Endometrial scratching is performed in preparation for IVF as an auxiliary procedure, whereby increased likelihood of successful implantation of the embryo after fertilization. Performed by the notch on the endometrium to activate the natural biological processes. As a result, it increases the level of hormones, changing the endometrium.
- Scratching of the endometrium and the reasons for
- The technique of in preparation for IVF
- The effect on the result of IVF
- Contraindications to the procedure
Scratching of the endometrium and the reasons for
In English the scratching means "scratch." This is a simple, safe, painless procedure to layer endometrial, Which increases the chance of pregnancy with IVF in 2 times. Used by many leading hospitals around the world.
The indications for the implementation of scratching is the presence of several unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant after IVF. To fix the embryo in the uterus is necessary to ensure a sufficient level of hormones, the appropriate the endometrium for conception. This method makes it possible to achieve the desired result.
Scratching can be performed without special training, on an outpatient basis. After receiving instruction specialist woman goes home. Constraints in the implementation of procedures in the absence of contraindications are not present. When implantation fails once again to resort to the method is not prohibited. Day cycle is selected individually by the physician (approximately 14 days prior to fertilization).
The technique of in preparation for IVF
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require special training. We need to come to the reception at a specified time. Experts call manipulation painless, but the woman feels discomfort during the procedure and after its completion for several hours.
Spend scratching endometrium without anesthesia. The cervical canal is not expanded. The diameter of the catheter about 3 mm.
Inside it is located a piston which, after the catheter is drawn halfway. Due endometrium pressure is drawn into the tube, slightly damaged.
Treatment lasts from 2 to 5 minutes. After that the woman receives instructions specialists and leaves the clinic. Within 1-2 hours after the procedure observed in the lower abdomen discomfort, cramping, spotting prior to menses. For relief of pain is allowed to use antispasmodics.
Spotting before menstruation can point to the development of disease, so please find more information on this topic.
Advantages of the method:
- painless;
- high efficiency;
- ease of implementation;
- no special training;
- affordable price;
- minimum of contraindications;
- no serious side effects.
In the exercise of scratching qualified, strict compliance with the recommendations of the appearance of side effects is reduced to a minimum, the chance of pregnancy increases.
The effect on the result of IVF
The reasons for failure of implantation after artificial insemination insufficient training mucosal imbalance of hormones. Damage to the penis causes the body to produce hormones that are necessary for tissue repair. The uterus is covered with mucus, increased viscosity, the thickness of the upper layer increases the probability of successful attachment of the embryo.
According to experts, the chance of pregnancy is increased by 2 times, but 100% guarantee no one can not give. Side effects if done correctly the procedure is not observed.
Theoretically may develop inflammation due to infection. In order to prevent such a situation, prescribe a course of antibacterial drugs for a few days. Pre conduct a thorough examination of the woman.
Contraindications to the procedure
It is forbidden to carry out endometrial scratching the presence of inflammation in the cervical canal, violation of vaginal microflora. Other prohibitions are more about IVF itself. Do not carry out artificial insemination, do not use scratching at the preparatory stage:
- when spikes in the tubes;
- renal, hepatic insufficiency;
- heart disease;
- uterine pathology;
- cervical infection;
- diabetes;
- oncology;
- of psychological disorders;
- inflammation of the uterus, appendages;
- STI.
Relative contraindications are any diseases in the acute stage, fever, hepatitis, tuberculosis. Among the side effects isolated spotting for 1-2 weeks, the pain in the abdomen several hours after manipulation.
Scratching the endometrium does not give the 100% result, but increases the chance of getting pregnant. On the positive affect health, the immune system of the individual characteristics of the organism.