Endometrium during pregnancy: the norm in the early stages, what should be the thickness

In pregnancy, the endometrium is transformed huge way. After all, it determines whether the embryo is to cling to the uterine wall. The inner shell of the female reproductive organ of the embryo supplies all that is required for the full life until the placenta. Therefore, it is necessary that the endometrium during early pregnancy was normal.

If there is insufficient development of the uterine lining, or, conversely, hyperplasia, it will impact on the full child-bearing. Therefore, still planning to offspring, you must keep track of how in the normal indicators of changes in the composition of the endometrium associated with monthly cycles.

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  • Brief Description of the endometrium
  • The norm of the endometrium during pregnancy
  • Deviations in pregnancy
    • first trimester
    • second trimester
    • third trimester
  • Endometrial thickness on cycle phases
    • The first phase
    • second
    • The third phase
  • Endometrium at ectopic pregnancy
  • Treatment and Diagnosis

Brief Description of the endometrium

endometrial layer - this is the mucous membrane lining the uterus inside. Even pregnancy is directly correlated with the size of the endometrium.

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To embryo could be implanted in the wall of the genitals, endometrial lining should be greater than 7 mm. If the index is less than 4-5 mm, then even the most viable embryo can not attach to a thin layer of the endometrium. When the mucosal thickness of 8-15 mm, excellent conditions for embryo implantation.

Thus, the right balance of hormone production and the size you want the lining during pregnancy - the main components of successful development of the child in the womb.

The norm of the endometrium during pregnancy

Once settled the embryo in the uterus, the endometrium is actively growing. This is due to increased production of the hormone progesterone.

At the beginning of pregnancy, endometrial thickness of 9-15 mm. These dimensions are achieved ovulation. If at the time of conception, he is more than 15 cm, it can also cause problems with implantation. This deviation is called hyperplasia. By 4-5 weeks of gestation, the normal thickness of the inner lining of the uterus is equal to 2 cm.

2-3 weeks after the onset of pregnancy, when a woman is not quite sure of their guesses, the indicator the increased layer of the endometrium indirectly indicates that egg fertilization has occurred, implantation It took place. The same thing will happen with an ectopic pregnancy.

Deviations in pregnancy

Any deviation from the norm in the thickness of the endometrium can lead to negative consequences.

A thin inner layer of the uterusNot according to gestational age, are not able to function fully and to hold the growing fetus. Therefore hypoplasia is often the cause of miscarriage. If the condition is detected, it requires competent treatment and constant monitoring by the gynecologist.

Reasons hypoplasia during child-bearing:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Abortion. When abortion is often injured mucosa genitals, which leads to underdevelopment of the endometrium in the future. This is often the cause of infertility.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of female genitalia. Become a cause of the lack of blood supply to the inner shell reproductive organ. Because of the shortfall of oxygen and nutrients is inhibited its growth and development.
  4. Heredity.

When abnormally overgrown inner layer of the uterus is sometimes possible to become pregnant. But hyperplasia too dangerous for a child's development and can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Read about miscarriage

Factors causing excessive endometrial growth in thickness:

  • excessive secretion of the hormone estrogen;
  • hormonal birth control pills for a long time.

Any of these abnormalities requires comprehensive treatment.

first trimester

endometrial size in the first trimester increases on the average from 7 mm to 2 cm. Each month, with the advent of critical days is rejected portion of the uterine lining and its subsequent growth. But after conception, it is no longer exfoliate, and continues to thicken.

In the early stages, when it is impossible even to recognize the existence of an ultrasound of the embryo in the womb, according to a characteristic of this stage of pregnancy increase the endometrium can be concluded originated a new life.

Since during this period the uterine lining acts as a placenta has not yet formed, the deviation in thickness in any direction seen on ultrasound, are adjusted using the therapy prescribed gynecologist. Otherwise, it may interfere with nurturing a baby.

second trimester

During this period of endometrial already formed placenta, which is located inside the ovum. The remainder of the pregnancy, she, along with the fetus grows and develops.

Hyperplasia can lead to detachment of the endometrium in the early stages, which in turn can cause the formation of the placenta with various disabilities. For example, impaired blood flow, which is very dangerous for the further development of the baby. It is therefore important to do routine ultrasound in time to correct any abnormalities.

Yet this period is considered the safest for the baby. After all, if there are any deviations, they are detected at an earlier gestational age.

third trimester

During this period, the expectant mother should be especially attentive to any changes in their body. After all, if something goes wrong, and the baby is born prematurely, this may affect its future formation.

Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the discharge. When a woman sees mucus streaked with blood, and before delivery is far, it is a sign of placental abruption. In this situation, an urgent need to consult a doctor. If no action is taken soon, it will be added to this symptom severe pain in the abdomen, and opens the bleeding.

call the doctor

Serious deviation in the period considered preeclampsia. It is manifested by edema, severe weight gain, increasing the pressure. As a result of this disease frequently occurs abruptio placenta from the uterus wall. In the normal course of pregnancy it occurs after birth. But if that happens when the child is still in the womb, it starts bleeding, possible fetal death and disruption of many internal organs of a pregnant woman.

Endometrial thickness on cycle phases

Only a healthy endometrium is able to create conditions for the emergence and the full course of pregnancy. When a woman finds out that identified in the diagnosis of uterine lining layer size does not match Normally on days of the menstrual cycleShe realizes that it is a pathological process that can cause infertility. It is therefore important when planning conception, check the condition of the mucous membrane of the female reproductive organ.

If deviations are found, make sure you have to go through a course of treatment, the thickness of the stabilizing lining, because the changes in its structure during pregnancy can affect the formation of child.

The first phase

It starts in the first day of menstruation. During this period, bleeding rejected functional layer endometrium. The process lasts an average of 4 to 7 days. Of these, in the 1st and 2nd days of mucosal thickness is 5-9 mm.

After alienation of the majority of the cells - in the 3-5 th day, starts the regeneration process. At this time, the thickness of the inner layer is 3 mm.


It is called the proliferation phase. It runs from the 5th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle. During this time, the endometrial layer increases. In the early period of that stage, which lasts from 5 x on the 7th day, normal uterine mucosa layer is 5-7 mm. In the middle - from the 8th to the 10th day - the endometrium grows rapidly and is sealed. During this time, it increases from 8 to 12 mm. On the last - from the 10th to the 14th day - the lining of the reproductive organ is normal is 10-12 mm.

In accordance with these diagnostic indicators carried endometrium. If the information obtained as a result of ultrasound are normal, the inner shell of the penis is functioning properly, and in the period of ovulation the woman can get pregnant. And if there are significant differences, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, what preparations you can rectify the situation.

The third phase

It is called the secretion phase. Endometrial thickness in the early stage of period is 12-16 mm. Early stage lasts from the 15th to the 18th day. In the middle period, which lasts from 19 th to 24 th day of the menstrual cycle, uterine inner layer thickness reaches 18 mm. Well, at the later stage, starting on day 24 and lasts until the onset of menstruation, a hormonal influence on the change is a slight decrease in the mucous membrane of the volume and the largest of its seal.

phase of the cycle

Endometrium at ectopic pregnancy

During pregnancy, the uterus is formed, as in the normal, cavity lining becomes thicker. Her glandular tissue grows, the number of vessels that carry blood increases. Such changes are necessary for greater blood flow to the body responsible for reproduction.

Endometrial overgrowth always occurs under the action of the increased production of the hormone progesterone. This happens due to the fact that fertilization occurred and the body is not important, that the fetus is not entrenched in the uterine wall.

At this time, there are often bleeding - from the heavy to the barely visible - and a sense of aching increasing abdominal pain. So mucosa responds to violations that occur in the pipe. Thus it seems to be provoking miscarriage, responding to the problem in the state of the reproductive system.

If any suspicion of this disease process can not lose a minute, an urgent need to go for a visit to the gynecologist. After the pipe rupture is dangerous for women diseases, until the lack of ability to reproduce offspring.

Treatment and Diagnosis

By the methods of diagnosis of endometrial abnormalities include:

  1. US. With it, determine the size of the inner layer of the uterus. In order to detect deviations are compared with the available volume, which must correspond to the cycle phase.
  2. Ehosalpingoskopiyu. uterine examination can detect pathology and tumors.
  3. Scraping. When removing abnormally effuse inner layer reproductive organ and polyps particles biomaterial take the study to rule out the presence of malignant tumors.
  4. A biopsy. From the affected area pinch off a piece to send for analysis. Studying it under a microscope, it is possible to determine the nature of the lesion tissue.
  5. Hysteroscopy. The technique detects and eliminates uterine pathology.

Treatment of pathologies of the endometrium should be carried out comprehensively:

  1. These diseases are caused by a violation of hormone secretion. So first of all take medications to stabilize hormonal levels.
  2. When hyperplasia using surgical techniques such as abrasion, ablation. The latter includes therapy with nitrogen, radio waves, laser, chemical solutions.
  3. Combined method. It combines surgery and taking hormones.

Each selected Dr. method of treatment depends on the condition of the individual woman. Diagnose and prescribe appropriate therapy should only be a qualified gynecologist. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation and lead to tragic consequences, not only related to pregnancy, but also with life.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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