Why does thrush after treatment: causes, methods of control and prevention

Thrush - a disease caused by the fungus Candida. If you experience symptoms need to see a doctor to determine the best method of treatment. If a woman decides to self-medicate, when taking ineffective drugs may be constant, ie, chronic thrush.

This is not the only reason due to which the symptoms of yeast infection does not pass. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the woman had taken for candidiasis another disease that can not be cured antimycotic drugs.

Woman with cactus


  • Causes of
  • Why does thrush
    • Why does after treatment
  • prevention tips
  • Recommendations during drug therapy

Causes of

There are several main reasons for the occurrence of candidiasis.

Cause thrush development can breach the intestinal microflora. This is because the female sex organs are located near the anus, and thus increases the risk of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina. Listed bacteria begin to actively proliferate, destroying its flora. In form a favorable environment fungi Candida activated, causing the development of the disease.

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Can cause candidiasis and hormonal changes. Most often seen Thrush in pregnancy, As the organism directs all the forces on full development of the fetus, which is why reduced immunity.

The disease can not be held for a long time in a state of remission, and appear just before menstruation due to hormonal changes.

Thrush can develop on the background of reduction of protective functions of the immune system. Possible causes of this process:

  • colds;
  • Candidiasis after antibiotics;
  • stress;
  • sleep deficit;
  • poor diet, based on the use of large amounts of carbohydrates.

chronic yeast infection It appears on the background presence of accompanying pathologies of infective nature, affecting the mucous membranes of the vagina and genitals. In this case, only antifungal therapy will not help to get rid of candida. If concomitant disease will not be cured, a favorable environment for the development of candidiasis is created again.

candida fungus

Candidiasis fails and affects the genitals in women with metabolic disorders, the presence of HIV.

Contribute to the development of the disease can and neglect of personal hygiene. One of the favorable factors that activate the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, is the regular wearing of tight underwear made of synthetic materials.

Why does thrush

Sometimes women develop frequent recurrent candidiasis, Which is why there is an impression that the disease does not pass.

The appearance of relapses can contribute to one or more of the reasons listed below:

  1. Thrush is not treated in the presence of herpes simplex type I or II.
  2. The growth and development of pathogenic bacteria diseases may cause undesired vaginal and intestinal microflora.
  3. Symptoms of yeast infection causes severe weakening of the immune system, triggered by hypothermia and malnutrition.
  4. Violation of vaginal flora and the growth of yeast fungi may be caused by incorrect reception eubiotics.
  5. Decreased thyroid function triggers hormonal changes, which is why the fungus begins to actively proliferate. Also, hormonal changes before menstruation, pregnancy, menopause.

If the thrush does not pass, you must consult your doctor to adjust the methods and means of therapy. In order to ascertain the cause of constant relapse and get rid of the disease, the expert prescribe the necessary methods for diagnosis and treatment of pathologies, aimed at eliminating the chronic form candidiasis.

doctor and patient

Why does after treatment

Some women, faced with the development of the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis, say: "I can not cure a yeast infection even after traversed a course of therapy." Such a problem may be caused by several factors:

  1. Incorrectly selected therapy - is the primary reason that after treatment thrush does not pass. In most cases, such a result occurs when self-medication: properly selected drug or a dosage that results in an incomplete destruction of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Application of suppositories, gels or tablets from yeast which do not cause the death of yeast-like fungus. In some cases, pathogens become insensitive to the drugs used. Most often this is happening against the background of uncontrolled or prolonged use protivomikoticheskih medicines. When this situation occurs, you must consult your doctor to identify the active substance, capable of coping with the disease.
  3. The presence of genital infections, thrush having similar symptoms, such as gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes. In order to get rid of the symptoms appear, need to undergo treatment aimed at combating disease detection, restore microflora after such therapy.
  4. The presence of diabetes mellitus, renal failure, liver disease, HIV can increase the duration of treatment, creating favorable conditions for the development of pathology. Therefore, to see a doctor about the appearance of candidiasis symptoms should inform him about existing diseases.

Launched form of thrush, fungal infection characterized by severe genital and mucous membranes of the vagina, requires an integrated approach to treatment. Basic methods of treatment can only temporarily reduce symptoms of the disease, but then it will manifest again.

prevention tips

If the patient complains to his doctor: "I can not get rid of yeast infection", during treatment and after the pathology of disease prevention is needed. To get rid of candida, as well as reduce the likelihood of relapse is necessary to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Avoid all situations that contribute to a decrease in immunity. It is necessary to maintain their way of life so that the immune system is constantly maintained at a high level, regular exercise, tempered. Equally important is the reception of minerals and vitamins.
  2. Stick to a balanced diet, based on the limited use of carbohydrates.
  3. Observe good personal hygiene: timely change bed linen, towels, regularly take a shower, wear underwear made from natural materials.
woman with a flower

Recommendations during drug therapy

If the thrush does not pass, then, is not cured the cause of his appearance. Therefore, the therapy of chronic diseases requires a comprehensive, phased approach:

  • first of all eliminates the cause of pathogenic symptoms via protivomikoticheskih and antiinflammatory drugs;
  • diabetes is first lowered blood sugar levels, and then assigned to antifungal therapy;
  • in the presence of herpes simplex requires additional antiviral therapy;
  • further recovery rate assigned microflora;
  • if necessary, a woman sent to other doctors. If the cause of yeast infection is the change in hormonal levels - to the endocrinologist.

Treatment must pass both the sexual partner, in a different situation to happen reinfection.

During therapy, you must follow a few guidelines:

  • refrain from any sexual contact;
  • taking stimulants, vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system;
  • observe good personal hygiene;
  • eliminate the use of alcohol;
  • stick to the diet, which excludes from the diet, baking, sweets, fatty and spicy food in favor of vegetables, fruits, milk products;
  • do not wear tight underwear made of synthetic materials;
  • do not use tampons during menstruation.

As additional measures, after consultation with gynecologists, you can use the popular recipes. To remove the cheesy plaque from the external genitalia are used herbal extracts, prepared on the basis of succession, nettle, lavender. And to remove the fungus from the mucous membranes of the vagina recommended a decoction of chamomile, calendula, oak bark.

To get rid of candida, it is necessary to complete a full course of treatment prescribed by a doctor, even if pathogenic symptoms completely disappeared. And reduce the dosage of prescription drugs is impossible. Otherwise finished the cure fungus can cause a relapse.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 36
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