Thrush with spotting why blood appears

Thrush (or candidiasis) - a disease whose pathogen is a fungus. Mainly it occurs at damage of mucous and reduced immunity. Candidiasis in women - this is quite a common disease, with gynecologists advise not to delay treatment because of possible irreversible consequences. He can also affect the skin, covering it with red patches that cause discomfort in the form of itching. Mucosal pathogen appears as a white dot with plaque accumulations. Thrush with bloody secretions - is an acute form of ordinary thrush.

This article will be affected only topic of vaginal discharge, but do not forget that this disease can affect other organs, which have a mucosal layer.

on the toilet


  • Why there candidiasis
  • Distinctions for thrush
  • Why is there blood
  • Can it be dangerous
  • Treatment of candidiasis complicated spotting

Why there candidiasis

The main causes of candidiasis include:

  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • endometritis - inflammation of the lining of the vagina;
  • erosion;
  • oncology, polyps;
  • taking certain hormonal contraceptives such as those that were not prescribed by a doctor;
  • instagram viewer
  • various genital infections;
  • taking certain medications;
  • fungus that may be causing thrush.

Symptomatology is manifested in the form of itching and burning in the vulva, cheesy discharge consistency smelly white or yellow in color, pain during sexual intercourse.

Distinctions for thrush

Isolation can have a different color and texture. If secreted secret thrush white, cheesy texture, the smell of excreta like a foul fish, which means that the circulatory system is not affected, and thrush is only a concomitant uterine pathology.


I would like to draw attention to the fact that in 2-4 days after the monthly highlight color can be changed to brown, but in the future he will again become white. The duration of this step depends primarily on the strength and quantity of pathogen immunity, which fell on the mucous membranes.

Spotting thrush appear when the disease becomes acute form. Thus they first become pink, which is a first indication of vascular damage the vaginal walls, and prolonged untreated discharge may become bloody.

Why is there blood

Blood for candidiasis is not one of the first symptoms, as it appears in advanced forms of the disease, but it is an admixture of blood - the most visible and unpleasant symptoms. Thrush blood may be almost imperceptible first step, for which a typical white cheesy discharge.

The main reason for the presence of blood is a disturbance of the vaginal mucosa integrity until blood vessels, because of which appear spotting and fungus with other pathogens may get into the blood direction. Thus it can spread throughout the body and become virtually incurable taking chronic. A sign of the development of the inflammatory process may be a weakness, temperature rise, Intoxication, and decreased immunity. This becomes a cause of menopause, immune disorders, and even worse - infertility.


In the early stages, when the least damaged vessels can be such that the blood will be a small amount, and as a consequence - the discharge becomes pink. This step is the boundary between the initial and the acute form of the disease.

Can it be dangerous

Of course, no treatment of any disease can lead to tragic consequences. A particular danger is the shape when there bloody discharge. Due to the flow of the uterus may occur discomfort and the spread of infection. When the disease broken blood vessels, which leads to serious consequences.

Treatment of candidiasis complicated spotting

When there was blood thrush - it is much more difficult to cure than the initial form of candidiasis, the more that they can remain some effects of the disease and join other infections. Effective in this situation are prescribed by a gynecologist or dermatologist Mucocytes because they act directly on the pathogen, rather than suppress the symptoms.

Do not forget that this kind of medication can also have a negative impact on the body as a whole. Often, drugs for the treatment available for ease of use in the form of ointments, although sometimes you can meet preparations in the form of suppositories.

After treatment times are the consequences of the disease, especially if it was started late. In severe forms, complete healing may not occur because the pathogen is already in the body, decentralized manner.

Do not forget that thrush pass itself untreated it can not, like the common cold. Traditional medicine is better not to be limited, because the consequences can be very serious, irreversible and cause inflammation of the ovaries, which will lead not only to a violation of the menstrual cycle and severe pain in the abdominal area, and more and infertility. Better to see a gynecologist until the disease did not develop into a chronic form. The acute form of the disease with the blood secretions needed urgently treat!

  • Oct 19, 2019
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