Hydrogen peroxide from yeast (douching) for women

Hydrogen peroxide has a great number of useful properties and this is why it is used even in gynecology. It shows particular effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide from yeast. This is an environmentally friendly product which does not possess toxic effects and does not cause an allergic reaction which is used in therapy as an adjunct candidiasis.

hydrogen peroxide


  • Based on what therapeutic effect of hydrogen peroxide
  • Stepping douching
  • Contraindications to syringing

Based on what therapeutic effect of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has a great number of useful properties due to the presence agent which is widely used in medicine. Highlight are the following:

  • an antiseptic;
  • deodorizes;
  • It stops the blood;
  • disinfects;
  • It kills germs.

Low price means and the absence of toxic substances in its composition make this drug popular as a method to combat various diseases. You can douche peroxide and candidiasis, but to build illusions about the fact that such therapy would be quick and as efficient as possible, it is not necessary.

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An effective hydrogen peroxide thrush is due to its ability to release oxygen rapidly. This oxidizing agent adversely affects the various microorganisms, including Candida, which are the causative agents of candidiasis. The oxidation process leads to the fact that the fungus growth ceases.

bottle between your hands

The tool also helps restore vaginal microfloraRespectively, has a therapeutic effect in a complex. Such unpleasant symptoms such as a burning sensation, vaginal discharge and itching after one of the procedure becomes less noticeable.

Despite the huge number of medicinal properties of this tool, it can not be considered an alternative to traditional methods of treatment. Use of hydrogen peroxide for a thrush prevention or in the treatment of the disease is possible, but only in conjunction with medication, the designated person.

Stepping douching

Applying peroxide from yeast at home, the main thing - just follow the instructions and precautions. Only in this case, the treatment would be effective and safe. Douching is performed as follows:

  1. The first step is to select the syringe. It should be used for any other purpose. For example, do an enema syringe unacceptable.
  2. To disinfect, handle tip with petroleum jelly. Only after these manipulations pear filled with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Genitals quality rinse with water.
  4. In the supine position to choose a comfortable position, feet dilute and bend at the knees. If you use this procedure in a different position, it will not be possible to achieve the maximum effect.
  5. The tip of the syringe inserted into the vagina, but no deeper than seven centimeters. Then slowly squeeze the bulb and put the entire solution.

Such manipulations should be performed daily and before each procedure necessary to disinfect all tools.


Treatment options:

  • douching perform the procedure once a day for a month. In addition, taking antifungal drugs;
  • douching do twice a day for a week. In the same period, taking antifungal agents.

Use hydrogen peroxide more than twice a day, it is strongly discouraged. There is a risk of burns.

Contraindications to syringing

Hydrogen peroxide - a security tool, it does not emit toxins and does not cause allergic reactions. Despite this, the hydrogen peroxide douche for thrush in certain cases still is contraindicated:

  • inflammatory processes of the internal organs of the reproductive system in the acute phase;
  • on the mucosa of the vagina is erosion or ulcer;
  • postpartum period and gestation;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • within four weeks after the abortion;
  • menstruation;
  • during menopause due to the fact that women are concerned about vaginal dryness;
  • just before the visit to the gynecologist. The use of this drug can cause difficulties in the process of diagnosis;
  • disturbances of vaginal flora, bacteria overgrowth.
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Possible side effects:

  • swelling of the genitals;
  • appearance of abundant discharges;
  • increased itching and burning;
  • cramping.

If there is at least one of the above symptoms, you need as quickly as possible to seek professional help. Treat the affected areas by any means in this period is strictly prohibited. Often, the development of complications caused by the fact that the concentrated solution was used.

Douching using hydrogen peroxide - effective treatment of thrush, but the maximum results observed only when using combination therapy. You can use it only after diagnosis and only with the concurrence of therapeutic interventions with the attending physician.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 7
  • 169