Douching with thrush at home: it is better and how to perform the procedure

Douching for thrush is the most popular method of treatment in the home. The procedure is performed by washing the vagina using a syringe, of drugs or herbal infusions. To carry out such manipulations must be strictly adhering to physician recommendations.

irrigation scheme


  • Is there a cure thrush syringing
  • The douche
  • How to douche for thrush
  • Contraindications

Is there a cure thrush syringing

there is no uniform opinion among experts about how effective douche for thrush. Some doctors argue that the complex treatment is impossible without this procedure, others believe that cure yeast infection by this method is much more complicated. As a result of these manipulations are washed beneficial bacteria from the vagina.

Douching can not act as an independent agent. It is mandatory to be appointed an antifungal agent, and this procedure is recommended as an adjunctive therapy.

The douche

Perform douching with thrush may be as pharmacy and folk remedies.

Among the solutions which can douche in the treatment of candidiasis in the home, there are the following:

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  1. Soda. This tool gives good results. It is recommended to apply even gynecologists. Teaspoon baking soda diluted in 100 ml of water and stirred. The procedure is carried out twice a day. After a time, into the vagina to create an environment unfavorable to the development of fungal infections.
  2. Chamomile. The tool has a germicidal and antibacterial effects, due to which widely used in gynecology. To prepare a solution, three spoons tea flowers is poured boiling water and insist about three hours. Douching twice a day.
  3. chlorhexidine. The drug is available in pharmacies. Using the solution can cause difficulties, since it is equipped with a container with a special nozzle, allowing the medication to enter the vagina.
  4. furatsilin. Teaspoon furatsilina diluted in 500 ml of water and then added to the solution and further hydrogen peroxide (1 hr. l.). Antimycotic agent has no effect, but helps to eliminate unpleasant clinical manifestations thrush.
  5. Calendula. To prepare the broth from herbs necessary teaspoon dried flowers pour 300 ml of boiling water, then cooled and infuse. Douching Calendula effective method is treatment of thrush due bactericide, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties of the plants.
  6. Miramistin. The preparation has an antiseptic effect and is used to address the clinical manifestations of thrush. In one procedure uses only 10 ml of the product, which is introduced by a small depth. All you need to perform such manipulations ten.
chamomile and calendula

How to douche for thrush

Syringing from thrush at home perform twice a day, once after waking up and before going to bed. After a time, the amount of irrigation is reduced to one half. Total course of treatment consists of ten such manipulations. Use can be normal syringe or a mug Esmarch, consisting of a tank and two tips. In most cases, the procedure is carried out using a special container, which allows to perform all manipulations in accordance with the rules.

Preparation for the procedure:

  1. Genitals in front of irrigation should wash.
  2. Tip necessarily need to be boiled.
  3. Capacity made of rubber, qualitatively rinsed in hot water, and then rinsed in boiled.
  4. The solution was heated to a temperature of exactly 37 degrees.

How to douche with a syringe or douches mug in the bathroom:

  1. Mug douches fixed on a vertical surface so that it was at the height of 70 cm from the waist. It should be borne in mind that all manipulations are carried out in the supine position.
  2. Lie on your back in a way that does not feel discomfort.
  3. Legs bent and slightly dissolve in hand.
  4. Tip with petroleum jelly to avoid the risk of micro traumas.
  5. Introduce it into the vagina for approximately 7 cm.
  6. Slowly open the clamp to the drug stream it was weak and did not provoke the appearance of discomfort.
  7. Wait until all the solution gets into the vagina and bathe its wall.
  8. After the procedure, you must remain lying down for another quarter hour.

In one manipulation necessary to use about 300 mL drug or decoction.

syringe and mug douches


Syringing, though considered a relatively safe procedure, its conduct has a number of contraindications. Among the main ones are the following:

  • the planned visit to a gynecologist. The results of smears from the vagina are often distorted;
  • the presence of diseases such as inflammation of the uterus, endometriosis, endometritis;
  • menstruation. As a result of blood reflux can get back into the cervix and trigger the development of bacterial or inflammation;
  • pregnancy;
  • period is less than six weeks after the abortion, childbirth or curettage of the uterus.

Also worth noting is that the drugs that will be used in the treatment process should be determined by your doctor. To choose one or the other means is strictly prohibited.

Douching - This popular procedure is resorted to in the treatment of thrush. Thus eliminating the fungal infection is not possible, but in most cases the women disappear unpleasant symptoms. The course of treatment is only ten manipulation, which is also an advantage of this method.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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