Psychosomatics thrush (candidiasis) in women

One of the most common diseases, developing on the basis of emotional disorders - candidiasis or thrush. Psychosomatics at the same time hides both the internal state, and the impact of external factors. Most often diagnosed in women, but sometimes the symptoms can also be seen in newborns.

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  • definition of psychosomatic medicine
  • What psychological factors lead to thrush
  • How to cope with their illness and

definition of psychosomatic medicine

Psychosomatics - a branch of psychology that studies the impact of external factors on the development of the disease, as well as exploring the physical and psychological aspect of the disease.

Psychosomatics is literally translated as "body and soul". Accordingly, the causes of the disease are not only looking in the physical plane, but also through the study of the soul. Most physicians have agreed that the disease is not always begins to manifest in the form of characteristic clinical picture. Often the problem begins in the patient's heart.

A person affected by stressful situations or just denying something in life, gradually develops certain habits, responding equally to any events that happened to him. As a result, the body begins to adapt to the state of mind of the patient, pain, against which and develop the disease. The development of a number of diseases and explains Psychosomatics.

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Psychosomatic causes of diseases studied by many experts. Their work is the explanation of why developing diseases of internal organs. However, not all of these recommendations are taken seriously. Those who have yet started to pay special attention to the emotional component, able to cure serious diseases, even in cases when the medicine is helpless. For this purpose it was necessary only to fix problems that are identified Psychosomatics.

Thrush in women develop due to the defeat of the fungus body. It is believed that the disease occurs in patients with a weak immune system, but there are several other reasons that contribute to the development of this disease. In addition, there is a different view of the disease in which it is taken into account psychosomatic thrush.

What psychological factors lead to thrush

Psychological causes thrush can be varied. Among the common are the following:

  1. Woman trying to independently control all spheres of life.
  2. Excessive self-confidence and a categorical refusal to accept other people's opinions.
  3. Constant monitoring, the cause of which is the lack of self-confidence. A man so just trying to attract attention to his person.
  4. Failure to take someone else's position in cases where it does not conform to the principles of women.
  5. Perception of themselves as representatives of the fair sex is not available. The reason for this - the men's execution of duties, dissatisfaction with the relationship with the partner. Often against a background of marked occurrence of thrush.
  6. Uncertainty in their own ability and fear of condemnation of others for the problems that arise.
  7. Clear distinction of good and bad.
  8. Inability to express feelings and suppression of negative emotions.
  9. The absence of even partial attention and love from adults leads to the fact that the development of candidiasis is observed in children.
sad woman

It is noted that yeast infection symptoms in cases where the woman was an outcast, and the partner refuses to take part in her life. Also, the researchers found a relationship between constant deceptions and reproduction of the fungus in the body.

Psychosomatic factors contributing to the development of diseases affecting women, are endless. Often the occurrence of the disease is due to the fact that a woman tormented by constant fatigue, it can not express an opinion and feels oppressed. This psychosomatic medicine is extremely dangerous: as a result of depression, not only appear vaginal discharge, but also form malignant tumors.

Most psychologists agree that the main psychosomatic factor that provokes the development of thrush, is a lack of love. Lack of understanding with the sexual partner may lead to the fact that a woman has any health problems.

Also often thrush nerves. Therefore we recommend to read more information on this subject in a separate article on our site.

How to cope with their illness and

Of course, eliminating the need to not only psychosomatic components that trigger the appearance of the disease, but inflammation and lesions, the main symptoms. It is necessary to seek the assistance of experts and carry out the instructions. In addition, to strengthen the immune system and thus reduce the risk of recurrent candidiasis to a bare minimum.

cheerful woman

thrush treatment involves a number of important actions:

  • improved nutrition. It is necessary to give up starchy foods and sweets. Better to give preference to meat, which will help to avoid a nervous overexcitement. Also useful will and fruits that can lift your mood and improve the ability to work;
  • reception antibiotics from yeast and specialty products that will improve the immunity;
  • devote time to rest. In the evening, it is recommended to ventilate the bedroom and take a walk in the fresh air;
  • choose the right underwear, made of natural materials;
  • selection of personal care products. Due to the fact that by using the means of this category there is a risk of infringement of microflora of the vagina, it is recommended to use baby soap.

In addition to receiving the medication and perform all medical prescriptions must be addressed and the inner world as required Psychosomatics:

  • revise views and time to let go of the problem;
  • talk openly with your partner;
  • revise attitude. Find at least ten merits;
  • learn to control their emotions and express their opinions.

Often diseases of the uterus and organs develop because of emotional imbalance. Naturally, the cure by eliminating the causes of psychosomatic illnesses, is simply impossible. The course of treatment should appoint an expert. But only after the rectified Psychosomatics, the risk of recurrence is minimized.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 93
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