Endometrial polyp and pregnancy: Is it possible to get pregnant after the removal of the effect on the carrying of

Women's reproductive health is very vulnerable - on a daily basis, it is exposed to many negative factors. Stress, poor diet and other satellites of modern life lead to a hormonal imbalance that provokes various deviations in the reproductive system.

One of the frequently diagnosed diseases is endometrial polyp. How dangerous it is, the effect on pregnancy and prevents conception there - the answers to these questions are ambiguous and depend on the individual clinical picture. Doctors allocate a number of factors that determine the compatibility of pregnancy and endometrial polyps.

thinking about pregnancy


  • Description endometrial polyp
  • The main symptoms of the pathology
  • Reasons for the formation of a polyp
  • Factors influencing the postponement of pregnancy
    • anemic bleeding
    • Infectious diseases
    • hormonal disorders
    • adhesions
  • method of diagnosis of endometrial polyp
  • Removal of endometrial polyp and pregnancy
  • Treatment of pathological deviations

Description endometrial polyp

Polyp - the general name of benign tumors in the lining of the uterus. It is a consequence of abnormal proliferation of endometrial tissue, caused by hormonal imbalances or other cause. growths size ranges from 1.2 to 80 mm and more. They can be single or multiple.

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This deviation is often detected in the diagnosis of the causes of infertility, but sometimes detected and after conception. In this case, treatment is postponed for puerperium. However polyp during pregnancy is dangerous for gestation.

The main symptoms of the pathology

Polyps are commonly found during ultrasound genitals, while pathology does not always have an external manifestation. Large growths can cause:

  • drawing pains;
  • sukrovichnye bleeding or discharge;
  • mucous discharge from the vagina;
  • painful plentiful monthly;
  • scanty menstruation;
  • spotting or bleeding between periods;
  • infertility.

Growths on the endometrium does not always prevent conception, becoming pregnant with a polyp can be. However, in some cases it leads to complications in harboring.

Reasons for the formation of a polyp

The reasons for the formation of polyps are diverse and not fully understood. Age older than 35 years is an additional risk factor, but the disease is diagnosed in women in different periods of life. Most often there is pathology in the background:

  1. Chronic infectious diseases of the reproductive sphere. The development of inflammatory processes promotes the formation of polyps.
  2. Violation of secretion of sex hormones. Often there are glandular endometrial hyperplasia and other diseases.
  3. Endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis.
  4. endometrial hyperplasia. During menstruation the endometrium is sloughed sometimes not fully displayed, and the remaining portions of the uterus can become polyps.
  5. Prolonged mental overload and stress.
  6. Frequent abortions, curettage.
  7. Long-term hormone replacement therapy, contraception (IUD).
  8. Diseases of the digestive system - the intestines, gall bladder and liver.
  9. Genetic predisposition.
  10. Partial removal of the placenta at birth or abortion. The remaining fragments in the uterus can lead to the development of placental polyp.
  11. Hormonal changes in menopause.
polyps in the uterus

Despite the fact that pregnancy can occur in the presence of such formations, they have a negative effect on the development of the embryo and can lead to spontaneous abortion.

In rare cases, a polyp in the uterus forms during pregnancy - as the endometrial response to this physiological process.

Factors influencing the postponement of pregnancy

During pregnancy, polyps represent a threat to the health of mother and baby. And in some cases, these formations are a major obstacle to conception. In particular, located in the uterus isthmic section (the connection to the fallopian tube) polyp prevents advancement of spermatozoa and ova fertilization.

If outgrowth on the endometrium diagnosed and removed early, it is possible to plan conception in the next menstrual cycle. In the absence of complications to restore the mucus layer only one or two months. However, in some cases, surgery may be insufficient, and require additional treatment.

anemic bleeding

Pregnancy with endometrial polyps is not always runs safely, but removal may lead to complications. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of bleeding if a woman is reduced blood clotting, fragile walls of blood vessels or slow down the process of tissue regeneration.

May cause bleeding from the vagina between periods, as well as the transition to long-term monthly blood loss.

Against the backdrop of bleeding develops iron deficiency anemia, the hemoglobin index falls significantly below normal. Such a state is not favorable for the beginning of pregnancy because a woman's body can not provide enough nutrition to the fetus and the supply of oxygen.

So before you plan conception, you must:

  • stop the bleeding;
  • to restore normal levels of hemoglobin using iron supplements;
  • establish a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, trace elements, especially iron (to include in the menu, liver, beef, pomegranates and other foods to improve blood).

Analysis of blood and general condition assessment can help determine when the body is recovered and ready for childbearing.

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Infectious diseases

A significant obstacle to a happy pregnancy is an infectious inflammation of the reproductive system. It affects the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus and can cause a number of serious complications:

  • high probability of miscarriage throughout gestation;
  • infection of the fetus at the stage of fetal development or during labor;
  • developmental disorders, structural abnormalities of organs and systems of a child;
  • polyp recurrence.

Therefore, an operation to remove benign tumors usually complement antibiotic therapy. To confirm or rule out infection after treatment using special tests.

hormonal disorders

The development of many gynecological diseases, including infertility, associated with long-term imbalance of sex hormones in a woman's body. When this disturbed natural processes oocyte maturation and formation of endometrium, difficult or it becomes impossible to conceive.

A variety of factors provoke malfunction of the endocrine system. It may be surgery, stress, poor diet, or metabolic abnormalities. Therefore, along with the removal of a polyp is necessary to estimate the state of hormonal and carry out the correction with the aid of special agents, if necessary.

Conception is advisable to plan after the completion of therapy, and normalization of hormonal levels.


A common way to remove build-up in the uterus - scraping. This is a very traumatic operation. After it (in the healing process of the mucous) may occur within the organ adhesions.

Adhesions (synechiae) - is strands of connective tissue that may form between the inner walls of the body. There are different sizes and shapes but are always an obstacle to pregnancy. If they appear, requiring re scraping to remove them.

To avoid such complications, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations after the removal of a polyp, be sure to go through the designated course of physiotherapy.

method of diagnosis of endometrial polyp

Comprehensive diagnostics in a polyp include such techniques as:

  1. Ultrasound of the uterus (USG).
  2. Hysteroscopy. It allows to determine the number, location and size of polyps, endometrial tissues. It can be carried out in conjunction with the sample by scraping, removal of tumors, biopsies or scrapings.
  3. Histology - the study of cell outgrowth under the microscope.
  4. blood, urine, smear.
  5. Gidrosonografiya.
examination by a gynecologist

On the basis of the doctor selects the individual scheme of therapy.

Removal of endometrial polyp and pregnancy

Usually benign require surgical removal. It is mandatory if outgrowth prevents a fertilized egg or ovum consolidation in the uterus. In public hospitals is still done via curettage, hemostatic drugs and antibiotics may be prescribed after curettage. The extracted tissue is sent to the histology to exclude malignant transformation of cells.

However, to safely remove a polyp more modern ways, not all of traumatic uterine lining. This is especially true for women who are planning to have a baby. Sparing methods - hysteroresectoscopy or laparoscopy (in this case, all surgical procedures are performed through small incisions in the abdomen, under the control of the optical device - laparoscope). In this case, the doctor removes only the outgrowth without damaging the rest of the endometrium.

After removing outgrowth fertilization possible in the coming months, if there are no other abnormalities and diseases. Conception recommended after complete reduction of the reproductive system (hormonal and menstrual cycle). This process takes from 1 to 6 months. However, for a long time to delay pregnancy after surgery is also not recommended, as is a risk of recurrence of the disease.

Resection of polyp history is not a threat to the conception and childbearing. Pregnancy in this case usually comes quickly and uncomplicated.

Polyp - a disease with a high probability of recurrence, which can happen during the process of gestation. Then all the treatments are postponed until the end of pregnancy, the expectant mother is recommended especially attentive to their health and visit a gynecologist regularly.

Rarely (if absolutely necessary), your doctor may decide to remove outgrowth during pregnancy. As a rule, this applies to decidual polyp in the cervical canal, if they bleed, increase uterine tone and threatened nurturing the baby.

After the operation can be quickly conceived, if there is no other health problems - infections, inflammatory diseases affecting women, serious hormonal disorders. That pregnancy was successful, you must eliminate all the threats to it. During this period, the woman should be given to health promotion: be sure to get rid of bad habits, develop mode, a proper diet, find time for physical activity.

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Treatment of pathological deviations

Various methods of treatment of endometrial polyps are used in modern gynecology - both conservative and surgical. However, the operation is more efficient and reliable than drug correction, is therefore used more often. Traditional medicine when this diagnosis is almost useless and can only supplement the basic therapy as an adjunct restorative course (strictly in agreement with your doctor).

Conservative treatment is justified if the tumor in the uterus of small size (less than 5 mm), and the survey is not a threat of malignant transformation. In this case, the physician may prescribe the hormone or antibiotic treatment (depending on the cause of the pathology) for correction. In this case, the polyp does not disappear, but may be reduced in size and will not interfere with the natural physiological processes. In all other cases, it is recommended surgery to remove a polyp.

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Surgical treatment (resection) polyp can be produced in different ways depending on the characteristics of of the disease, morphological type outgrowth (fibrous, glandular, adenomatous), the woman's age and other factors.

Contraindications to the operation are:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system (bacterial, viral or fungal);
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic disease in acute decompensation or (asthma, diabetes, severe hypertension, gastric ulcer);
  • expressed uterine bleeding;
  • catarrhal disease (ARI ARI).

Cervical pathology and also prevent damage to conduct the operation, but in this case it is possible polyp removal via laparoscopy (via a small incision in the abdomen).

Surgical intervention is very important a healthy vaginal flora (not to carry infection deeper). Therefore, for a few days before surgery recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse or use barrier contraceptives (condoms) during intercourse.

There are the following methods for removing benign tumors in the uterus:

  1. Hysteroresectoscopy. The method involves the introduction into the uterus (cervix and the vagina) special device - a compact camcorder, combined with reminiscent scissors instrument. The device allows for constant visual inspection to find, isolate and remove the tumor. Position polyp location locally scraped and treated with special solutions to prevent infection.
  2. Deleting using elektropetli. Also carried out under the supervision of a hysteroscope. This method allows you to simultaneously cauterize a polyp removal place and prevent bleeding.
  3. Laser removal. One of the most modern and safe methods. The operation does not require anesthesia, after it there is no bleeding or scar left.
  4. Scraping (curettage). Outdated and rather dangerous method is used in poorly equipped health facilities, has only a simple tool - cervical dilators and curette. During surgery, the doctor blindly separates the entire top layer of the endometrium. In this case the probability of damage of the basal layer body wall perforation, infection. After this intervention remains a high risk of disease recurrence. Curettage may be recommended if multiple endometrial polyps or necessary emergency operation.
  5. Radio wave method. Safety and efficacy comparable to the laser. Directional radio waves act on outgrowth and tissue consistently destroy layer by layer. Is not damaged adjacent endometrium, recovery is very fast.
  6. Untwisting polyp - can be used in the presence of a single protuberance on a thin stem. Not the most effective method, because the root of the build-up remains and can cause relapse.
polyp removal

To obtain a long-term and reliable effect, it is necessary not only to remove tumors, but also to eliminate the reason for their appearance. According to the testimony after the surgery can be prescribed a course of antibiotics or hormone therapy, and physiotherapy. It is important to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, otherwise it may re-formation of polyps in the uterus or the development of complications.

Within a few weeks after the operation prohibited:

  • great physical exertion;
  • Visit baths and saunas, overheating;
  • swimming in open water;
  • sex.

Menstruation after surgery comes as usual or with small deviations. Conception is possible after 1-2 months after the surgery, but it is better to postpone it until the end of the corrective therapy and full recovery of the reproductive health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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