Pregnancy and uterine adenomyosis: can you get pregnant

Adenomyosis - a pathology, the development of which the endometrium grows in thickness of the wall of the uterus. Against the background of the disease in the body there are certain changes that affect the reproductive system. For this reason, pregnancy and adenomyosis are often considered mutually exclusive. The disease is quite often leads to infertility.

pregnant and the doctor


  • The concept of adenomyosis
  • Causes of
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • adenomyosis treatment
  • Pregnancy after treatment
  • How to Get pregnant
  • pregnancy Features
  • problems of gestation
  • IVF with adenomyosis
  • Genera with adenomyosis
  • puerperium

The concept of adenomyosis

To understand whether a pregnancy with uterine adenomyosis may need to understand the essence of this pathology and the principles of its development.

The uterus is composed of several layers. The first is the perimeter, which is bordered by the peritoneum. The following acts after the myometrium. It performs the contractile function. The uppermost layer, performing the role of the soil for the egg, called the endometrium. In the absence of fertilization, it is peeled and updated. This process is observed on a monthly basis.

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Adenomyosis development begins at the moment when the body are hormonal and metabolic disorders. Under the influence of adverse factors of the endometrium starts to grow rapidly, affecting the deeper layers of the genitals.

Causes of

Doctors today still can not name the exact cause of this disease. Established only that the hormonal effect on this process. It promotes the spread of endometrial cells in the organ damage connective tissue interlayers separating the topsheet and myometrium. These state changes can lead genitals miscarriage and abortion, obstructed labor or the use as contraceptive intrauterine device.

uterine adenomyosis develops under the influence of various factors. Provoke a pathological process may be hormones, obesity, early onset of sexual activity. Negative impact on the reproductive system is also able to infectious diseases, poor environmental conditions, excessive exercise, and present in the history of pathology GIT.

a woman and a doctor

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Depending on the stage of the disease internal endometriosis may have hidden and pronounced clinical picture. It is noted the following symptoms:

  • heavy menstruation and appearance spotting mid-cycle;
  • premenstrual syndrome celebrated for a long time;
  • pain in the abdomen during menstruation and after their completion;
  • discomfort during intimacy.

With a view to the diagnosis conducted inspection on the gynecological chair, studied history and perform additional manipulations:

  • ultrasound;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • laparoscopy;
  • biopsy.

On the basis of these data one can make an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Many women can not identify difference between endometriosis and adenomyosisTherefore we recommend that you read more about this topic.

adenomyosis treatment

The therapy used immunomodulatory diseases, hormonal drugs and dietary supplements. The course of treatment depends largely on the woman's age, health status and the degree of development of the disease.

In some cases resort to surgery. Outbreaks adenomyosis thus excised by laparoscopy.

If therapy was initiated at advanced disease, the doctor may decide to complete removal of the genitals. In this case, infertility becomes inevitable.

Pregnancy after treatment

In cases where the pathology was diagnosed in a timely manner, it lends itself well to the treatment, the woman can get pregnant in the future. When the detection of the disease in the first or second stage, the prognosis is favorable, but to talk about one hundred percent recovery is still impossible. Features of the disease that is disturbed menstrual cycle and ovulation may not be available. Hormones becomes unstable, there is a risk of recurrence.

In the treatment of advanced forms of pathology (the third and fourth stage) in many cases developing infertility. This is due to the fact that the lesions are excised surgically. In the fourth step is often resorted to remove the ovaries and genitals.

If therapy at an early stage of disease development was carried out conservatively, then after hormone therapy offensive chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Doctor and pregnant woman

How to Get pregnant

With slight lesion reproductive organ and muscle tissue no significant hormonal abnormalities conception is not excluded. A woman during pregnancy when it is necessary to be under constant medical supervision.

Pathology can become a cause of miscarriage in early pregnancy and premature birth.

Among the main symptoms of adenomyosis is isolated violation of menstrual cycle. Regula become protracted or too short. For this reason, there are difficulties with the definition of ovulation. To find out when advancing on fertile days, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature or to conduct special tests.

In addition, due to changes in endometrial proliferation and inflammation the formation of adhesions, which create an insuperable barrier in the way of the sperm to the egg. Upon detection of such violations carried out hysteroscopy. Immediately after the removal of adhesions is made possible a successful fertilization.

hysteroscopy operation

If abnormality occurs in severe form, diagnose infertility. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg is not able to attach to the walls of diseased genitals. In this case, the chances of conception still remain. It is possible that at some moment the egg is able to find a place for implantation.

pregnancy Features

Conception in the presence of this pathology is considered to be very dangerous. This is due to the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. It is noted that the easiest pregnancy occurs at the first degree of adenomyosis. The lesion in this case had not yet spread to the reproductive organ is able to function normally.

Clinical manifestations of disease after conception gradually beginning to fade, but after giving birth reappear. If you have been diagnosed adenomyosis pregnancy and even after 40 years - it is not necessary to resort to abortive events. Abortion is able to trigger a relapse of the disease and its transition to severe.

Already in the first month of pregnancy a woman's critical days are not observed. Due to this pathological process is inhibited. The disease stops progressing.

problems of gestation

There are certain features of the course of pregnancy in adenomyosis. During this period there is a risk of serious problems:

  • insufficient concentration of progesterone in blood, which is crucial for normal development of the fetus in the first and second trimesters;
  • due to the destruction of the endometrium is replaced inflamed tissues in the connection. Reproductive organ becomes less elastic and at the end of pregnancy, the threat of his break appears;
  • adhesions that prevent the adoption of the result of the correct position;
  • may cause problems with the placenta (placentofetal its failure vessels).

If necessary the hormonal therapy for pregnancy maintenance. Prescribers, reducing fetal nutrition. The woman is under constant medical supervision.

Furthermore, it should stick to a certain mode nutrition in adenomyosisSo be sure to check with the exemplary menu.

Pregnant woman drinks a tablet

IVF with adenomyosis

In diseases involving obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the diagnosis "sterility". In this case one can conceive through IVF with adenomyosis. Originally performed laparoscopy and hormonal therapy. After reduction of the lesions in the chances of successful fertilization significantly increased.

Positive results are usually seen in women in their first stage of focal adenomyosis.

Due to significant changes in the reproductive organs, superfluous injury myometrium and diffuse changes to IVF is not resorted to. This is due to almost zero probability of successful fertilization.

Genera with adenomyosis

At the initial stage adenomyosis no problems in the process delivery does not occur. In this case, the main task is to prevent miscarriage. In diffuse form pathology, characterized by thinning the wall genitals recommended caesarean section. If the problem is less serious, give birth naturally. The indications for surgery may also be malposition.

woman and baby


After giving birth, a woman great danger. Pathology is capable of provoking severe bleeding, in order to stop that in some cases resort to such drastic measures, such as the complete removal of genitals.

After birth, the body begins to function normally and the loop is restored. As a consequence, the tissue of the uterus begin to grow again and there is a risk of a significant lesion of the muscular layer genitals.

Adenomyosis - it is not a sentence. Not always pathology leads to infertility. Pregnancy can occur early stages of disease development. During gestation symptomatology endometrium becomes worn and ceases to grow. Through this woman has all the chances to carry and give birth to a child. The main thing is constantly kept under close medical supervision.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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