Sprays of yeast infections in women: the most effective options

Among the novelties medication intended for the treatment of candidiasis, specialists identify spray from yeast. Issued in the form of preparations in a convenient use and the ability to control the dosage. For this reason, they are increasingly being used in therapy.

The most effective spray from the thrush


  • Thrush: sighting treatment
  • Sprays - helpers in the fight against thrush
  • Kandiston - spray thrush, is it worth to buy
  • Effective sprays candidiasis

Thrush: sighting treatment

effective anti-thrush there are many, but special attention is deserved aerosols. With their help it is possible to eliminate the major clinical manifestations of candidiasis. The result becomes visible after first use.

Medicines local action to help solve a number of problems:

  • promote and support local safety functions;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • eliminate itching and dryness;
  • moisten mucous membranes;
  • stimulate the immune system;
  • accelerate the process of regeneration of the mucous.

To therapy was effective, aerosols used in combination with systemic antifungal drugs.

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Sprays - helpers in the fight against thrush

Spray thrush frequently used as the main agent in the course of therapy. Such aerosols women is useful in the treatment of the oral cavity and mucous membranes of the genitals. Medicine at the same time is able to penetrate to the maximum depth and have an impact on disease pathogens, even in hard to reach the centers.

Thanks to the substances, which are part of, the normal microflora of the mucous membrane can not recover as quickly as possible. Drugs in this group are used for complex treatment and combined with any other remedy for candidiasis.

Often thrush in pregnancy progresses. During this period, it is not recommended to take the drug for systemic effects. Apply in this case, the outer medications. Aerosols are suitable for this purpose best. The only thing it is not necessary to use a special nozzle for deeper penetration.

Epigenes spray

In the treatment of external genital and mucous membranes of the vagina used drugs such as Panavir, Epigenes, Miramistin spray, Hasikov and Kandiston.

Kandiston - spray thrush, is it worth to buy

Kandiston are made from natural substances that can have an impact on the areas affected. The composition is unique and its analogues among similar medications do not exist.

The peculiarity of the genus Candida fungi in that they adapt to therapy. Due to the characteristic features of a spray components Kandiston from yeast is able to prevent this process.

Use a spray is necessary, as follows:

  1. The affected areas were washed with soap and water without other means of personal hygiene.
  2. The solution liberally sprayed on the dried skin.
  3. The procedure is repeated at intervals of three hours.

Symptoms disappeared on the second day since the beginning of the application of the aerosol. In such a short period it is possible to normalize the condition of the vaginal microflora, eliminate the burning and itching.

Spray does not have an applicator to penetrate, and therefore it is prescribed to pregnant women. Kandistona action aimed at restoring the vagina, the strengthening of local immunity and accelerate the regeneration process.

In some cases, the use of only Kandistona not give the desired result. In this course of treatment is adjusted and additionally appointed other antifungals.

Effective sprays candidiasis

When anti-thrush can be used the following drugs in aerosol form:

  1. Epigenes. With its help it is possible to stimulate the local immunity and normalize pH. Due to the special composition of the medicament may be used even pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Panavir. The drug may cause an allergic reaction. Before using the need to consult with your doctor.
  3. Miramistin. The spray is effective in candidiasis and other fungal infections. It is used as an aid in the complex therapy.
  4. Hasikov. Medication has antimycotic and antiseptic effects. In rare cases it can cause allergic reactions - are hypersensitive to the drug components.
  5. Intimacy effect. It used in the treatment of viral, bacterial and fungal infections in the genital area. Aerosol promotes regeneration and restoration of the mucous membranes, the normalization of microflora and strengthen the immune system.

Spray - a new drug, allowing to quickly eliminate the symptoms of thrush. Medicines of this group of the most easy to use - and for this reason, be appointed as the primary drug in the fight against fungal infection.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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