Polyp of cervix (cervical): symptoms and treatment, whether it is necessary to remove than dangerous

Cervical polyp - a disease that is often diagnosed among patients gynecological department. This tumor is benign. With endocervical polyps gynecologists are very common.

If such a diagnosis is made, a woman must understand when an urgent need to carry out treatment. There are many techniques, including burning, hysteroresectoscopy polyp. Since the lack of adequate treatment increases the risk of malignant degeneration of tumors in tumor, it is important to take into account the specific characteristics of the disease and know the proper methods to eliminate it.

It tells the story of a polyp


  • Causes of
  • symptoms
    • selection
    • Pain
    • violation of the month
    • Infertility
  • Classification
    • Fibrous
    • Glandular
    • decidual
    • adenomatous
    • Glandular-fibrous
  • Diagnostics
  • Removing the polyp
  • Treatment without surgery
    • hormonal therapy
    • antibiotic therapy
    • Anti-inflammatory therapy
  • complications
  • prevention methods

Causes of

Despite the fact that the diagnosis of "cervical polyp" put women often etiology of the disease is not fully understood. Long-term studies have shown that tumors can provoke the following factors:

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  • genital tract infections;
  • disease, sexually transmitted;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • transferred abortion;
  • curettage of the uterus in history;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • reduction in the body's defenses;
  • immunodeficiencies.

When inflammation of the cervix continues for a long time, impaired immune response to contact with pathological pathogens. Local immunity starts to malfunction, due to which increases the risk of polyp.

Most often, cervical outgrowth detected among women aged 31 to 50 years. Lower risk of developing exposed nulliparous or those who have moved to the post-menopausal.

Young mothers shortly after birth of the child often go to the doctor, and they reveal a tumor.


Usually women do not experience symptoms persist. While the formation of small, their presence can not be felt. The initial stage of the disease occur without symptoms. An indirect indication of disease - typical vaginal - leukorrhea.

However, the formation of a polyp in the cervical area is rarely a separate disease. That is why women may experience symptoms of other pathologies. Many people faced with the violation of menstruation, constant interruptions of early pregnancy.

The occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the cervical canal may have a lot of reasons. The symptoms difficult to diagnose, it is important to consult a doctor.


Endometrium continuously allocates a secret. Basically, it is necessary to lubricate the genital organs and tissues for self-cleaning of the waste cells. Most of these emissions is vaporized by the heat of the human body, but some fall out.

If you pay attention to how the nature of the discharge, we can see the pathology. Observed the following changes:

  • brown Mazanov buildup in case of damage;
  • plentiful white mucus;
  • spotting before and after menstruation is completed.
abundant whites

In more severe cases appear bleeding not associated with menstruation. If this phenomenon occurs at menopause, it requires urgent medical examination, as this may be a sign of malignancy.

If in addition to the tumors in the female reproductive system is present infection, isolation can acquire a characteristic odor. Slime sometimes becomes yellowish or greenish with impurities pus.


Polyp in the cervix is ​​able to provoke pain, if it is larger than the average size of steel. Small tumors usually do not cause noticeable discomfort.

Severe abdominal pain may occur on any day of the cycle, the feeling sometimes give in the waist. Uterine and cervical polyps larger size gives a woman the pain during sexual intercourse. Since the tumor is injured, it is possible a slight discharge of blood.

violation of the month

Education in the cervical canal polyp leads to a change in the nature of menstruation. The discharge becomes stronger, and the bleeding continues longer than usual. All the days of painful menstruation.

Since pathology is often accompanied by hormonal disorders, may increase estrogen. As a result, endometrial layer thickens, which also contributes to excessive bleeding.

When the fouling of ovarian polyps pain only intensified. Women experiencing symptoms of general malaise, as losing a lot of blood.


Polyp in the cervix - the cause of infertility. The long-awaited pregnancy does not occur due to the fact that sperm can not easily get into the female genital tract, due to which the fertilization does not occur.

Polyposis cervical department often alters hormones. As a result, there is no ovulation and release of the egg.


The increase in the polyp should encourage women to be screened, as well as the full course of treatment. There are several types of tumors. They differ in histological features. Determine which developed outgrowth (glandular or not), it is possible only after its removal and analysis.

Formation in the uterine canal can be single or multiple. Different growths and consistency. On examination the doctor will see that they have a different color, shape and size. Allocate 5 basic forms of polyps.

Most buildup in polyposis fed by blood vessel flowing inside the formation. If not, a pathology called pseudopolyposis.

glandular and fibrous polyp


Polyps in the cervix of the uterus formed fibrous type of connective tissue. Most often, this diagnosis is women who are more than 45 years. In his younger years, these growths are not usually formed.

The risk of transition into a malignant tumor pathology relative. Growths do not cause severe symptoms rarely bleed, as almost never injured and do not cause inflammation.


Polyps in the uterus glandular type formed of randomly arranged glands. Different soft texture, manifest abundant mucous discharge. Most often diagnosed in young women.

Polyp growth associated with the formation of the endometrium. In the reproductive years, these processes are active, which increases the risk of build-up. Propensity to degenerate to a cancer tumor is not there.

The treatment of these pathologies is usually held successfully without recurrence.


Among the outgrowths of cervical department decidual polyp arises from already formed tumors. The emergence of education triggered by pregnancy. The size it may exceed 1 cm.

After implantation of a fertilized egg cell lining of the uterus begins to change. Pedunculated polyps of this type can be single or multiple. Pseudopolyps often found lacking vascular bed.


Adenomatous polyps type - one of the adverse pathology of the vaginal mucosa, as it is considered a precancerous condition. Uterine cancer pathology in many cases developed against the background of this form of the disease.

Neoplasm quickly and chaotically growing, fully equipped with blood vessels. Hormonal changes increase the risk of oncology.

adenomatous polyp


Structure glandular-fibrous type of polyp This type of mixed since it is formed from several kinds of tissues. Can degenerate into adenomatous shape, it has a tendency to rapid growth. There are cases when the formation was 2.5 cm in size.

In this form of polyposis thickening occurs epithelial tissue necrosis portions are formed. Characterized by the appearance of inflammatory processes, a high risk of malignancy.


Endocervical polyp is diagnosed most often by chance during a routine pelvic exam. Further procedures are intended to determine the type of tumors, and to find a suitable treatment method.

The nature of cervical tumors can be determined using the following diagnostic procedures:

  • ultrasound;
  • colposcopy;
  • tserviskopiya;
  • fractional curettage.

If you suspect that a tumor oncology doctor will decide which is better: to hold - a biopsy or selective scraping. Much depends on the position of the polyp in the channel.

Clearly see the state of the walls of the cervical route and exterior features neoplasms by using the hysteroscope. Histological examination - mandatory event to accurately determine the type of tissue.

Removing the polyp

Modern medicine offers many ways removal of polyps of the cervical canal. intervention method determined by the physician in consultation with the woman.

An important aspect of surgery - an opportunity after the removal of histological examination. This means that the polyp should be removed completely, and the need to preserve its original shape.

Sometimes after removal of the polyp requires a curettage. This procedure is performed in the following cases:

  • in the remainder flowed inflammation;
  • there is suspicion of malignancy;
  • high probability of damaging adjacent organs and tissues.

Woman hands over the necessary tests and goes to the hospital. Performed the selection of anesthesia and surgery is done on an empty stomach. The intervention is carried out in the first half of the cycle, a few days after menstruation is completed.

polyp removal

There are several methods for removing the polyp: a clamp, radiofrequency or laser beam (laser removes only the smallest polyps), cauterization, hysteroscopy. Some methods are not used in nulliparous women, to avoid the appearance of scars, which will lead to complications in subsequent pregnancy and childbirth.

Anesthesia is not always applied, as some methods of completely painless. In very severe cases may complete removal of the uterus. This method is used in cancers and frequent relapses polyposis.

Treatment without surgery

Not always surgery is so serious as it is presented. For example, radio waves or laser removal does not cause severe pain and has a rapid period of rehabilitation. Nevertheless, many women refuse to treat surgically.

Get rid of polyposis in the cervical canal, using drug treatments, it is impossible. Such therapy can reduce the rate of progression of disease, but does not eliminate it completely.

hormonal therapy

Treatment hormones give a therapeutic effect on the condition that the disease was triggered by this particular problem. The doctor will choose the appropriate oral contraceptives or progestins.

Such drugs may reduce the level of progesterone and estrogen decline. This helps stop bleeding, restore normal menstrual cycles, decrease pain.

Duration of hormonal preparations - six months. Take they should be within 21 days, then take a break for a week. If necessary, your doctor may recommend a longer course of treatment.

antibiotic therapy

If iron-fibrous polyp formed as a result of an infectious disease, complex treatment should include antibacterial agents. Type of antibiotic determined by the physician, based on laboratory results.

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Gynecological diseases often cause the following microorganisms:

  • gonococci;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • Trichomonas.

Antibiotics destroy pathogens inhabiting cervical mucosa. administration method is determined individually.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

Along with antibiotics requires the use of drugs with anti-inflammatory action. This is especially significant in the development of inflammatory pathologies related etiology.

These drugs also have an analgesic effect. After operation during the healing expressed woman may experience pain. NSAIDs ease her condition.


Any disease where the treatment is not carried out quality, leads to unpleasant complications. Much depends on at what point the development of pathology and therapy carried out which method is used.

Most often develop the following complications:

  • bleeding;
  • infertility;
  • infection;
  • the impossibility of natural birth;
  • oncology;
  • relapses.

cervical scarring - a common complication of diseases that were treated by cauterization of the polyp. Many techniques cause local burns and scar formation over time. Because of this, the sizes to which the uterus is able to expand during pregnancy and childbirth, becoming smaller.

The risk of bleeding is usually low. blood Selection is no longer than 1-2 days. More long-term phenomenon is observed among those who held a full surgery. The stronger were damaged tissue of the uterus, the higher the risk.

He thinks about the allocation

Should not be immediately after the removal of a polyp to become pregnant. The body needs time to recuperate.

prevention methods

Protect against the formation of polyps by following these simple tips:

  • eat right;
  • twice a year to visit a gynecologist for routine inspection of the cervix;
  • exclude casual sex;
  • renounce the uncontrolled use of antibiotics that destroy useful microflora of the vagina;
  • avoid stress and physical exhaustion;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • use condoms during sex;
  • maintain a regular sex life.

To prevent the development of serious abnormalities in the cervix, treatment is necessary to spend time polyps and infections. A visit to the doctor can help.

Get rid of the polyps in the uterus possible. It is important to start treatment on time and to choose the right method. There will be no obstacles to subsequent conception.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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