Polyps in the uterus: the symptoms and treatment of the causes of education, health hazards

Polyps in the uterus - benign. This disease is widespread in gynecology. About 10% of women suffer from this disease. Neoplasms are endometrial growths inside the uterus facing. Can grow on the leg, or have a wide base.

A polyp may be a single. In more rare cases, tumors of the uterus covers the entire channel. Although sometimes no symptoms, most often women notice serious violations. Polyposis often diagnosed along with other hormonal disorders. The same way as during the menstrual cycle changes the endometrium in the uterus, tumors can change their content and structure.

Treatment is important to start as soon as possible. Appropriate therapy doctor will only after a thorough inspection.

a gynecologist


  • Causes of
  • main symptoms
  • Classification of polyps in the uterus
    • Glandular
    • Glandular-fibrous
    • Fibrous
    • other forms
  • Polyps during pregnancy
    • Removal of pregnant women
  • diagnostic technique
    • ultrasound
    • hysteroscopy
    • Survey of the gynecologist
    • Tserviskopiya and colposcopy
  • treatment of the disease
    • Treatment without surgery
    • Surgery
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Causes of

Polyp in the uterus may occur for various reasons. On the occurrence of the disease affects a group of factors. The main causes of the disease:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • vascular pathology;
  • inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • thyroid disease;
  • abortion;
  • accompanying chronic diseases;
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Most women's diseases depend on the level of hormones. Thickening of the uterus, promoting the formation of polyps, occurs when excessive levels of estrogen or progesterone reduced. This leads to the formation of single or multiple growths.

Diseases of the blood vessels located near the uterus, may provoke the appearance of polyps. If blood flow is disturbed, the cells do not receive adequate nutrition. It stimulates their uncontrolled growth. As a result, overgrowth of epithelium formation occur.

Inflammatory diseases are a risk factor for polyposis. During his illness in the body is actively produced substances, which purpose - to stop the inflammatory process. Simultaneously, increasing the number of endometrial cell layer. And this is the material for the structure of potential entities.

When the thyroid gland is broken, it affects the production of hormones in the body. Balance comes crashing as a result of the sex hormones begin to stand out in an excess of that provokes polyposis.

Medical and medical abortion is traumatic for the women sexual system. Situation even more complicated, if after termination of pregnancy carried out curettage of the uterus. Initially such gross manipulation result in the formation of erosion plots or cysts and polyps formed over time.

Women suffering from chronic diseases that affect metabolism and blood circulation, often faced with the appearance of growths in the uterus. With diabetes or hypertension, the blood circulation in small blood vessels is broken, which affects the quality of tissue nutrition and growth of the epithelial layer.

Excess kilos - an additional source for the formation of estrogen hormones. Increased their contents - the basis for the formation of benign tumors.

girl weighed

A sedentary lifestyle also has a negative impact on the reproductive system. In pelvic congestion occurs, which leads to a violation of the processes of formation of new cells and the disposal of waste.

Affect the development of polyps in the uterus may be a genetic predisposition. If the woman was treated drugs that block perception to sex hormones may also occur within the organ tumors.

main symptoms

Uterine polyps often develop without symptoms. However, when the tumor becomes large, the signs appear brighter. Women most often notice the following changes:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • copious;
  • strong pain in the critical days;
  • bleeding from the uterus not related to menstruation;
  • brownish allocation at any day of the cycle;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • bleeding after sex.

Frequent uterine bleeding leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, anemia. There is a general weakness, dizziness observed. The skin may become pale, require total replacement therapy.

When education reach large sizes, pain not associated with menstruation. The discomfort is felt just below the abdomen but above the pubic area.

Cramping, cramping may occur from time to time, then disappeared. Aching sensations occur less frequently, but can also indicate the development of polyposis.

For women in menopause may also appear bloody issues. This does not mean that menstruation resumed. Often bloody spotting - the result of damage to the build-up of the vessel. At this age, especially important to get a thorough diagnosis, as the high risk of cancer.

Growths are often formed on the background of hormonal failure women. With problems of this nature rarely turn to the gynecologist, but that early diagnosis can cope with pathology without problems. To the doctor come, if they want to have children, but the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. Continuous fetal miscarriage, abortions encourage women to identify the cause.

When a polyp in the uterus becomes large, it disrupts the normal structure of the endometrium. If fertilization occurs, implantation is still possible. Even if the embryo could penetrate the layer of endometrial growth him little space, which leads to spontaneous abortion.

symptoms of polyps

Classification of polyps in the uterus

Polyps in gynecology come in several forms. May be placed on the body of the reproductive organ, the neck or in the corners and folds. The structure of a simple education. It is formed from the legs and body.

Polyps endometrial cancer may have a different histological structure. Form tumors tend to vary with age. Glandular polyps more frequently diagnosed in young women, and fibrotic with denser filling - after 40 years.


Glandular uterine polyp It develops from the mucus layer. Often it is growing endometriosis increases quickly. It resembles cysts filled with fluid.

The appearance of such tumors in younger women is associated with the peculiarities of the structure of the polyps. Since the update of the endometrium at an early age is more active, it is the best ground for the build-up.


Glandular uterine fibroid polyp more often diagnosed in women aged 35 years. Doctor detects multiple growths that consist of glandular and fibrous tissue at the same time.

The gynecologist may notice abnormalities, if put into the vagina special mirror and examine the body cavity. The leg of the polyp is formed from one type of tissue, and the body of the other.


There are fibrous polyps are the type most often in women over 40 years in premenopausal. Most often this is due to the intense hormonal changes.

Formed polyps differ dense structure, they are built from the connecting cell. Fibrosis affects middle layer of the mucous membrane which separates an inner and an outer portion thereof.

other forms

In gynecology also secrete adenomatous polyps and placenta. The first type is considered the most dangerous, since it contains cells that are prone to degenerate to a cancer tumor.

Placental tumors develop a tendency to frequent and excessive bleeding. Often appear in women after childbirth.

Polyps during pregnancy

Polyps in the uterus are often to blame for the fact that a woman can not conceive and bear a child. If such a diagnosis is made, it should undergo a full treatment before pregnancy planning.

Pregnant doctor

In rare cases, fertilization and embryo fixation in the cavity reproductive organ is still going on. This is possible if the tumor is located, or the small size so as not to interfere with the growth of the fetus.

The main problem with the availability of education in the uterus - to become pregnant. If this happens, there can be complications, although they are developing is not always.

The development of the baby could be in jeopardy if the start placental abruption. This temporary body provides him with food and oxygen. Gapping in the uterus leads to an insufficient supply of blood. As a result, the child does not receive the necessary material, fast, and there is a threat of miscarriage. It can occur at any stage, so it is important to have constant supervision of doctors.

A woman should be remembered that the tumor can be transformed into a malignant tumor, and therefore it is better to carry out full treatment prior to conception. If millipara put such a diagnosis, the doctor selects sparing therapy.

Removal of pregnant women

uterine polyp treatment during pregnancy is not carried out. A woman should make sure that what appears from the genital tract, and blood occurs, seek immediate medical attention.

Bleeding on the background of polyps are usually related to the fact that tumors are injured. This may occur after a gynecological examination or cervical intercourse.

Often against a background of pregnancy polyp growth fades, regression begins. This is due to the fact that reduced production of estrogen and an increase in neoplasms often occurs precisely at elevated hormone.

diagnostic technique

Polyposis is often diagnosed by chance during a routine pelvic exam. Deep-seated tumors can only be seen on ultrasound of the uterus, but if they are located in the neck, even a survey using mirrors will reveal pathology.

If menopause symptoms are more pronounced, and because women visit a doctor, where he will learn about the disease. Determine benign or malignant polyp formation, is possible only after careful diagnosis. It requires different procedures, including the holding of hysteroscopy.


Diagnosis of uterine polyps necessarily carried out using ultrasound. This method allows to estimate the number, size and shape of neoplasms, which is important to further select the process of treatment. During the ultrasound the doctor can also see the status of the ovaries, the information in the future will allow for the gynecologist.

Abdominal pain may indicate not only polyposis. US shows how the increase in endometrial layer if there pathology. mucosal thickening is often accompanied by the formation of polyps.

It makes ultrasound

Following the results of ultrasound the doctor may suggest hormonal failure. Under the control of the equipment is performed diagnostic curettage.


Hysteroscopy - a procedure which is carried out both in the diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It refers to a group of minimally invasive interventions.

During the examination the doctor can immediately remove the tumor. Modern equipment allows to determine the time of diagnosis of uterine polyp structure, differentiating benign tumors from cancer.

It allows hysteroscopy to remove buildup without damaging it. Further histological examination confirmed the diagnosis.

Survey of the gynecologist

The state of the endometrium is often evaluated during a routine gynecological examination through the vagina using mirrors. Can be suspect polyposis of painful cervical increase reproductive organ, a change of its tissue structure.

Polyps are different from the healthy uterine tissue. They usually acinar forms a bright pink color. If education become purple or bluish tinge, it indicates poor circulation inside. In doing so, they remain soft.

Tserviskopiya and colposcopy

These procedures are important for the diagnosis of gynecological diseases. In the uterus, or hysteroscope is inserted colposcope equipped with lighting and camera.

Through this examination, the doctor can see areas of necrosis and even small polyps. Under the control of the microscopic camera operations are done, you can perform diagnostic curettage immediately.

the doctor makes a colposcopy

treatment of the disease

People's method of treatment and drug therapy are used very rarely and only in the early stages of the disease. To polyp did not appear again, and there was no risk of a malignancy of the process, it is necessary to fully remove the tumor and to subject it to a thorough histological examination.

If you choose to use non-operational methods should take into account that uterine polyps alone do not disappear or dissolve. Over time, can begin their growth.

Treatment without surgery

Drug therapy can only stop the proliferation of polyps in the uterus and an increase in their size. They can be assigned to the following groups of products:

  • antibiotics - in the identification of the bacterial type of infection;
  • hormones - reproductive age;
  • progestins - with strong bleedings;
  • iron supplements - to prevent anemia;
  • vitamin complexes.

Drug treatment may be an intermediate phase before surgery. The duration of such therapy is about six months. Restoring hormonal balance, stop bleeding - a high-quality training to complete the removal of polyps.


Surgical removal - the best method of treatment of neoplasms. When a polyp growth rapid, operation is prescribed as soon as possible. No treatment during pregnancy.

uterus Hysteroscopy - a common way to deal with polyps. During the procedure, performed scraping the mucous membrane lining the reproductive organ inside. The advantage of this method - the possibility of further studies of uterine tissue removed for the presence of cancer cells.

In severe bleeding initially removed upper layer of the endometrium and then the metal loop is removed polyp. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Laser therapy and cryotherapy - modern methods of removing tumors that have a lot of advantages. However, after these manipulations impossible to investigate biomaterial and eliminate cancer.

After removal of the polyps the body needs time to recover. Later, a woman can conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby without any risks.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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