason, you should avoid these activities:

  • the use of the weighting;
  • stranding;
  • jogging;
  • Rotation of the hoop;
  • lifting weights.

Considered the safest yoga, swimming and Pilates. In this case, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Avoid mechanical impact on the organs of the urogenital system;
  • not to resort to breathing practices;
  • use technology to facilitate the suppression of pain and improve the general condition.

The diet in the treatment of endometriosis is of great importance. With proper organization of power can be quickly restore hormonal balance and stop the intensive production of estrogen. Thus pathological process is suspended, improved health and clinical manifestations become less pronounced. Drug therapy is effective.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 36
  • 163