Can cervical erosion pass itself, without treatment

Erosive on the cervix are the result of the activities of a bacterial or fungal infection. Often the question arises: can the erosion of the cervix go through itself without treatment? Those who do not understand the essence of the processes taking place in one of the main women's bodies, it seems quite logical that appeared dangerous pathology can disappear spontaneously. Sometimes destructive actions resulting from introduced by the aggressor, stop by themselves.

The doctor tells the patient about the erosion


  • It may pass the erosion of the cervix itself
  • The causes of the disease
  • Is it possible to self-healing
  • In some cases, erosion heals spontaneously
  • In some cases, erosion without treatment persists

It may pass the erosion of the cervix itself

Knowledge of erosion can cause the patient to self-care, but sometimes women do not tend to take care of their health and to acquire the necessary minimum of useful information. Certain types and special features of the disease vary, so some doctors prefer not to prescribe any treatment. True or pseudo can go without the help of a specialist, but it is necessary to differentiate the species and etiology in each case.

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If it is damaged cervical mucosa actions resulting from an external trauma exposure (sexual intercourse, masturbation, during surgery or douching), it is likely that in front of us - true erosionWhich may resolve itself fairly quickly. The ability to regenerate mucous helps heal within a couple of weeks, even if affected by a significant portion of the cervix. Gynecologists in traumatic pathology likely to expectant management.

Epithelial cells subjected to change by the action of excess progesterone condition give ectopia or pseudo. It is often detected during the inspection of the vagina during pregnancy, but the treatment is not usually in a hurry. Excess progesterone runs to 25 years or leveled in 1-2 years after birth. In such cases, the health of women is constantly being monitored and controlled in order to avoid complications.

Norm and ectopia

The causes of the disease

The cause of the erosion is sometimes quite easy to install. The basic premise is considered to hormonal changes that occur during puberty, when deviations of delivery or diseases of the endocrine system. In the role of precipitating factors may be:

  • inflammatory nature - assumes the presence of a pathogenic agent, e.g., bacteria or a fungal infection. And meets a special condition - ectropionWhen unscrewed the cervical canal into the vagina, and the inflammation is also present;
  • hormonal changes that have occurred in a certain period or for systemic disease;
  • injuries during handling, sexual intercourse, surgery;
  • consequences of the use of certain medications, such as birth control pills that have a vast impact on the natural processes in the body.

The reasons for this abnormal phenomenon, that is inflammation, which led to the destruction of epithelial cells in a separate area of ​​the cervix, and determine the differentiation of erosion in the real or pseudo. If not there is a violation of tissue integrity, then it is a pseudo. In cases in which there is damage to the epithelial layer, diagnosed "true erosion." Tactics of treatment is usually chosen depending on the doctor delivered conclusions. Sometimes the patient remains under medical supervision, but the treatment is not carried out in the absence of negative growth and development process.

erosion Causes

Is it possible to self-healing

Often confused erosion and ectopia. The doctor can not tell the difference with the naked eye. Erosion is a wound in the vaginal portion of the cervix, which is gradually tightened, and she can pass without treatment.

Ectopic not applicable to erosion because it represents a change in epithelial tissues under the influence of high hormonal levels. It is located on the surface of the cervix and is composed of cells that are normally found within the cervical canal. In women, hormones are relatively unstable, it is caused by a specific device features and the female reproductive system. Ectopic wrongly diagnosed as cervical erosion, can really pass itself when changing hormone levels. This comes at a certain age or during pregnancy. Sometimes it can occur after fertilization due to the increased hormonal levels.

Columnar epithelial cells are able to recover on their own in case of elimination of negative factors influence. Damage may disappear during pregnancy, when hormones are settled by the body in the second or third trimesters.

Healing erosion true usually passes without the help of a physician, the only obstacle to recovery is the presence in the body of pathogenic bacterial or fungal agent.The cervix is ​​normal and erosion

In some cases, erosion heals spontaneously

Can an erosion pass itself, it depends on several components. Their presence determines the medical monitoring and reliable diagnosis. So if you put only a preliminary diagnosis based on visual inspection, should not immediately panic and suspect the worst. Analyzes to determine the nature and cause of the process:

  • during pregnancy it is due to hormonal changes and takes place in the majority of cases for a certain period;
  • pseudo approximately 70% of cases persists independently due to rapid regeneration of the epithelium or normalizing levels of hormones;
  • true erosion can also go through if it is not caused by exogenous factors, which require the immediate elimination.

But to answer the question of whether to treat erosion may only need after a thorough examination. One visual inspection is not enough.

With such a diagnosis can not prescribe treatment or regeneration recognize without any medical intervention.

The doctor takes a swab for examination

In some cases, erosion without treatment persists

Whether she goes cervical erosion, depending on its nature, precipitating causes of the patient's health status and even age period. There are times when treatment is necessary. True erosion is always fraught with potential downside risks, especially if the epithelial damage and erosive process caused by:

  • a dangerous viral infection. For example, herpes not only weakens the immune system, but also destroys tissue;
  • bacterial sexually transmitted, aggravating the destructive process and cause persistent inflammation;
  • diseases of the female reproductive system, namely, cervicitis, leukoplakia, dysplasia, endometriosis in acute or chronic stages;
  • chronic systemic disease organism in the absence of treatment.

Some types of ailments can lead to unpredictable and dangerous consequences, sometimes requiring surgery. For example, a tissue dysplasia is an abnormal growth of epithelial cells, followed by the already oncology.

Dysplasia is not only requires constant monitoring, delivery of analyzes and monitoring of the changes. Without the operation in this case can not do.

Initially conservative therapy is carried out by methods as taking medication, using spark erosion, Medicinal baths with natural ingredients, proven popular ways. If that does not work, moxibustion can be carried out, and after him all the same should be regularly monitored by a doctor in order to prevent recurrence. Thus, it is impossible to give a definite answer, a decision on the treatment of erosion or its absence should be taken only by the attending physician.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 32
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