Month after the removal of a polyp (hysteroresectoscopy): abundant, why not menstruation

After removal of the polyp of the cervical canal or uterus changes the nature of the menstrual flow and duration. If no complications cycle is restored shortly. If polypoid education has been eliminated in accordance with all the rules, and she complies with all medical advice, the menses are normalized as soon as possible. Before the surgery you need to know when the month after the removal of a polyp considered variant of the norm, and when indicate the development of complications.

the doctor talks about polyps


  • Features of endometrial polyps
  • Violation of menstruation with polyps
  • Removing the polyp and monthly
  • Does the operation during menstruation
  • Spotting after surgery
  • The menstrual cycle after removal of
  • What to do for the normalization of menstruation
  • Prevention of complications

Features of endometrial polyps

Polyp in the uterus is a benign entity that is growing against the background of inflammatory processes in the urogenital system. It is a glandular, fibrous, or mixed outgrowth having a body and stem. Its surface is formed of epithelial tissues that on certain days of menstruation cycle undergo the same change as that of healthy tissue genitals.

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Benign tumors are rarely enough to transform into cancerous tumors, but still need treatment. The presence of lesions leads to major changes in the reproductive system. It is noted such clinical manifestations as blood separation after closure regular, discomfort and pain during intimacy.

When these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention. After carrying out a full diagnosis and determine the extent of the defeat of the gynecologist decides need to perform hysteroresectoscopy (minimally invasive procedure to remove neoplasm).

Violation of menstruation with polyps

The appearance of uterine polyp, regardless of place of its location, has a negative impact on the course of menstruation. It is noted the following changes:

  • periods become irregular;
  • It appears pain during the critical days;
  • changing the volume and consistency of the menstrual flow.
monthly at polyps

Often against the background of the development of the pathology observed plentiful monthly that can lead to anemia. This is due to the fact that quite a number of new formation of blood vessels. It is also possible occurrence of menstruation phase regulator is due to destruction of the polyp. Critical days are long and there are often more than one week.

In the case of localization of the buildup from the inside or outside of the cervical canal is scarce and menstruation short. New formation prevents normal output spotting, and for that reason can begin the inflammatory process in the uterus and increases the risk of bleeding outside the regular period.

Before the advent of the critical days are not excluded brown spotting, accompanied by mild pain sensations in the lower abdomen. If a polyp grows in the cervix of the outer portion, the menses become abundant in nature.

Removing the polyp and monthly

The operation to remove a polyp often done by hysteroresectoscopy. Such a method of excision of the build-up gives a better chance that the tumor starts to grow again.

The procedure is performed in the days when a woman has no menses. As a rule, planned its implementation is assigned to a day before the arrival of the regulation or a few days after their completion.

When the starting month after the removal of a polyp

In cases where polyps are detected after removal of the newly appointed additional events:

  • Crop on flora;
  • biopsy and subsequent histological examination;
  • PCR diagnostics to detect various infections.

It is also possible that the reason for the reappearance of formations in the cervix - endometritis. The process of diagnosis is extremely important to identify the inflammatory process in order to avoid relapse.

In addition, buildup cause overgrowth after surgery can be a malignant process in the reproductive organs. It is thus also held oncocitology scrapings. Sometimes, to get rid of pathology has to artificially introduce a woman into a state of menopause.

Hysteroresectoscopy - minimally invasive surgery, which is transferred quite easily. Just a day after holding a woman is discharged from the medical facility and assigned to receive anti-inflammatory and antibiotic agents.

Month after the removal of endometrial polyps appear about 30 days, but it is impossible to name the exact date. In many ways, the arrival timing controller depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Does the operation during menstruation

Unequivocal opinion about the possibility of hysteroscopy in the menstrual period does not exist. According to some doctors, the endometrium at this stage is already beginning to be updated, and the procedure will be carried out with minimal risk of complications. It is not slipping the timing and phase of the cycle.

Doctor counting phase of the cycle

Another medical team is confident that the thickness of the endometrium and vaginal bleeding can prevent build-up to consider and make it a complete excision. It is possible that after the removal of a polyp in the uterus it will grow again soon. Moreover, the resulting material is not sufficiently informative for the reason that the upper layer of the endometrium during this phase already dies.

To conduct during regular procedure resorted to in cases where there is an excessively heavy bleeding that can not be stopped without scraping. In addition, the operation at this stage is considered acceptable under formation localization in cervical region. This is due to the fact that the cervical canal at this point is revealed - and a pathological seal on the stem is easily visible.

Spotting after surgery

Once produced scraping, may cause minor bleeding, similar to menstruation. This residues of dead endometrium and particles of dried crusts, which was formed on the functional layer genitals as a result of the operation. Their output can be observed up to ten days.

Considered alarming prolonged spotting that gradually increase in volume. When they appear necessary to promptly seek medical attention. These symptoms often indicate the presence of comorbidity, not identified in the diagnostic process.

Bleeding can be completed due to spasms in the cervical canal. Such variations pose a serious hazard. When fluid retention in the cavity there is a risk genitals start the inflammatory process.

The menstrual cycle after removal of

If successful, the operation cycle after removal of the polyp is restored after only one month. Typically, the menstrual period begins 30-40 days after excision of education. The first month in this case are scarce in nature and are observed for a short time. This is due to the reception of antibiotic and hormonal drugs that affect the reproductive system.

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There is no need to panic, if only a small short-spotting is observed instead of the previously heavy discharge. Such changes in the postoperative period considered the norm one for this.

After the appearance of menstruation is recommended to trace the dynamics of the flow of critical days, and to make the analysis. The results of observations need to voice your doctor. Typically, the controller after surgery are less painful and regular.

In some cases, critical days, there is a delay of 40-50 days after the operation. Most often, the lack of regulation of such a long period marked if endometrial tissues have been affected deeply enough.

Not always the absence of menstruation in a specified time is a wake-up call. If after the removal of education in a particular part of the uterus or cervical canal rehabilitation process takes place without any visible complications, the lack of regulation, in all likelihood, is the body's response to drug therapy and transferred stress. Several months later, the recovery process will be completed.

A major cause for concern is considered long-term amenorrhea, accompanied by a deterioration of general health and appearance of pain. It is possible that at the same time in the uterine cavity of bleeding accumulate due to the development of comorbidities urogenital system. When these symptoms need to promptly seek medical attention.

What to do for the normalization of menstruation

It is imperative that a woman's body recovered as soon as possible after it has been made hysteroresectoscopy or curettage.

Month after curettage should bounce back as soon as possible. tissue healing process is much faster under certain guidelines. Their implementation is necessary not only to restore menses, but also to prevent recurrence.

what can and can not during rehabilitation

You need to adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid intimacy within the first month after surgery;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • not to lift heavy weights;
  • within six months to protect themselves from pregnancy.

In addition, during menstruation or outside of this period is necessary to observe all the rules of personal hygiene. Thus be able to avoid serious complications in the postoperative period.

Prevention of complications

Before you do curettage, the doctor must tell you, what complications may occur after surgery. The main ones are the following:

  • perforation of the genitals;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • accumulation of blood in the uterus. In this case, do not come menstruation, delay and cause severe pain.
Talk to your doctor

In order to avoid complications need to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist;
  • take medications that strengthen immunity;
  • careful control to produce changes in body weight;
  • not to resort to self-medication;
  • live a healthy life.

Recovery after cycle hysteroresectoscopy usually happens quickly enough. In order for this process to fruition as soon as possible, we need only adhere to medical recommendations and to react to any changes in the body.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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