Uterine adenomyosis: what it is and how to treat it, and the causes of the disease symptoms

Many gynecological diseases are asymptomatic, while women turn for help when they can not conceive or bear a child, there are pronounced menstrual irregularities.

Treat some diseases is also important before severe symptoms appear. One of these diseases - uterine adenomyosis. What is it, how to diagnose and treat this disease in women should know each.

a gynecologist


  • What is uterine adenomyosis
  • species
    • diffuse
    • nodal
    • Focal
    • Diffusely focal
    • Diffuse nodular
  • the degree of development
  • Causes of
  • symptoms of adenomyosis
  • Diagnostics
  • Methods of treatment
    • conservative
    • Surgery
    • People's treatment
  • Possible consequences
  • Adenomyosis and pregnancy
  • prevention

What is uterine adenomyosis

uterine adenomyosis - a form of endometriosis. When the variety of pathology is not only an increase in the growing of the endometrium each month. These tissues are able to germinate deeper muscle layer body, causing more serious violations.

Internal endometriosis - a diagnosis that requires immediate treatment. Its main feature is the formation of local pockets of Pathology - within the uterine cavity.

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Endometriosis can leave the reproductive system and to settle in other internal organs. Endometrial cells are able to take root in the tissues of the bladder, bowel, ovaries. This pathology leads to unpleasant consequences. If not treated properly, comes infertility.

Adenomyosis - a disease that depends on the level of hormones in the blood of women. Nevertheless ultrasound to assess the condition of the endometrium, uterine size, determine what is happening with the mucous membrane and as it forms.

Sonographic features and characteristics of the disease are well defined, so an experienced physician immediately notice them and explain differences adenomyosis and endometriosis uterus.


Internal adenomyosis can occur in various forms. It differs in the degree of proliferation, the depth of the structure and germination of neoplasms. endometrial tissue can reach myometrium but may be disposed only on the surface layer.

The reasons for adenomyosis are common to all forms. Most often, doctors are the following varieties:

  • diffuse;
  • node;
  • focal adenomyosis:
  • diffuse patchy;
  • diffuse-node.

every form of uterine disease should consider in more detail and see how they differ.


Diffuse form of adenomyosis - the type of pathology, in which extensive lesions occur in the endometrium. They have no clear boundaries, germination depth varies. In severe cases, tissue penetrate into adjacent organs may be formed tracts.

The disease often have no symptoms. On examination the doctor can see the features of adenomyosis on ultrasound. In advanced forms of women feel nagging abdominal pain, severe discomfort during menstruation, notice the presence of bleeding the day before the beginning of the month and for some time afterwards.

diffuse adenomyosis


Nodular form - a version of the disease when the epithelium around the overgrown particles formed capsule with the connective tissue and blood. Ehopriznaki internal endometriosis of the variety remotely resemble pictures observed in uterine fibroids.

This form of the disease rarely develops as an independent disease. disease risk increases against the backdrop of the transferred endocrine disorders or serious problems of the sexual sphere.

The following conditions may provoke nodular adenomyosis:

  • metaplasia;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Thyroid Oncology.

Suspected of a disease women can to disrupt the menstrual cycle. They are plentiful monthly, becoming longer. Concerned about pain and discomfort.


Focal adenomyosis - kind of disease that occurs most often and easily amenable to other therapy. Signs of internal endometriosis is usually not noticeable, they can see a doctor during a gynecological examination with ultrasound.

Lobular form is characterized by single entities in the tissues of the uterus muscles. Such zones may be several or one.

Often the disease is combined with other varieties of disease.

Diffusely focal

Internal endometriosis uterine body of this type is characterized by signs simultaneously diffuse and focal lesion. More difficult to therapy. Common. Obvious ehopriznaki two types of the disease.

Diffuse nodular

Diffusely nodular adenomyosis - pathological form in which the body of the uterus endometrial growths are present and sites. Diffuse changes in the type of nodules can grow deeply, causing serious disorders.

the degree of development

The extent strongly manifested focal adenomyosis (or its other forms), it depends on the development stage. Signs of an ultrasound can usually be seen in the early stages when the symptoms are completely absent.

Timely gynecological examination protect the uterus from the disease in advanced. Treatment of adenomyosis 1st degree carried out much easier than when the pathology has been present for a long time.

It tells the story of adenomyosis

Allocate 4 stages of disease development. Each characterized by its own distinctive features and symptoms:

  1. When adenomyosis 1st degree affected muscle tissue of the uterus. Endometrial cells grow shallow. The thickness of the lesions are not deeper than 1/3 of the total depth of body tissue. Endometriosis usually located within the uterine cavity without spread to adjacent organs and systems.
  2. When 2nd degree pathology endometrial tissue to grow muscle layer. The survey confirms that in the uterus occurs uneven seal endometrial cells grow. Lesion area can reach half of the total thickness of the muscular layer.
  3. If grade 3 adenomyosis in the pathological process involves more than half of the total thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus. He struck out almost completely. At this stage of endometrial cells is not yet beyond the reproductive system. If you do not start the adequate therapy, the process spread to healthy organs.
  4. For the 4th degree of the disease characterized by excessive proliferation of the endometrial layer to its output beyond the reproductive system. Affected tissue fall into the abdominal cavity, where the move to other organs and are fixed to them.

Causes of

uterine adenomyosis - hormone-dependent disease, so the main reason for its occurrence is considered a hormonal failure.

Hormonal disorders can be caused not only diseases of the sexual sphere. Change the normal balance can problems with the thyroid gland, ovaries and even the malfunction of the pituitary - part of the brain that controls hormone levels.

When the body of the uterus adenomyosis is not cured in time, may develop cervical organ pathology. The probability of such complications is higher if a woman instead of sanitary towels uses tampons.

Menstrual blood stasis induced anatomically an irregular shape, bend, scars or adhesive process that increases the risk of getting endometrial tissue into the peritoneal cavity. Out of these cells through the hole in the fallopian tubes. Pipe can develop adenomyosis.

Rarely cause of the disease is a genetic predisposition. Some gene mutations also make a woman more prone to this disease. It has been observed that some relatives may simultaneously suffer from this disease.

The following factors may trigger the development of adenomyosis:

  • inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • transferred caesarean section;
  • holding scraping;
  • natural childbirth;
  • miscarriages and abortions;
  • uterine mucosa injury during intrauterine device performance;
  • cyst formation and tumor processes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • a sharp change in body weight;
  • early sexual activity and pregnancy;
  • weak immunity;
  • life under constant stress;
  • hard physical labor.
holding his stomach

Adenomyosis - a woman's disease, which can trigger a number of factors. The risk increases if a woman loves often sunbathe, visit the solarium. Ultraviolet rays in large quantities violate the correct rate of formation of new cells in the body. And in focal endometriosis and adenomyosis problem it begins with overly rapid proliferation of endometrial cells.

Too often take mud baths are also not to be. If such procedures are used for medicinal purposes should be held medical examination and issued a doctor's appointment.

symptoms of adenomyosis

Adenomyosis often occurs without symptoms persist. About one third of the fairer sex have learned about my diagnosis quite by accident - during the next routine examination by a gynecologist. However attentive woman will notice that some changes occur in her reproductive system - and you need to check your health.

Indirect signs seen in the initial stage of the pathology. When the 2 nd degree symptoms may be more noticeable. Sonographic signs are already visible at the beginning of the disease.

The most striking symptoms in advanced stages of disease in women aged 35 to 50 years. After menopause disease does not develop.

Suspect at the development of adenomyosis woman can, if we pay attention to these signs and sensations as:

  • pain;
  • cycle disorders;
  • the inability to become pregnant;
  • anemia;
  • intoxication.

Pain in adenomyosis - the first sign. Initially discomfort occurs only during sexual relations. In the later stages of the emergence of discomfort and possibly outside of menstruation - any day of the cycle.

During menstruation discomfort is expressed most strongly. Morbidity associated with an inflammatory process which occurs within the myometrium due to excessive separation of endometrial tissue. It happens compression of nerve endings, which is why at times does not help even painkillers.

The pain begins to appear a few days before the beginning of menstruation. With age, these symptomatic adenomyosis symptoms only intensified. Adhesions within the uterus or fallopian tubes increases intensity of pathological symptoms.

Since adenomyosis is caused by hormonal disorders, the cycle may become irregular in the background pathology. Selection starts dark smearing mucus from the genital tract before the start of menstruation. Needless bleeding lasts more than usual. There may be more than a week. Intermenstrual bleeding.

menstrual bleeding

It sometimes happens that a woman did not bother, but the long-term efforts to conceive a child are unsuccessful. In this case, at the time of the survey is likely that the doctor has diagnosed "adenomyosis".

Regular disruption in early pregnancy can also be a symptom of uterine adenomyosis. If a woman manages to safely carry a child on the background of the disease increases the risk of birth complications.

Anemia is accompanied by ovarian and uterine adenomyosis due to the fact that a woman loses more blood than at monthly without pathology. There are common negative symptoms. There may be weakness, dizziness, fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate. In severe cases develop shortness of breath, tachycardia, tinnitus. The skin becomes paler than in healthy people.

intoxication symptoms appear only in those women who have endometrial cells have already formed a pathological lesions on other internal organs. Nausea, vomiting, fever and fever associated with the fact that the rejects during menstruation cells into the blood. This causes the poisoning of the body and negative symptoms.


adenomyosis uterus treatment is carried out only after a thorough medical examination. Diagnosis includes not only the laboratory procedures, but also inspection, study history and way of life of the woman.

Gynecological disease can be detected by making a number of procedures. The survey is conducted by using such techniques as:

  • in gynecologic examination chair using special mirrors;
  • assessment of the shape, size and mobility of the uterus with the help of palpation;
  • complete blood count analysis and research on the hormone content;
  • ultrasound;
  • GHA;
  • MRI;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • biopsy.
diagnosis of adenomyosis

Adenomyosis, ovarian, body and cervix can be detected by ultrasound. Using ultrasound to realistically assess the exact size of genitals, see focal lesions of the mucous membrane. Obvious ehopriznaki help the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, but it is always necessary to use several diagnostic methods. The procedure is completely safe, even for pregnant women allowed.

Based on the results of the study doctor decides what further procedures are needed to confirm or exclude adenomyosis.

GHA - a procedure in which the uterus through the cervix into the body cavity of the contrast agent is injected, and then determined by the permeability of the reproductive system and pipes. The method is used when you want to determine the cause of infertility. It helps eliminate endometriosis tubes and ovaries.

MRI can see the manifestation of a diffuse or nodular adenomyosis. It is possible to estimate the thickness of the body wall and how strongly they are struck pathology. Reliable, but expensive method of diagnosis.

Hysteroscopic study with adenomyosis allows the gynecologist to evaluate the state of the lining of the uterus, to consider all the centers with a special microscopic camera. It is possible to set the shape and the precise location of lesions.

A biopsy is performed in suspected malignancy within the uterus. To study the piece of tissue is taken and made their histological analysis.

Diagnosed adenomyosis can be cured. It is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor and begin treatment immediately.

Methods of treatment

adenomyosis uterus treatment is carried out after the diagnosis. The doctor will evaluate ehopriznaki, symptoms and lesions detected in the body of the body. Diagnose pathology can only be a specialist. Rely only on their own sense of danger.

Preparations for the treatment of adenomyosis are appointed individually. The doctor takes into account the age and characteristics of the pathology. Often, the doctor prescribes hormonal contraceptive pill. Used medical and surgical treatment.


uterine adenomyosis can be treated with medicines. Used drugs that slow the growth of abnormal endometrial cells.

Hormone therapy is contra. These medications are not suitable for the treatment of diabetes, obesity, increased blood clotting.

The drug, which is based on the progesterone -Dyufaston - with adenomyosis normalizes the monthly rate, stimulates ovulation and helps pregnancy.


Treatment of endometriosis may include internal use estradiol. If you take these drugs, stop the growth of the endometrium.

The treatment can be used medicines based on androgens and hormones of the pituitary. To reduce the negative symptoms, apply anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunomodulatory agents.

Assess symptoms and treatment of adenomyosis as in the form of focal, and in any other should be a doctor. Self-medication can greatly harm the female body.


adenomyosis treatment is sometimes performed surgically. Operations are performed on the uterus in different ways: through an incision in the skin and in the body wall, via a laparoscope by hysteroscopy and even by complete removal.

Surgery is used in cases where conservative treatment is already difficult, adenomyosis cure is not possible.

Hormone treatment at adenomyosis postoperatively administered in most cases. This technique is used for the diffuse form, and for other types of pathology.

People's treatment

People's treatment of adenomyosis can not completely save a woman from a pathology. only reduce the symptoms can be achieved.

Applicable treatment herbs broth: syringing, ingestion, posing tampons, when a layer of gauze impregnated with a therapeutic composition.

Treatment internal adenomyosis performed using broth nettle, oak bark, calendula, eucalyptus, root Bad.

Any therapies, as well as folk remedies should be coordinated with the attending physician.

Possible consequences

The consequences of endometriosis, uterine body are dangerous. If the disease is started, there may be:

  • infertility;
  • uterus removal;
  • cancer.

Pathology is successfully treated in early stages, complications, consequences can be avoided.

Adenomyosis and pregnancy

Pregnancy with adenomyosis possible in the early stages of the disease. High risk of stalling. After a course of treatment can successfully carry and give birth to a child.

Infertility often results in adenomyosis. Pipes become impassable, stops ovulation and disrupted the normal balance of hormones.


Protect yourself from endometriosis, uterine body and the risk of subsequent development of cancer in the following ways:

  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • planned to spend US;
  • lead an active life without fatigue;
  • follow food rules;
  • carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not ignore the warning signs.

If attentive to their own health and visit a doctor in time, you can protect yourself from the dangerous disease. Any ailments are successfully treated in early stages.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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