Furatsilin thrush in women: douching, washing away for treatment of candidiasis

Furatsilin - is an antibacterial agent, which has been widely used. In gynecological practice Furatsilinom prescribed for yeast infections in women, although it is not able to independently fight the candida fungus, and is only used as an additional medication.

furatsilin types


  • Furatsilin in gynecological practice
  • action substances
  • As furatsilina be treated at home
  • Adverse reactions

Furatsilin in gynecological practice

For the treatment of candidiasis antifungal drugs are needed, which will influence the cause of the disease. However, physicians in diseases of the reproductive system prescribe and concomitant medications that will facilitate the symptoms and to accelerate the healing process. It is for this reason used Furatsilinom thrush.

For the treatment of thrush symptoms, namely itching, burning, discharge for thrush used solutions prepared from Frc. Douching, caving and hip baths are able to flush out the fungus with mucous genitals, while not causing vaginal dryness.

Furatsilin of yeast infection in women, and is used during pregnancy, but only for caving or trays. Douching with water or solutions in this period are prohibited due to possible infection in the cervix and the risk of allergic reactions.

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furatsilina solution of tablets

Since the drug Furatsilinom no antifungal properties, the treatment against the fungus Candida only this remedy will be ineffective. It is necessary to carry out all-purpose gynecologist, increase immunity, to control power during candidiasis, namely to reduce flour consumption, sweet, excluding alcohol, and also to monitor the health of the organism in general, try to avoid sexual diseases system.

action substances

Active current component is Furacilinum nitrofurazone which has the ability to affect the microorganisms, including various kinds of bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, viruses.

Effect of the drug is very effective against many diseases, these include respiratory infections, eye and skin damage. However, the tool is rarely used as a separate, more complex therapy.

As furatsilina be treated at home

Furatsilin used topically and superficially, the use of oral solution is not allowed. In case of contact with the drug in the gastrointestinal tract is necessary to lavage. The tool is not used for preventive purposes, since its ability to work on all Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria may adversely affect the beneficial microflora vagina. use 3 types of home treatment:

  1. Douching furatsilina thrush perfectly relieves itching and burning sensation in the vaginal area. Solution prepared starting from the proportions 1 tablet per 100 ml of water. Because the drug is poorly soluble, tablet previously necessary to grind the powder or dissolve it in boiling water, and then later to cool to room temperature. Make the necessary medical procedure pear syringe tip previously disinfected by lowering it into boiling water for a few seconds. The edges of the vulva with petroleum jelly or a special oil, then enter through the vaginal solution. Douche, you can in the morning and evening, is allowed no more than 4 days of therapy.
  2. Hip baths. This is the most common variant of the use of the drug solution for candidiasis during pregnancy, because the tub - an alternative to douching, which is prohibited during this period. Procedure is up to 4 times a day for 15 minutes, the course - 5 days.
  3. You can wash with a solution of the drug 4-5 times a day. Podmyvanii performed in the direction from anus to vagina. After the procedure, it is necessary to wet the area of ​​the external genitalia with a soft towel.
furatsilina tablet

Furatsilin for candidiasis quickly, but not for long relieves symptoms, so be sure to conduct a comprehensive therapy. Solutions for cleaning the trays and are prepared in the same manner as for douching.

You can use another recipe: 1 tablet comminuted furatsilina, 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 liter of boiled water. The prepared solutions are desirably used immediately, they should not be stored.

Adverse reactions

Furatsilin safe to use, and contraindications its use are negligible:

  • age over 45 years. In menopausal women appears dry in an intimate place, the drug may aggravate it;
  • pregnancy. During this period douching not allowed, can be used only and cleaning the hip baths, and apply moistened gauze in the solution, which is 1 hour are placed in the vagina;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

Furatsilin permitted for use in children and adolescents. If during or after the procedure, there was a burning sensation or redness in the treated area, it is necessary to stop the use of funds. Wound site should be rinsed with clean water and take an antihistamine, e.g., Suprastin or Zodak, since the cause of this is an allergic reaction.

Effectively deal with thrush is not easy and, unfortunately, Furatsilinom not be able to cope with this disease on their own, only as part of combination therapy. Thrush win all possible, the main thing - in time to see a specialist and follow all his instructions.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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