Epigenes: spray and gel from yeast - method of use and indications

Epigen spray thrush used as an additional tool in the combined treatment. It does not refer to medicines, but in combination with antimycotic agents capable of increasing the effectiveness of therapy. Thanks to him, the clinical manifestations of the disease are eliminated in a short time.

Epigenes spray and tulips


  • What is spray Epigenes
  • testimony
  • Is there a cure thrush spray Epigenes
  • Mode of application

What is spray Epigenes

Epigen Intimacy from yeast prescribed for treatment of vaginal and topical use. The tool has a powerful antibacterial and antiviral action. For this reason it is used in therapy and prevention of infectious diseases that affect the genitals.

Among the components included in the aerosol, the main is glycyrrhizic acid. It is synthesized by an extract from licorice root. Extract substance capable of stimulating interferon production, and accordingly, the tool has immunomodulating effect.

In structure there are a number of other components performing auxiliary functions. Among them, folic, malic, ascorbic and fumaric acid, purified water and a preservative.

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Epigen gel thrush operates on the same principle as the spray. With this drug dosage form fails to normalize the vaginal flora, and this is one of the main phases of therapy with candidiasis.

There are other effective sprays from yeastWho may appoint a doctor. Therefore we recommend to read more information on this topic.

Epigenes line


Additional indications for the use of aerosols intended for treatment of vaginal mucosa, are the following:

  • herpes virus and HPV;
  • cervical disease;
  • immunosuppression;
  • violation of microflora of the vagina;
  • presence of infections transmitted by intimate;
  • increased dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

Assign Epigenes thrush in order to normalize the microflora and the strengthening of local immunity.

Is there a cure thrush spray Epigenes

Fungal infection begins to develop actively only in the case of immunosuppression. For this reason, candidiasis always appears against the background of weakening the protective functions of the body. Resorted to the use of spray from the thrush Epigenes primarily to enhance the immune system at the local level.

This tool helps to eliminate itching, swelling and redness in the genital area. Aerosol to accelerate the healing process of ulcers and microtraumas.

Through the use of a spray can be prevented if a bacterial infection is candidiasis therapy, to minimize the chance of complications and recurrences. The drug can not act as an independent agent in the fight against thrush. The doctor prescribes a comprehensive course of treatment with antifungal agents.


Mode of application

Epigen used for irrigation of the vagina and urethra by spraying from a spray fluid. The vial was kept at a minimum distance of 4 cm from the affected area. Handle before using aerosol foci of infection with additional means there is no need. The dosage is only a couple of taps on the nozzle valve. The container is shaken before use and kept in a vertical position.

Spray wash tube soap solution prior to irrigation of the vaginal mucosa and immediately after this procedure.

Features of the application of spray:

  1. Lie on your back and spread her legs apart.
  2. Enter pipe as deep as possible into the vagina.
  3. Double-click on the nozzle valve.
  4. Remain in a horizontal position for at least five minutes.
  5. Use a gasket to prevent any liquid residues on underwear.

The procedure is repeated up to four times during the day. Therapeutic course varies between 7-10 days. After that, make a break for one and a half weeks and repeat the course again.

Contraindications to the use of spray Epigenes not detected during pregnancy. The drug is safe, but its use in this period should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Epigenes is effective in combating yeast infection, but only in combination therapy with applying antimycotic agents. The drug helps to quickly get rid of the unpleasant clinical manifestations of candidiasis and enhance local immunity, but to eliminate the fungal infection in this case can not be. Spray is used as an additional tool that can prevent a number of undesirable complications and speed up the healing process.

Some women prefer to use candles from yeast. A list of the most effective drugs you can find in a separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 62
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