Zinerit - instructions for use

Means intended to combat acne - Zinerit. In the article we will discuss those cases in which its use is shown and when it should not be used.


  • "Zinerit" instructions for use
    • "Zinerit" form
    • "Zinerit" indications for use
    • "Zinerit" application and dose
    • "Zinerit" contraindications
    • "Zinerit" side effect
    • "Zinerit" special instructions
    • Analogues
    • "Zinerit" reviews
    • Video: Acne, Acne, Acne. Malysheva O Zinerite

" Zinerit " instruction for use

The Zinerit contains two main active components, erythromycin and zinc acetate.

Erythromycin is an antibiotic and, accordingly, has a bactericidal effect, killing a number of microorganisms that caused inflammation. Zinc acetate acts as keratolica , that is, it helps to reduce the amount of cutaneous fat produced and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.

Like all antibacterial agents, erythromycin, which is part of lotion , has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. When using the drug externally, part of the antibiotic still penetrates into the body and exerts a systemic effect, the

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itself is excreted by the body.

" Zinerite " form

"Zinerit" form of release

The product is available in a package containing 2 bottles. One of them contains the powder components of the active substance of the drug:

Antibiotic erythromycin
• Zinc acetate dihydrate

The second bottle contains a dissolving substance consisting of:

• Ethyl alcohol
Sebacat Dizopropyl

For the use of a solution,these two vials must be mixed. Also, the package contains a specialized applicator for applying lotion to the skin.

" Zinerit " indications for use

"Zinerit" indications for use

lotion lotion is used for acne therapy, which is not related to violations of personal skin hygiene standards.
Treatment of Zineritis is indicated for acne, which is associated with excessive production of the secretion of sebaceous glands of the skin. The product has a drying effect.

" Zinerit " Application and dosage form

To use lotion , it is necessary to dissolve the powder of one bottle in the solvent that is contained in the second and shake thoroughly.

"Zinerit" method of application and dose

Apply the product on a clean( washed) skin with a specialized applicator. The agent is applied in a thin layer. Wash off with the recommended time, if necessary. The applied solution dries quickly and becomes invisible.

Use this solution is recommended 2 times in day- in in the morning and in the evening. On average, the use of this antibacterial agent is prescribed for 12 weeks. At the end of this course, a good therapeutic effect should be visible, the first improvement should occur within the first 3-4 days.

" Zinerit " contraindications

Use of this agent is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to any of the components of the preparation. Also, given that the lotion contains an antibiotic that partially penetrates the skin barrier, the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is also not desirable.

" Zinerite " side effect of

"Zinerit" side effect of

The use of the drug Zinerit can provoke the development of local allergic reactions. There may be:
• Dryness of the skin
• Burning in the area of ​​applying the solution
• Redness
• Skin irritation
• Itching

To eliminate these side effects, antihistamines are used for symptomatic therapy.

The most common manifestation of an allergic reaction is slightly expressed, therefore do not require the cancellation of treatment.

" Zinerit " special instructions

"Zinerit" special instructions

It is not recommended, at the time of treatment, to use scrubs and all kinds of peelings at this time. Also, you should not combine this drug with other anti-acne .The only thing that is allowed to apply after rinsing solution is moisturizing and emollient cream.

It is also not necessary to resort often to the use of this lotion and to increase the course of therapy for a long time. Contained in the solution of antibiotic with prolonged use can cause adaptation( addiction) of bacteria to the antibacterial component and the remedy becomes ineffective.

Prolonged use of the drug may impair the immune properties of the skin. After the end of the application of lotion , the occurrence of relapse of the disease is likely, therefore after the course of treatment it is necessary to provide protection for the skin.



• Indoxyl
• Erythromycin

" Zinerite " reviews

The solution has a large number of positive reviews. Its effectiveness in the fight against acne is noted. Inflammation is quickly eliminated, and the skin is cleared.
It should be noted such a side effect of the action as dryness and peeling of the skin, but they pass after the termination of the course of therapy and the normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Video: Acne, Acne, Acne. Malysheva About Zinerite

  • Mar 09, 2018
  • 72
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