Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatment, symptoms and causes

Endometriosis in women is a common disease that occurs most often between the ages of 20-35 years. In gynecology identify several pathological stages. At the initial stage, the symptoms are mild, which complicates the diagnostic process. Identify the disease often is possible only in the course of a routine examination. Due to this treatment begins in time.

Symptoms of endometriosis and treatment depend on the variety of disease and the extent of spread of a pathological process.

He asks about endometriosis


  • What is Endometriosis
  • Classification
  • The cause of endometriosis
  • symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • endometriosis treatment
    • Surgery
    • medication
  • Endometriosis and Pregnancy
  • complications
  • prevention

What is Endometriosis

endometriosis - a pathological condition characterized by the abnormal growth of endometrial cells. Mucous membranes with the fall in other organs of female urogenital system. Lesions are observed not only in the uterus, but the appendages, cervical canal, intestines.

The cause of endometriosis significantly not yet installed. It is only known that the onset of the disease due to strong hormonal fluctuations. There are also a number of triggering factors that contribute to the pathological process.

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Identify the following causes of disease:

  • metaplasia. mesothelial cells gradually regenerate in endometriotic;
  • uterine implantation layer regulator cells during surgical interventions or in the uterus.

There is a definite classification of the disease. Clinical manifestations, depending on the extent of the pathological process and the place of its localization are significant differences.


endometriosis, taking into account the scale of destruction is divided into the following types:

  • Genital. Ehopriznaki endometriosis occur in the genital area;
  • extragenital. Endometrial tissue affects other organs, including the lungs, intestines and urinary tract;
  • mixed. It manifested in the growth of endometrial tissue directly into the genital and other organs. To treat this kind of disease the most difficult.

According to the degree of development of the pathological process of the disease are classified as follows:

  1. It has one or more pockets of the small size. Manifestations of pathology in the form of specific symptoms can not be observed.
  2. Abnormal cells begin to penetrate into the interior of the body.
  3. There are multiple foci on the surface and several deeper. Perhaps the formation of cysts on the ovaries.
  4. Reveals the deep and multiple affected areas, large cysts on the ovaries, adhesions in the pelvic area.

Clinical manifestations have no direct dependence on the degree of spread of abnormal cells. Symptomatology of the disease in the last stage is often less severe than in mild disease.

types of endometriosis

The cause of endometriosis

The causes of endometriosis are quite diverse. There is not a single theory that explains the appearance of the disease.

Among the main reasons are the following:

  1. Hormonal disorders and immunosuppression. Promote attachment and implementation seized endometrial tissue. in the uterine cavity the pressure increases, and the cells that have been subjected to functional changes to migrate to other structures, and continue to grow. An abnormal division. Due to this, there is endometriosis in women.
  2. uterine tissue layer does not take root in other tissues and provoke their pathological change.
  3. Hereditary disease development factor.
  4. The suppression of the protective functions. It ensures that a layer of the mother cell during the penetration into the vagina, cervix, and other organs do not die but continue to function fully.

Allocate the following causes of the disease, are provoking factors:

  • holding abortive activities;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • lack of iron;
  • surgery in the organs of the urogenital system;
  • excessive body weight;
  • inflammation of the urogenital system;
  • mounted intrauterine device;
  • liver pathology.

The treatment regimen is selected on an individual basis taking into account the factors that triggered the start of the pathological process.


Signs of disease at an early stage of its development is often not observed. Redistributions of endometrial tissue are the following symptoms in women:

  • acute pain syndrome pelvic organs. He is permanent and more pronounced closer to the time the regulation;
  • Pumping at endometriotic nodes appear spotting is monthly period;
  • menstrual cycle disorders and malfunction;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • breast tenderness;
  • appear allocation blood after intimacy;
  • menstruation longer painful;
  • inability to bear a child. Miscarriages in early pregnancy.

The following symptoms of endometriosis can occur:

  • blood in the urine;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • frequent urination;
  • signs of intoxication (weakness, chills, drowsiness).

Features of the pathological process and clinical manifestations depend largely on the type of endometriosis lesion extent, a history of concomitant pathologies and psycho-emotional state. Often women do not disregard the symptoms, and pathology can be revealed only in the course of routine visits to a gynecologist.


If you suspect a beginning disease process doctor studying medical history of the individual's characteristics of the organism and determine which modern methods of examination should be used in each individual case.

During diagnosis of endometriosis gynecologists primarily inspect a woman on the couch. Due to this it is possible to detect lesions on the vulva, vagina and cervix. By moving the notes painful genital organ, it is often rejected and fixed in the correct position. Also in the survey can be found cysts in appendages.

To determine the stage of endometriosis, a place of localization of the pathological process and decide how to further treat the pathology, the following diagnostic measures:

  • hysteroscopy. Investigation of the inner shell body is produced using a hysteroscope. This unit is equipped with a video camera, and the doctor receives accurate information about the condition of the endometrium;
  • laparoscopy endometriosis. One of the most informative methods to detect all forms of the disease, as well as pathological immediately excised portions, if necessary;
  • ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Using ultrasound can not determine the position of localization of lesions and foci of pathology scale;
  • MR. Enough informative method, but expensive. For this reason, its use is rarely resorted;
  • determination of CA125 markers CEA and CA 19-9 and RO-test. With the development of the disease in the blood values ​​increased significantly;
  • biopsy and subsequent histological examination.

Treatment for endometriosis is selected only after accurate diagnosis.

endometriosis treatment

endometriosis treatment is conducted in several ways. In many ways, a tactic depends on the form of the disease and the degree of development of the pathological process. As a rule, the prescribed symptomatic therapy, used hormonal drugs and surgery is performed. As a course of treatment involves the elimination of the causes of endometriosis.


Modern treatment often involves the removal of disease lesions by surgery, as well as partial or total resection of the body. The operation should be done in such cases:

  • severe pain;
  • found some tumor formation;
  • the impossibility of conceiving.

To determine how to treat the disease - completely remove the genital organ or conduct other surgical manipulation - are taken into account the following factors:

  • age of the woman;
  • a history of concomitant disease occurring in the chronic form;
  • planning future pregnancies;
  • place localization signs of endometriosis;
  • degree of damage to surrounding tissue;
  • complications.

Treat endometriosis in several ways:

  • arterial embolization body in the presence of heavy bleeding;
  • resection of ovarian cysts and the removal of the uterus cavity during the surgical intervention;
  • expiration genitals through the vagina;
  • operation by laparoscopy.

To heal a woman, after surgery necessarily assigned drug therapy. In this way it is possible to prevent a relapse.


In the treatment of endometriosis, uterine variety of medications are used. With their help it is possible to stop the disease process. Used with several groups of drugs:

  1. Spiral Mirena. It is used in the initial stages of the disease. It is filled with hormones, natural progesterone substitute for lack of which the endometrium starts to grow rapidly.
  2. Oral contraceptives, which have a combined effect. Among them, Diane-35, Femoden, Yarina, Marvelon and Jeanine.
  3. Drugs group antigonadotropiny (Gestrinone or Danazol). With their help, endometriosis treated for a long time. Duration of therapy is about six months. At the same time in a month the menstrual flow is not observed. Recovery cycle observed after 28-35 days after discontinuation of the drug.
  4. Hormonal group progestins (Djufaston or Depostat).
  5. Antagonists (Zoladex depot or Dekapeptil).
  6. Antioestrogens. The most frequently used means of Tamoxifen.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and the following groups of medicines used:

  • relieves spasms and sedatives. Among them, No-spa, Ibuprofen and Novo-Pass;
  • sedatives, eliminate neurological disorders;
  • immunomodulatory drugs, contributing to the activation of protective functions of the body;
  • vitamins C and A, corrective antioxidant system failure;
  • means iron-based help eliminate the result of heavy blood loss.
drink tablets

Hormone therapy is started immediately after the surgery, with the first day of the new cycle. Its duration varies from three to nine months. In many ways, the treatment time depends on the extent of lesions and the severity of the pathological process.

Apply hormones to get rid of the disease without medical consultation is strictly forbidden. They have an impressive list of contraindications and side effects. Monitor the effectiveness of treatment is to carry out a gynecologist.

Just be sure to check about treatment of endometriosis without hormones.

Endometriosis and Pregnancy

Despite the fact that endometriosis results in impaired fertility, pregnancy often even comes against the background of the disease. Furthermore, it is noted that during the period of gestation pathological process is suspended. This is due to hormonal changes and significant increase in the level of progesterone.

However, pregnancy is extremely undesirable during the illness. Against the background of this pathology is the risk of spontaneous abortion and birth prematurely significantly increases. A woman needs to initially cure the disease, and only then think about pregnancy after endometriosis.

After the full treatment and removal of lesions can occur normal pregnancy. According to doctors, this is the best prevention of endometriosis. The risk of relapse is reduced to almost zero.


endometriosis in women is often asymptomatic and has no negative impact on quality of life. Despite this, in the absence of proper treatment, the disease can lead to very serious complications.

In the advanced stage are often observed following consequences of abnormal proliferation of endometrial tissue:

  • the development of infertility;
  • an increased risk of miscarriage during gestation;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • anemia provoked by heavy blood loss;
  • the development of chronic diseases of the affected mother cell layer;
  • malignancy of cells;
  • compression of nerve endings and cause neurological problems.
adhesions in the uterus


To prevent the onset of a pathological process, it is recommended to adhere to a set of recommendations. For the prevention of endometriosis should:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. To organize diet.
  3. Systematically undergo checkups at the gynecologist for preventive purposes. If the symptoms of endometriosis of the fallopian tubes and other organs will be identified at an early stage of the pathological process, is to cure the disease will be quite simple.
  4. Avoid stressful situations and excessive exercise.
  5. Time to treat the disease developing.
  6. To refuse from bad habits.
  7. Devote more time to rest and sleep.
  8. Do not resort to carrying out abortive events.
  9. Adhere to all medical recommendations in the case of surgical intervention in the organs of the reproductive system.
  10. Do not resort to self-medication. Therapy any abnormalities should be done under strict medical supervision.

Endometriosis is a common and rather insidious disease that can lead to serious consequences. The peculiarity of the disease lies in the fact that he spent a long time can not be felt the characteristic symptoms. For this reason, treatment is started at an advanced stage and causes a lot of difficulties. Nevertheless, the forecast appears favorable in strict fulfillment of all the doctor's instructions.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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