Infertility - a diagnosis that is increasingly being put to women of reproductive age. This is due to various reasons, such as variations in the development of the internal mucous layer of the uterus. If it is too thick or thin - this is a serious obstacle to the desired pregnancy. What should be the endometrium for the conception, the rate of its thickness and structure - important issues for those who are planning an addition in the family.
In most cases, this type of curable infertility: it is necessary to identify and eliminate pathogenic factors, and the "ramp" function mucous layer to the desired thickness. Norm for conception is considered to be 9-13 mm, but there are some nuances.
- planning for pregnancy
- endometrial function in women
- Phase of the menstrual cycle
- Pathology affecting endometrial thickness
Conception for deviations
- thick endometrium
- thin endometrium
Normalization thickness for conception
- medical methods
- Folk remedies
planning for pregnancy
Advance planning pregnancy significantly increases the chances of successful conception and gestation baby. In this case, the parents are a number of necessary surveys.
The diagnostics revealed actual or potential problems that can adversely affect the pregnancy. It can be various infections, inflammation, structural or endocrine disorders. Having treated pre-existing disease, it is possible to avoid many complications afterwards.
The survey includes a pelvic ultrasound expectant mother. It can be used to determine Endometrial thickness on days cycleIn particular, at the time of ovulation - it is essential for the reproductive functions of the body in many ways. This measure of the state of the mucous layer of the uterus, regulates the hormonal balance and other factors. With a thickness of 7-10 mm may pregnancy, it is likely at a lower value.
A healthy, well-formed endometrium for conception is very important. It was he who performs the basic functions of "acceptance" of the embryo and maintenance of its life.
endometrial function in women
Uterus - the main reproductive organ of a woman, she has an inner cavity and a multilayered structure of the walls. The mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the uterus, called the endometrium. Its structure are two main layers - the basal (sprout) and functional. During the menstrual cycle, the thickness of the functional part of the changes under the influence of sex hormones. If pregnancy does not occur, the upper layer is torn away and removed during menstruation.
This part of the endometrium is represented by connective tissue, glands and blood vessels. It performs the following functions in the female organism:
- inhibits intergrowth uterine wall;
- It provides embryo implantation after fertilization;
- until formed placenta, embryo supplies oxygen and nutrients (depends on the proper development of the fetus during the first weeks after conception);
- upon the occurrence of pregnancy is the basis for the formation of the placenta.
Thickness and structure of the functional layer depends on two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Excess estrogen causes that formed too thick endometrium, the lack of - to its underdevelopment. And then, and another state is an obstacle to the conception and normal pregnancy.
Hormonal imbalance, genital infections, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane and other factors disturb the natural processes of growth and maturation of the endometrium.
Phase of the menstrual cycle
Hormonal changes women throughout the cycle, under his influence a change in endometrial thickness. In gynecology it decided to allocate 3 basic phases of the menstrual cycle:
- follicular;
- ovulation;
- lutein.
Then (if you do not come Conception) followed the critical days - and a new cycle begins. The first day of the cycle is considered first day of menstruation.
Immediately after monthly endometrial thickness is minimal and is only 3-5 mm. Then (under the influence of estrogen) it begins to thicken, forming new blood vessels and nutrient reserves. At the same time in the ovaries of the process of follicle maturation, selection of the dominant, from which the current month should reach the egg. This phase is called the follicular, it lasts up to 10-14-day cycle (count - from the first day of menstruation).
Further advancing ovulation (yield mature ovum from the follicle) and ovulatory phase of the cycle. Only this time, the possibility of conception. The functional layer reaches a thickness of 9-13 mm, this is the best figure for embryo implantation and the correct course of pregnancy. Increases the concentration of progesterone in the blood under the influence of its surface becomes more friable mucosa to facilitate the consolidation of the ovum.
Practice shows that a normal layer of pregnancy should not be thinner than 7 mm. If at the time of ovulation is lower, the state is classified as hypoplastic endometrium. Excessive thickness (more than 15mm) was called "hyperplasia" is also functional impairment that prevents conception.
During the third (luteal) phase of the cycle depends upon oocyte fertilization has occurred or not. If pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum (temporary endocrine gland in the ovary) atrophies, egg dies and removed from the uterus with endometrial fragments had confiscated. If conception has occurred, the entire female reproductive system begins to well-coordinated work of maintaining germ of life, ensuring its proper development.
Pathology affecting endometrial thickness
The causes of excess or lack of growth of the endometrium, are similar. For such deviations lead:
- Hormonal imbalance. Excessive production of estrogen or progesterone, malfunction of the thyroid gland or pituitary provoke serious disturbances in the formation of the functional layer of the endometrium.
- Inflammation and infections of the reproductive system. They can cause both excessive and insufficient division uterine mucosa cells. Also, similar diseases provoke adhesions in the fallopian tubes, adversely affect the endocrine ovarian function and after fertilization can cause developmental disorders fetus.
- Abortion diagnostic curettage, "cleaning" postpartum. Mechanical damage to the endometrium may in some cases result in endometrial growth cessation (seriously damaged basal layer), in others - to its excessive proliferation of (if damaged to progesterone receptors, due to which even a sufficient amount of this hormone can stop the division cells). Frequent repetition of such procedures will most likely entail sterility.
- Violation of metabolic processes in the body, degeneration or obese.
In addition, an insufficient increase of the functional layer (less than 7 mm) are congenital uterine abnormalities in the structure, as well as insufficient blood flow to the pelvic organs.
Conception for deviations
Normal size endometrium during ovulation is 7 to 13 millimeters. With lesser or greater thickness of fetal birth is difficult, but still possible. Save a pregnancy is rarely possible, it is usually interrupted by an abortion in the early stages.
Both deflection outwardly manifest change in menstrual flow. When hyperplasia they become abundant since the lining of the uterus grows larger than the standard sizes. When hypoplasia (thin endometrium), on the contrary, bleeding or scant and short, or is completely absent.
thick endometrium
With an excess of estrogen and progesterone shortage occurs abnormal proliferation functional layer at the time of ovulation, the thickness thereof exceeds 15 mm. Such a deviation from the norm is common - the diagnosis of "infertility" in about 20% of cases is caused by endometrial hyperplasia. In this modified not only the thickness but also the tissue structure, so the fertilized egg can not be fixed thereon.
If conception does occur, then keep such a pregnancy is very difficult. Hyperplasia during pregnancy It leads to disturbances during gestation, such as:
- malformation placenta - wherein the embryo can suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients;
- exfoliation of the endometrium;
- detachment of the placenta;
- missed abortion;
- miscarriage;
- abnormalities in fetal development.
Therefore, before planning the conception of the child, it is necessary to adjust hormones and the endometrium. The main method of treatment of hyperplasia, which is widely used in public health facilities - scraping. When this is administered into the vagina special tools (cervical dilators) and acute spoon-curette is recovered from the uterus effuse functional layer. The main danger of the disease - the probability of malignant transformation of cells.
thin endometrium
When hypoestrogenism (reduced estrogen level), and also influenced by other factors endometrial hypoplasia develops. Thus at the time of conception, the size of the intended "working" layer of the uterus is less than 7 millimeters, and its structure is underdeveloped and does not correspond to the cycle phase.
When asked whether the pregnancy if the endometrium 4-6 mm is possible, doctors answer positively - conception can occur in this case. However, more likely the fruit will not be able to save - implantation embryo is unreliable, at any time, miscarriage may occur. Further, nutrients and blood vessels in the undeveloped endometrium is insufficient to maintain fetal life.
The diagnosis of "thin endometrium" often equated with sterility, and the possibility of cure depends on the cause of the deviation. If the problem is caused by congenital abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, or significant damage to the basal layer, it is possible to speak of complete sterility. And if that's the hormonal disorders or infections, in most cases, can not restore fertility, to identify and eliminate the cause of hypoplasia.
Normalization thickness for conception
For the birth of a healthy baby little fertilize an egg - it needs to gain a foothold in the uterus, get enough nutrients and oxygen for proper development of the embryo. The main role in this belongs to the endometrium.
Different variations in its development are fairly common. they are usually detected when a woman goes to a doctor with complaints of infertility. Modern gynecology has a large selection of methods of diagnosis and treatment of these problems, whether it is the thickening of the endometrium or hypoplasia.
The success of the therapy and the onset of a wanted pregnancy is largely dependent on the correct identification of the causes of deviations. That is why it is so important deep thorough diagnosis. It should include:
- analyzes on the level of various hormones, antibodies to infectious agents;
- hardware studies (ultrasound, hysteroscopy);
- Specific tests for receptivity of tissues to the effects of hormones;
- Other methods at the discretion of the attending physician.
By identifying and eliminating pathogenic factor (infection, variations in the endocrine system, circulatory disorders), we can proceed to a "capacity" of the endometrium to the desired thickness for conception.
The doctor will choose an effective means to increase the functional layer and its thickness 7-8 mm pregnancy has the potential to start and develop normally.
medical methods
If abnormalities in the development of the uterine lining layer due to endocrine disorders, the correction specialist designate hormonal drugs. Therapy aims to bring your hormonal fluctuations to natural cyclical changes, so in the first half of the cycle, estrogen-containing agents are used, and the second - with a part of the progesterone (Utrozhestan, Duphaston).
When the deviation is not very pronounced, it can be justified by the appointment of homeopathic drugs, gently normalize hormonal background women (Gormel).
Track thickening rate matching (on days cycle) by using ultrasound. At the time of conception thickness intended "working" layer should be at least 7 millimeters. Then the fertilized egg will secure our position in the uterus.
Concomitant use of physiotherapy, massage and special exercises will increase the effectiveness of treatment and increase the chances of a successful conception.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine offers its own methods of dealing with female infertility. Barely aware of the required thickness of the endometrium if healers for pregnancy, but they used herbs help to normalize this indicator.
Tea on the basis of upland uterus, red brush, sage positive effect on hormones and increase the likelihood of conception. It is recommended to use more foods rich in ascorbic acid (onion, raspberry, rosehip, citrus). Well added to food, some spices - cinnamon, mint, dill. The use of public money to build the endometrium must be agreed with the attending physician, self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to serious consequences.
Well established methods such as acupuncture and hirudotherapy. In combination with medication, they help to restore the monthly cycle and improve the inner layer of the uterus.
If endometrial pathology due to avoidable causes - infection, hormonal imbalance, the prognosis for this type of infertility positive. Treat existing disease and restoring normal functional layer in the uterus, it is possible to count on a successful conception and safe carrying of the baby.