Placental polyp after birth, medaborta: Symptoms and Treatment

Placental polyp - benign tumor. This type is formed growths in the uterus after childbirth or medical abortion. It can provoke growth holding scraping in order to examination or treatment.

Placental formation often occurs as a result of childbirth, if the parenchyma was not completely removed. Its remnants are the basis for the future of the polyp.

Sometimes placental polyp can begin to grow even during pregnancy. In this case, delaying treatment until delivery. As a rule, does not prevent the formation of fetal development. The placenta and the polyp out during childbirth, and further therapy often is required.

polyp in the uterus


  • Causes of
  • The main symptoms
    • After childbirth
    • During the menstrual cycle
    • during pregnancy
  • diagnosing
  • Removing the polyp
  • Treatment
  • prevention

Causes of

The main reason for the formation of placental polyp after birth - incomplete removal of the placenta. The process does not occur in a single day.

Chorionic polyp initially has a small size. This is a piece of the placenta. It begin to adhere to blood clots, the formation of sprouts vessels and connective tissue. Increase, may look like a mushroom or flat formation of tissues.

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By decidual polyp formation gave the following factors:

  • incomplete separation of the placenta at caesarean section;
  • medical or medical abortion;
  • incorrectly configured the uterine curettage;
  • missed abortion, after which is not completely removed the ovum;
  • early miscarriage.

If after cleaning the uterus was not completely scraped the place of embryo attachment after birth child naturally or by caesarean section does not remove all the placenta, a high risk of placental build-up. These tumors do not resolve on their own, treatment is required.

Treatment is not necessary if education has grown during the birth, and then left with the child.

The main symptoms

Placental growth on the background medaborta or birth of a child may go unnoticed as abdominal pain and uterine discharge is normal during this period.

Attentive woman will be able to notice that the discharge from the genital tract are different from normal. Bleeding may be of a different nature, take place in the wrong time and is more lasting.

Normally, blood clots after birth are at once, gradually taper the decline. If a polyp is going after the appointed date. Bleeding a woman may observe a few weeks after delivery. The emergence of unusual symptoms should prompt her to the gynecologist, to avoid serious consequences.

The following states may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness due to anemia;
  • Body temperature changes;
  • pale skin;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • unpleasant pain in the reproductive system.

The symptoms of placental buildup varies depending on whether it was formed after a phenomenon. It is important to distinguish the state standards on the pathology.

After childbirth

Placental polyp after birth is associated with the remains of placenta parts in the uterus. Incomplete scraping after the birth of a baby or a caesarean section leads to the growth of tumors.

Fragments of this interim body firmly attached to the walls of the endometrium, sraschivayas together. The main symptom of the pathology in this case - the bleeding.

Since postpartum women while going lochia, nulliparous mothers can not distinguish them from the disease. Normal bleeding after birth of the child does not get stronger with time, do not change the intensity.

After the cessation of lochia are not renewed. If this happens - this is a clear symptom of the pathology.

If the formation of placental buildup of the uterine cavity is complicated by the addition of an infection, the woman will suffer from an elevated body temperature. Help is important to provide as soon as possible since the penetration of bacteria into the bloodstream leading to sepsis.

During the menstrual cycle

When placental polyp in the uterus has grown as a result of poorly performed gynecological procedures, or as a complication after medical abortion, a woman soon resumed menstruating. If there was a tumor, menstrual bleeding may change.

Highlight the formation of polyps different duration. Conventional menstruation has to be completed, but the bleeding continues. Condition can cause complications such as:

  • inflammation and dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • infertility;
  • sepsis;
  • anemia.

If the pathology to cure rapidly in the future even after the removal of relapses. Some women's disease leads to the fact that the complete removal of the uterus need to get rid of them. In this case, all is lost reproductive function.

uterus removal

Only placental polyp during pregnancy does not require treatment. The problem disappears on its own after birth. The disease does not affect the growth and development of the child and the process of gestation.

during pregnancy

Sometimes placental polyp in the uterus begins to grow during pregnancy. Examination prior to conception does not show a pathology, but subsequent ultrasound to detect violations. Do not worry, because in such a case is not dangerous disease, after the birth of the baby's condition is stable independently.

Suspected appearance of a polyp from the placenta woman can by the following symptoms:

  • appearance bleeding from the womb;
  • pain and spasms;
  • Body temperature fluctuations;
  • change the uterine secretions of color.

Although the pathology of pregnancy is not dangerous, it is important to prevent complications immediately contact your gynecologist and get tested. This will completely make sure that the child is not in danger, and the carrying of passes normally.


Placental polyp removal is carried out only after thorough diagnosis woman health and determine the type of neoplasm. Diagnosis involves the following steps:

  • medical history;
  • gynecological examination;
  • taking biological material for research;
  • ultrasound;
  • hysteroscopy.

In more rare cases, to diagnose placental neoplasms apply colposcopy and doplerografii. Such studies are required, if the doctor is difficult to diagnosis.

Before inspecting gynecologist survey of women, specifying which procedures preceded the emergence of negative symptoms. This will help determine the changes that could endure lining of the uterus.

Inspection of a woman using a speculum allows the doctor to assess the condition of the cervix and cervical canal. In rare cases, the tumor extends slightly into the vagina.

examination by a gynecologist

Ultrasound allows tumors to confirm its presence in the uterus. With hysteroscopy carried fence material for histological examination to determine the type of tissue and the differentiation of their tumors of cancer.

Removing the polyp

Polyp after abortion or birth of a child is removed from the uterus through surgery. This is by far the most effective method of preventing relapse.

Removal of endometrial polyps It carried out by several methods. They differ in the degree of injury to the uterine tissue and rehabilitation period. Most commonly used methods such as:

  • scraping tool;
  • vacuum aspiration;
  • freezing;
  • moxibustion.

Classical scraping used less and less. Although this method can completely remove the polyp chorion after medical abortion method travmatichen. Not excluded prolonged bleeding and complications.

Increasingly apply cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, or cauterization electrocoagulator. After these interventions women recover quickly, but not always possible to carry out histological examination neoplasms after its removal.

In extremely rare cases it takes more radical therapy - complete removal of the uterus and appendages. Such treatment is carried out only when confirmed oncology tumor or in the formation of multiple polyps. This technique is sometimes given to women if the placental polyps recur repeatedly.


Treatment of placental polyp after medical abortion or delivery using medicines is performed after surgery. An alternative to the complete removal of the formation of such a therapy may be only in the following cases:

  • polyp is a small and yet does not interfere with a woman;
  • proven lack of propensity to malignancy;
  • not aggravating for other disorders of the sexual sphere.

doctor waiting attitude does not mean that treatment is required. During this period, the woman must undergo regular inspection of the uterine cavity in order to control the growth of polyps.

uterine examination

Correct treatment will reduce the symptoms of polyposis in preparation for surgery or after. Most physicians prescribe the use of such dosage groups such as:

  • iron preparations - to prevent anemia due to hemorrhage;
  • antibiotics - when joining a bacterial infection;
  • NSAIDs - for pain relief;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins.

There are cases when a woman on the background of the disease was advancing another pregnancy. In the course of these births occur out of membranes with a polyp. placental tissue to be displayed together with the child, and there came a cure.

However, such a situation - an exception. In most cases, require adequate medical therapy and surgery.


Prevent the occurrence of placental polyp as a result of medical abortion or a miscarriage, you can, if you follow these simple rules:

  • use contraceptives to prevent unwanted conception;
  • during pregnancy to regularly visit a gynecologist;
  • after delivery to inspect the cervix;
  • choose doctors with extensive experience, to resolve uterine pregnancy or caesarean section;
  • to refuse any type of abortion.

It is not always possible to influence the actions of doctors and in advance to anticipate their skills. However, if the postpartum woman will listen to your own feelings, you can suspect the presence of diseases at an early stage.

Treat placental neoplasm is necessary to avoid complications. When polyps reach a large size, there is a risk of high blood loss and even death of the woman. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid any adverse events.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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