Polyp of the cervical canal during pregnancy: causes the cervix

The period of gestation of the child - a welcome time in a woman's life. During pregnancy, the selection of unusual character alarming and disturbing. When registering or at a later date the physician can identify the formation of localized on the cervix. It is important to figure out whether to treat cervical polyp is necessary during pregnancy, as the pathology affects the development of the fetus and how the disease manifests itself.

It tells the story of a polyp


  • Main reasons
  • disease symptoms
    • Polyp blood during pregnancy
  • diagnosis of the disease
  • The opening of the cervical canal
  • Treatment during pregnancy
  • possible complications

Main reasons

Polyp in the cervix during pregnancy - a rare phenomenon. If such an abnormality is diagnosed, conception becomes complicated and high risk of early miscarriage. Although polyps - one of the most common gynecological diseases, the precise causes of its origin is still unknown.

It is believed that the formation of polyps can be triggered by factors such as:

  • chronic inflammation of the cervix or in body cavity;
  • instagram viewer
  • infections, sexually transmitted infections in the history;
  • pathologies in which the endometrium grows;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • previously transferred curettage;
  • pathological proliferation of blood vessels;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • genetic predisposition.

Growths in the cervical canal They can be caused by other reasons. Uncontrolled medication, obesity and metabolic disease contribute to the development of pathology. Neoplasm may occur as a result of unsuccessful pregnancies ending in miscarriage or fading.

Prolonged wearing of intrauterine device alters the normal structure of the endometrial tissue. Pregnancy occurred shortly can be complicated by the formation of polyps.

disease symptoms

polyposis often asymptomatic. Until the tumor of small size, it can not cause discomfort. If the pregnancy has already occurred, a woman must know how this pathology manifests itself.

Most often, education in the field of cervical canal interferes with normal fertility. This is partly due to the inability of sperm to penetrate the genital tract, and on the background of hormonal changes ovulation may not occur.

there are frequent menstrual irregularities, Critical days come with different intervals. Even attempts remain unsuccessful in vitro fertilization.

If pregnancy is still occurred, the formation of polyps may indicate the following clinical signs:

  • Lower abdominal pain cramping, or aching;
  • allocating brown from the cervical canal;
  • leucorrhea with unpleasant odor characteristic;
  • minor bleeding after exercise;
  • appearance bloody mucus after visiting a gynecologist.

Polyp in the cervical area of ​​the blood of pregnant women often. But if it is large, the risk of injury increases, and then may appear allocation reddish or brownish color.

blood from the polyp

Burning only appears when the addition polyposis in a woman's infection is present. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as pathogens can adversely affect fetal development and nutrition.

Polyp blood during pregnancy

The presence of polyps usually prevents conception and successfully carrying a pregnancy. When the new formation of large size, it is more likely to be damaged, causing bleeding.

Location polyp in the cervical canal requires constant medical supervision. During intercourse, education injured, causing pain and bleeding.

The threat to the fetus is retained because of the risk of infection. If a thin surface tumors is damaged through the hole infection can penetrate. It is likely that affected not only the mother but also the baby.

Some bacterial lesions lead to spontaneous abortion and congenital disorders of the fetus.

Large blood loss negatively affect the well-being of women. The lack of nutrients in the body it affects the child. So if there was bleeding, an urgent need to call an ambulance.

diagnosis of the disease

Identify polyposis only after a visit to the doctor. Diagnosis detsiduoza includes the following procedures:

  • inspection of the cervix in gynecological chair with vaginal mirrors;
  • cytology;
  • colposcopy in pregnancy;
  • biopsy;
  • US.

Inspection of the cervix during pregnancy in order to detect a polyp lets you see protruding tumor. At this stage it is impossible to determine the type of build-up, further testing is required.

On the form the protrusion is pink, purple or brownish. The survey makes it possible to put a preliminary diagnosis.

Cytological study of uterine diseases to determine what type of build-up was formed. Laboratory analysis will show that this: a benign polyp or malignancy.

kolposokpii procedure

If necessary, after conducting a pelvic examination, the doctor will perform a colposcopy. This is a procedure that does not require anesthesia. It is not dangerous to the child and painless for the woman. The study can be seen the formation and the entire cervix with a multiple increase.

A biopsy is performed in pregnant women only if, if there are serious indications. The reason for this procedure are frequent bleeding or significant suspected cancerous tumor.

Holding ultrasound to detect the formation of cervical tumors is not always justified. Polyps can only see at an early stage of pregnancy. Not all varieties of growths are visualized in this survey.

The opening of the cervical canal

The formation of polyps in the cervix during pregnancy can lead to serious problems. Growths provoke disclosure channel prematurely. This leads to premature delivery, miscarriage, and in early pregnancy miscarriage.

Cervical region serves to protect a developing fetus from the environment. Cervix normally closed channel thin and tightly clamped mucosal stopper. As fetal growth and increase in its weight increases the pressure on the neck, pushed below the polyp, causing an erection.

Abnormalities in the mucous membranes and structures of the channel opening over 6 mm for nulliparous women corrected by using the uterine pessary, or suturing. If after the opening of the cervix assistance will not be forthcoming, will begin miscarriage or childbirth (depending on length).

Treatment during pregnancy

Surgical removal of tumors is not always made. If the polyp does not cause a woman pain, discomfort during intercourse, does not increase in size and will not be transformed into a cancerous tumor, the treatment should be deferred until the postpartum period.

Pregnancy can proceed normally, and the tumor does not affect the flow of labor process. Some types of polyps, leaving a woman's body with your child. In other cases prescribed hormones and antibiotics if necessary.

Removing polyps during gestation pregnancy surgically shown in the following cases:

  • outgrowth than 1 cm;
  • per month increased by more than 2 mm;
  • in tumors, new processes;
  • high risk of infection of the fetus;
  • case of frequent heavy bleeding.

Surgical therapy is performed only on the cervical area. Intervention in the uterus leads to the death of the embryo. The operation is done using a hysteroscope. Channel cervical excision reveal and carried.


possible complications

Although pregnancy and a polyp in the cervix - compatible concepts, sometimes pathology can lead to complications. It has a value of localization and size of education.

Cervical polyp is dangerous complications following:

  • can become a source of infection for the woman and fetus;
  • It leads to the premature disclosure of cervical tissue;
  • Cancer possibly rebirth.

The operation shown if a cancerous tumor. In this case, a polyp is removed, regardless of the risk to the fetus.

To avoid a lot of problems, a woman should follow the health before conception. Treat all pathologies in advance, you can carry and give birth to a healthy baby without any risks.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 42
  • 195