How to treat cervical erosion in the home, whether it is possible to get rid of quickly, the causes of

Violating the integrity, appearance ulcerations or mucosa defects vaginal part of the cervix called erosion or ectopy. Erosion can occur in women of any age. This pathology requires regular medical supervision, while exacerbating the state - timely treatment. In severe cases, moxibustion is assigned to fight the disease. To avoid this, you can at home to treat cervical erosion in its early stages.

Is there a cure ectopic home without visiting a gynecologist? To determine best practices home treatment of cervical erosion, should see a specialist. Only a doctor on the basis of gynecological examination data analysis, individual characteristics women, the causes of the disease can assign effective home remedy for the treatment of pathology.

dried herbs


  • When a disease manifests itself and how
  • When erosion can be treated at home
  • What you can not do in any case
  • People with erosion therapy
    • tampons
    • Solutions for douching
    • Medicines for internal use
  • Preventive measures against erosion

When a disease manifests itself and how

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There are several causes of cervical erosion. In general this pathology develops in the mucous membrane integrity disorders due to mechanical impact. Cervical erosion can occur:

  • due to the presence of inflammations, genital infections: the most common causative agent of this disease is considered thrush;
  • after childbirth;
  • post-abortion;
  • due to hormonal disorders;
  • because the majority of gynecological diseases.

Sometimes cervical erosion have no symptomsAnd women learn about it by visiting a gynecologist's office. But most of the pathology makes itself known by the following symptoms:

  • sense of discomfort during urination;
  • the emergence of itching in the intimate area;
  • the occurrence of pain in the genital area during prolonged standing or during physical exertion;
  • burning sensation after sexual contact;
  • the advent of heavy vaginal discharge;
  • appearance of brown precipitates after intercourse that arise due to damage erosive surface;
  • an increase in uterine glands.
girl on the toilet

Therefore, the question of how to determine the erosion of the cervix in the home, the answer is - by any of the above erosion symptoms.

In order to accurately diagnose this pathology need to see a gynecologist, who with the help analysis, visual examination of the cervix state can eliminate diseases that have similar symptoms.

When erosion can be treated at home

Before you learn how to cure, you need to understand in the home of cervical erosion, the situations in which national treatment may be applied. Home treatment of erosion will only be effective on mild stage of disease. Thus gentle method of therapy may be treated with nulliparous women.

This method is longer than medical. Most often, to recover several courses of treatment required. To speed up the recovery process, it is recommended to comply with an integrated approach:

  • use tampons soaked remedy;
  • douche;
  • use infusions and decoctions inside.
cup in his hands

This approach helps to quickly deal with inflammation, to activate the healing process of the damaged surface.

What you can not do in any case

To erosion during home treatment does not worsen their own situation and does not cause complications, you must follow a few guidelines:

  • can not be carried out using non-sterile irrigation pear: before applying them should be boiled;
  • should not be administered swabs dirty hands: before the procedure is necessary to carefully wash them with soap and water;
  • You can not always use the chosen means: between treatments should be a break.

You can not engage in self-: Optimal use of a vehicle shall be determined only doctor on the basis of the individual characteristics of the body of the patient and the nature of the disease.

If she does not comply with the listed restrictions, it will not work to heal the erosion, more than that, such an attitude to health can only worsen the situation.

hands on stomach

People with erosion therapy

Basically the house to get rid of this disease is impossible, since the elimination includes also the use of medication from erosion. Folk treatment should be only a part of complementary assigned pharmacological or surgical therapy.

folk remedies Treatment involves treating erosive surface decoction made of herbs, oils. To ensure that no individual intolerance of the selected funds, prior to use, consult with your doctor.


To get rid of uterine erosion are often used swabs soaked in medicinal formulations. One of the most effective means of treating ectopiaIt is the sea buckthorn. It has healing, bactericidal action. Means made of sea buckthorn, activate processes that restore damaged mucosal sites. To cure this erosion means of a sterile swab bintovogo cut is formed, which is thoroughly wetted in sea buckthorn oil. Made to put the object into the vagina is required at night and remove - in the morning. The treatment course is 10 days. After 7-10 days, the course may be a repeat.

sea ​​buckthorn oil

For the healing of erosion can be applied ointment Wisniewski. The effectiveness of this tool is due to the fact that under the influence of heat, vaginal ointment useful components are beginning to penetrate the skin surface, the healing it. Vishnevsky ointment is used in the same way as sea buckthorn oil - using tampons.

Another effective means to get rid of cervical erosion, is a mummy. With mumie required to prepare a medicinal solution: the raw material is diluted with warm water to a liquid consistency. Constructed with sterile gauze swab wetted in the solution, and then inserted into the vagina overnight. The maximum duration of treatment is 14 days, then you need to take a break for a week and repeat treatment. For greater effectiveness, before introduction of the tampon is recommended to douching using the prepared agents.


Fight against erosion can Levomekol ointment. From a sterile bandage manufactured tampon which abundantly applied ointment. Enter it should be on all night. This treatment alternates with douching herbal decoction. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Many women prefer to deal with pathologies exclusively natural means cooked yourself at home. One of them is the pumpkin flesh. Vegetable kneaded, wrapped in gauze so as to form a tampon. Input means vagina need for the night, and to extract - in the morning. Treatment with pumpkin pulp is held for 10-14 days.

For the treatment of erosion approaches and jelly made from flax seeds. Means for preparing instructions:

  1. A couple of teaspoons of flax seed is poured 1 cup of water.
  2. Liquid simmered until thickening.
  3. The tool then removed from heat and allowed to cool to a comfortable temperature.
flax seeds

Further, manufactured tampons which are wetted in linseed jelly and inserted into the vagina overnight. The optimal course of treatment is 2 weeks, then take a 10-day break, and the therapy is repeated. Start procedures should be in 1-5 day cycle.

Many doctors recommend to treat the erosion of home oil calendula. To prepare it, 20 grams of flowers you want to pour a glass of vegetable oil. Means left for 10 days and then filtered. The tincture is moistened swab, and then enter it into the vagina overnight. Such means has antiinflammatory, bactericidal action.

Solutions for douching

The use of traditional medicine recipes involves not only treatment with tampons, but douching. This procedure is required to carry out twice a day, morning and evening. Suitable for the treatment of calendula tincture. The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy or make your own, using 20 grams of plants and 100 grams of vodka. Infused liquid 1 week.

Before carrying out douching 1 teaspoon of tincture diluted with a glass of warm water. In addition to alcoholate, used for douching and the aqueous infusion of Calendula. To make it 2 teaspoons of flowers of the plant are filled with 400 milliliters of boiling water. Capacity covered with the cap, means press 1 hour. Before use, the infusion is filtered. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

tincture of calendula

Help cope with the pathology and upland uterus, which has anti-inflammatory, astringent effect. To prepare a decoction for douching, you should take 2 tablespoons minced raw pour half a liter of water. Means put on a slow fire and brought to a boil. Before applying the right amount of liquid should strain, warmed to a comfortable temperature. The optimal course of treatment - 2 months.

In the fight against cervical erosion can use the infusion of fungus. The raw material is cut into pieces, and then soaked in cold water. After 5 hours, all placed in a grinder or blender, ground to a state of slurry. 1 tablespoon texture mixed in 200 milliliters of boiling water. After achieving a comfortable temperature and filtered agent used for douching. Apply it is possible to 1 week.


Cures erosion and infusion of eucalyptus. To cook 2 table spoons of raw materials should pour 500 ml boiling water, leave for the day. The resulting infusion is brought to a boil, languishes 5 minutes and then filtered, cooled to a comfortable temperature, and is used for douching. The duration of such treatment can be up to 2 weeks.

In addition to these means, and can carry out syringing using a potassium permanganate solution. To this potassium permanganate diluted in water to give a light pink color.

Medicines for internal use

Treatment of cervical erosion should be comprehensive. The first thing you want to remove the cause of the disease which has arisen. If it was caused by sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to carry out their treatment with the help of drugs. This will help increase the effectiveness of treatment of cervical erosion in the home, eliminate the risk of relapse.

Once the reason that causes the development of cervical erosion has been removed, you can begin treatment of the disease. For this purpose, douching, and tampons soaked in a treatment facility, but supplement their medicines for internal use.

One such means is a fungus infusion. To prepare it, you must comply with the instructions:

  1. Chaga is cut into pieces, is filled with cold water and left for 5 hours.
  2. Then, the raw material is crushed in a blender.
  3. The resulting mixture should amount to fill with water. The volume of water should be more than 5 times the raw material.

Prepared to take the means necessary to 3 times a day to 30 grams before meals. Duration of reception is 1 week.

Cope with the inflammation will help the infusion of marigold. It is prepared from 200 ml of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of flowers. Means infuses 2 hours, and then filtered. Drink the medicine you need 2 tablespoons four times a day. The course of treatment - 1 month.

Preventive measures against erosion

To eliminate the risk of recurrence, it is necessary to carry out prevention of pathology. She is a regular visit to the gynecologist, the timely treatment of gynecological diseases. Also, to protect themselves from occurrence of erosion can eliminate the risk of damage to mucosal integrity due to careless sexual contacts.

These traditional medicines can be used to speed up the recovery cauterization of cervical erosion. This is because the burning provokes death of the affected areas on the site that will produce healthy tissue. Its formation process will be expedited if done antiinflammatory, bactericidal treatment mucosa. That such influence have traditional medicines listed above. But before applying any of them need to consult the physician.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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