Endometrioid ovarian cyst: treatment without surgery, the possibility of pregnancy, symptoms, can dissolve itself

Endometrioid ovarian cyst neoplasm is cavitary in the epididymis. It consists of menstrual blood accumulated in abnormally overgrown endometrial cells. pathology danger lies in the fact that adhesions, provoking infertility can begin with its development.

endometriodnyh cyst


  • development mechanism
  • Endometriodnyh types of cysts
  • symptoms
  • pathology diagnostics
  • Can I get pregnant
  • When the operation is necessary
  • Conservative treatment
  • ethnoscience
  • Consequences and emergency conditions

development mechanism

Cystic formation - a frequent manifestation ovarian endometriosis. its development mechanism has a number of significant differences when compared with the functional cysts. Most often, when it celebrated the defeat of both ovaries.

Pathological overgrowth of endometrial cells lining the reproductive organ cavity, results in damage to the fallopian tubes and appendages. These tissues are dependent on hormonal and functionally active, due to which at the beginning of the menstrual cycle start to bleed.

As a result of pathological process capsule formation occurs in which blood clots accumulate. Thus formed left ovarian cyst, right or both bodies. Similar changes can provoke retrograde menses in which menstruation can not go through the cervical canal and fallopian tubes are pushed on in the epididymis.

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Often a precipitating factor advocate abortion, surgery in organs of the reproductive system.

Endometriodnyh types of cysts

No matter, there is a loss of one ovary or of two, endometriodnyh cysts are divided into several types, taking into account their degree of development:

  • lesions are point structure. Mucous membrane of the uterus does not grow on adjacent organs;
  • cystoma not exceed 50 mm. Inclusion of endometrial cells have already been observed in the tissues of the peritoneum. It begins the formation of adhesions in the gonads;
  • growths in the amount of 5-6 cm. Pathological tissue growth observed in the outer layer of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Adhesive process affects the intestines;
  • tumors reach 8 cm. Endometriodnyh foci appear in the intestine and bladder. Adhesions are actively proliferating.


Ovarian endometrioid heterotopia and the formation of cysts are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • aching pain in the abdomen. Severe pain observed during sexual intercourse and during the critical days;
  • prolongation of the menstrual cycle to 30, and sometimes 35 days. Thus menses are abundant;
  • smearing acyclic allocation;
  • frequent urination;
  • hair growth on the body and face;
  • deterioration of the skin;
  • irritability;
  • nausea;
  • hyperthermia;
  • the impossibility of conceiving. Infertility is caused by compression of the ovarian tissue, hormonal fluctuations and impaired activities of appendages.
lower abdominal pain

pathology diagnostics

First of all, the doctor examines on a gynecological chair. Thus it is possible to identify an increase in the size of appendages, body soreness structures adhesions. Also with endometrioid ovarian cyst is carried ultrasound. With its help it is possible to detect tumors with a dense wall and to ascertain the absence of pregnancy. The diameter of the cysts in this case may be up to 12 cm. In addition to the US the following studies are conducted:

  • the level of analysis tumor marker CA-125. With the development of endometriosis its indicators reach up to 100 U / ml.;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. With this method it is possible to differentiate endometroidnuyu cyst neoplasm of other species and accurately determine extent of lesions;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy. Performed procedure using a laparoscope equipped with a video camera. Thanks to this reproductive organs can be studied at multiple magnifications.

Can I get pregnant

Ovarian endometriosis is a common cause of problems with conception. The risk of infertility on the background of cystic lesions of the ovaries is largely dependent on the pathological process of localization, the degree of its development, hormone levels and the presence of complications.

Fertilization as a result of sexual intercourse is still possible. Sometimes pathological lesions found in women during gestation in the course of routine ultrasound. Hormonal disruptions may thus help to ensure that the tumor size is reduced. After birth, most of the pathological process begins again.

In some cases, successful fertilization of the tumor begins to grow more rapidly, leading to the emergence of severe pain and complications of the disease. Increased genital organ begins to squeeze the cystic formation, which may lead to its rupture.

When the operation is necessary

Cases where the cyst is resolved independently, are extremely rare. Sometimes there is a second relapse after combined therapy. In this case, often resort to surgical intervention. There are absolute indications for surgery:

  • endometrioid ovarian cyst size exceeds 5 cm;
  • inefficiency of drug treatment, the duration of which is more than half a year;
  • in the pathological process of adjacent organs were involved;
  • the defeat of the right or the left ovary is accompanied by an accumulation of pus in the tumors.

When you break the cysts surgery is performed on an emergency basis.

Most often, in the process of removing lesions is used laparoscopy method. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The navel piercing made through which gas is introduced and all the necessary tools. Due to the fact that the device is used during the procedure, is equipped with a video camera, the physician visually monitors the whole process. Neoplasms cauterize during operation, and once damaged vessels.

Often also performed a laparotomy. When this wall peritoneum cut. Resorting to the implementation of such manipulations in the formation of adhesions as a result of previous operations and the beginning of a suspected malignancy.


Conservative treatment

If ovarian endometrioma large - have resorted to surgery. Drug therapy is only possible with a slight growths sprouting. In this case, the following groups of drugs:

  • antiinflammatory agents;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • drugs intended for long-term treatment of endometriosis. Among them treatment Duphaston and Visa;
  • hormonal agent based on androgen;
  • GnRH agonists;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics.

With medication fails to suspend and stabilize the disease process hormonal background, reduce the severity of the clinical picture, but eliminate the lesions is not succeed.


Apply folk traditional medicines is allowed only at the initial stage of development endometroiznoy cysts. With their help, will be able to normalize the menstrual cycle and improve the overall condition of the body. Stop the running process at the same time is impossible.

In order to prevent proliferation of cysts applied product based on green nuts and honey. To make it take liter of liquid honey and nuts kilogram, which is preliminarily ground. A mixture of three months, and insist taken orally one teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Also used extracts of dandelion, celandine, flowering acacias, decoctions of various herbs. Therapy for this long. Before the start of the use of these funds definitely need to consult a doctor.

infusion of dandelion

Consequences and emergency conditions

Ovarian endometrioma without proper treatment can lead to serious consequences. Among the main ones are the following:

  • degeneration of the fetal eggs;
  • proliferation of follicular cysts;
  • scarring and disruption of the functioning of ovarian tissue.

As a result of pathology there is a failure in the reproductive system. As a consequence - infertility.

The neoplasm may provoke dangerous condition, including:

  • inflammatory and purulent processes that extend to adjacent organs;
  • gap ovarian cysts, in which the blood goes into the peritoneal cavity and leads to necrosis and triggers the development of peritonitis.

When dangerous conditions are the following clinical manifestations:

  • pronounced pain in the abdomen;
  • palpitations and a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • pale skin, cold sweat and perspiration;
  • hyperthermia;
  • abdominal muscle strain;
  • vomiting, nausea, and weakness;
  • bloating and constipation.

The appearance of these symptoms is a cause for immediate hospitalization and the surgery. If time does not take action, even death is possible.

Endometroidnoy growth of cysts is a dangerous condition in need of treatment. They are used in therapy medication drugs, but doctors often resort to carrying out the operation and the removal of the affected tissues. As a result, the risk of recurrence and complications minimized.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 53
  • 179