Can I get pregnant with endometriosis: the chance of pregnancy after treatment

Abnormal growth of endometrial tissue - is a common disease of women, often leads to infertility. With his development of pathological lesions are formed in the uterus, appendages, and other organs of the urogenital system. Due to this, pregnant with endometriosis is problematic. The reproductive system is not fully operational, shoot down the menstrual cycle, ovulation is often not observed. Chance of pregnancy at an early stage of the disease when it is still there.

thinking about pregnancy


  • Endometriosis affects conception
  • Can I get pregnant
  • complications of pregnancy
  • How to cure disease
    • Medication
    • operational
    • folk
  • planning for pregnancy
  • prevention

Endometriosis affects conception

A lot of women believe that pregnancy in endometriosis is not possible. Actually this is not true.

The disease often leads to the formation of adhesions that interfere with the passage of the ovum through the pipes. In addition, it is broken itself oocyte maturation process. As a result, the probability of getting pregnant with endometriosis, uterus becomes much smaller.

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Another cause difficulties with fertilization is that the pathological Pumping endometrial cells (mucous layer of the uterus) ovum is not enough space for fastening. Nevertheless, at the initial stage of disease, when the endometrial lesions only are formed, it is possible to conceive.

In endometriosis ovary creates a barrier to the follicle maturation, there is a violation of hormonal and ovulation was observed. Thus begins the development of infertility. If affected only one appendage, the output of the ovum will occur only once in two months.

In addition, this pathology provokes the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse. If they are expressed too strongly, that intimacy is completely eliminated.

Can I get pregnant

Doctors unequivocally say that getting pregnant with endometriosis and uterine fibroids is possible. Another thing is that bear a child is problematic in that state.

The causes of this disease is not known. There are only assumptions that the pathology is inherited, it provokes the appearance of hormonal fluctuations, poor environmental conditions, frequent abortive events and many other factors.

On the 1st degree, when the chances of getting pregnant are greatest, the illness is asymptomatic, whereby the diagnosis "endometriosis" in this period is problematic. Observed many cases when a woman is already pregnant with the child, and in the course of routine examination she brings out this disease.

The probability of successful fertilization exists at the 2nd degree of pathology, when the adhesive process in the cervix and tubes just beginning. In this case, endometriosis during pregnancy is not progress, there is a reduction of the lesions. In this case, the woman is under constant medical supervision. This is due to the fact that the disease may affect pregnancy.

the degree of endometriosis

complications of pregnancy

Get pregnant with endometriosis is possible, especially in cases where the disease is still asymptomatically, only tissue grows in the uterus, the endometrium has not yet affected the mucous uterine tubes and ovaries. In the early stages of carrying a child at the same time increases the risk of miscarriage.

If external endometriosis was diagnosed, and pregnancy is still occurred, you should be under constant medical supervision. Any changes should not be ignored.

Appearance of bleeding often indicates a threat of miscarriage. Pregnant urgently hospitalized.

Hazards include cysts in the ovaries, the proliferation of which is marked as a result of destruction of appendages endometrial cells. During the period of gestation increases the risk of rupture of these growths. Often at the same time resorting to surgery.

If a woman could get pregnant with endometriosis, the disease process may be suspended, but after birth it starts often progress more rapidly.

How to cure disease

Pregnancy with endometriosis though possible, but highly undesirable. Conception is recommended to plan only after it will have been treated.

Symptoms resolve difficult. The main task - to stop the pathological process. Resort with the most commonly for surgical intervention. It is also effective drug therapy. After treatment of endometriosis woman can bear a child.


Due to the fact that in the course of therapy used hormonal drugs, get pregnant with endometriosis during treatment impossible. To normalize hormone levels and stop the pathological process, appointed the following tablets:

  • means oral contraception;
  • progestins;
  • suppressive activity of the gonads;
  • agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

In this disease marked separation between menstrual periods, pain in the abdomen and plentiful monthly. For this reason also used gemostatiki and antispasmodics. endometriosis treatment involves receiving immunomodulatory drugs, which are activated through the protective functions of the body. Just be sure to check on treatment of endometriosis homeopathy.



Surgical treatment of endometriosis - this is the most effective method of treatment. Surgery to remove abnormal areas often done laparoscopically. Interference is performed using a special device - laparoscope equipped with a video camera. With this doctor receives accurate information about what is happening in the internal organs, and can visually monitor the progress of the procedure.

Relapse after surgery is rarely observed. Accordingly, if he was cured and does not develop again chronic endometriosis, Pregnancy may occur as soon as possible.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, the scale of the defeat quite large and there is the risk of malignant transformation of cells, have resorted to the complete removal of genitals and appendages. In this case, sterility is diagnosed with endometriosis.


To pregnant after endometriosis was made possible, often resort to Treatment of folk remedies. It fails in such a way to cope with the disease. You can only eliminate the symptoms and reduce pain in menstrual period.

In the process of planning pregnancy folk remedies are effective enough. Used at the root of the white cinquefoil, upland uterus, St. John's wort and nettles. On their basis, prepare a broth, which is taken orally.

planning for pregnancy

To give birth to a healthy baby, you need to initially cure the disease, preventing conception. Pregnancy after endometriosis is not only possible but also desirable. As a result, the risk of relapse is significantly reduced.

Gynecologists strongly recommend that as soon as possible to get pregnant after the treatment and the end of the recovery period. It is desirable that fertilization has occurred within 1 year.

Sometimes it needs help, a reproductive doctor, therefore it is advisable to read up on the procedure IVF in endometriosis.


Despite the fact that you can get pregnant with endometriosis during the entire period of gestation of the fetus there is a risk of miscarriage, birth prematurely, and a number of other complications. Therefore, so it is important to prevent the disease and to prevent its re-emergence after the end of therapy. As a result, there will come a normal pregnancy.

As a preventive measure must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Do not resort to carrying out abortive events.
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. The proper amount of time to devote to recreation.
  4. Comply with all medical recommendations after the surgery in the organs of the urogenital system.
  5. Avoid excessive exercise and stress.
  6. Systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist.
  7. Treat all developing the disease as soon as the first symptoms appear.
  8. Constantly strengthen the immune system.
  9. To organize diet.
  10. Enough time to stay outdoors.

Conception can occur when endometrial cells sprawl, but bear a child with this disease is problematic. Therefore, doctors recommend first of all to cure the disease. After that you can safely plan the pregnancy. A woman has every chance of having a healthy baby.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 58
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