What is cervical ectropion (eroded, erosive) than dangerous, treatment

More than half of women who come to the gynecologist for help, faced with benign cervical diseases of the female reproductive organ. Many of them represented ectropion. Most gynecological pathologies successfully corrected in the initial stages. It is important to understand what ectropion, what are the causes of illness and what treatment is needed.

Doctor talking with patient


  • The causes of the pathology and classification of its forms
  • symptomatology
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
    • diathermocoagulation
    • And electrosurgical conization
    • Treatment of cervical ectropion by radio waves
    • The destruction of the laser
    • knife treatment
  • Pregnancy
  • Possible complications of the disease

The causes of the pathology and classification of its forms

Erosive ectropion - cervix pathological condition, wherein the cervical mucosa everted toward the vagina. This phenomenon leads to the development of the inflammatory process and may cause complications.

Causes of cervical ectropion depend on the patient gave birth or not. Pathology may provoke a group of factors.

instagram viewer

Young girls ectropion is considered a violation of a functional nature, which eventually takes place even without special treatment. The disease is associated with hormonal changes at puberty.

Acquired erosion occurs due to the following reasons:

  • premature birth, accompanied by rupture due to incomplete neck opening;
  • surgery conducted on this zone;
  • transferred abortion and curettage;
  • the birth of a large baby;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the use of forceps.

Ectropion reproductive organ can be dangerous even for the life of the patient. He is a predisposing factor for the development of cancer. Complications ectropion entail serious consequences.

The cervix is ​​normal and ectropion

Classification diseases includes two basic forms:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

Congenital ectropion occurs in girls during fetal formation. This occurs under the influence of the hormone estrogen mother. Pathology can continue through adolescence and then heal yourself.

The acquired form of the disease is rarely diagnosed in women who had pregnancies and births. It occurs due to injuries sustained during gynecologic procedures, childbirth. Sometimes found along with other inflammatory diseases.


Understand what cervical ectropion, can, considered the signs of the disease. Uncomplicated type occurs virtually asymptomatic. Suspected disease is easier if there is a concomitant infection or cervical inflammation.

Ectropion following symptoms:

  • lower abdominal pain and a feeling of heaviness;
  • profuse clear discharge of the genitals;
  • occurrence of purulent mucus impurities;
  • discomfort during intimacy;
  • pain in the lower back.
Lower abdominal pain in women

Endocervical eversion itself does not cause unpleasant symptoms, the woman did not notice anything. In congenital forms of the disease can occur in girls menstrual disruptions.

Condition of the vaginal mucosa may also vary. Itching and burning of the external genitalia. a small amount of blood is released between periods.

There may be bleeding after sexual intercourse, douching, strenuous exercise and long walks.

Inspection using special mirrors allows the physician to determine the deformation of the neck. Rounded epithelial layer becomes irregular shape, clearly visible eversion. If the disease is accompanied by pseudo-gynecologist sees sections of tissue edema and white spots.


Diagnose the patient only after a tool inspection. Gynecological examination through the mirror - the first stage of diagnosis.

To discover eroded ectropion, will require the following manipulations:

  • extended colposcopy;
  • biopsy at the site of inversion.

In order to identify infections that live in the cervix and endocervical, you must hand over a smear on flora, PCR analysis and perform a blood analysis on the level of hormones in the body.

Gynecologist takes a smear on flora


Eroded cervical ectropion - a serious condition that requires a skilled approach. folk remedies Treatment unacceptable.

Conservative methods are used only as a preliminary action before surgery. Treatment of cervical ectropion is performed exclusively by means of operating methods.


This cervical pathology treated using high frequency electric current. This cauterization are used worldwide for many years. However, this tactic has serious drawbacks:

  • deep tissue damage within the healthy areas;
  • long rehabilitation period (one year);
  • inability to carry out histological examination of the resected material;
  • postoperative complications.

Due to the wide range of unpleasant effects of treatment of cervical disease by this method is not carried out frequently.


And electrosurgical conization

During the surgical procedure in layers removed all the damaged tissue. There is an opportunity to preserve their integrity to hold histology.

When conization used the same method, but the excised tissue in the form of a cone. epithelial healing occurs rapidly, and complications are rare. After the elimination of pathological changes in the cervix woman keeps the reproductive capacity, can carry and give birth to a child.

This surgical method has the following disadvantages:

  • removed not only defective, but also healthy tissue;
  • later time scarring may occur;
  • there is the risk of endometriosis postkoagulyatsionnogo.

Treatment of cervical lesion in this way leads to shortening of the cervical canal. Is a risk of recurrence of ectropion.


Treatment of cervical ectropion by radio waves

Uterine diseases is widely used radio-wave method. Advantages erosion therapy and ectropion this method are as follows:

  • not destroy healthy soft tissue;
  • do not form scars;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • minimal risk of blood loss;
  • no relapses.

Function of the cervical epithelium quickly recovering from this surgery. Pathology is considered defeated.

The destruction of the laser

Laser beams can be of different types. The procedure is painless, and the wound surface heals very quickly. Healthy tissues preserved. The mucous membrane of the cervical canal is restored quickly.

The disadvantages laser therapy method The following factors may include:

  • great risk of increased bleeding;
  • the likelihood of secondary infection;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • postoperative endometriosis.
suppuration laser

Often have to spend a second procedure. Unable to obtain a biomaterial from the cervix for histological examination. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the depth of focus location ectropion.

knife treatment

The need for surgical intervention occurs when the uterus is in addition ectropion suffering from pseudo-deformations neck hypertrophy. The most effective methods are considered to be ways of Emmett and Shturmdorfa.

Surgical treatment is carried out when other treatment options are contraindicated or have failed.


Ectropion of the cervix and pregnancy - compatible concepts. A woman can conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

On the possibility of pregnancy does not affect the presence of even a congenital form of pathology. If conception does not occur, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of hormonal and identify infectious and inflammatory diseases.

A woman can get pregnant with such a diagnosis, if there is no acute inflammation and scarring on the neck due to previous interventions. Occasionally it happens that the body ectropion after birth healed itself. However, in most cases, it required elective surgery.

A pregnant doctor

Possible complications of the disease

If ectropion defeated in time, complications do not arise. Delayed treatment or lack thereof lead to the following problems:

  • the development of malignant tumors of the cervix organ;
  • dysplasia;
  • cervicitis;
  • violation of the hormonal balance;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • infertility.

Occasionally even the quality of surgery causes some consequences:

  • narrowing the cervical canal;
  • recurrence of disease;
  • accession secondary infection;
  • occurrence of endometriosis.

A woman should pay attention to any changes in his health, hormonal disruptions and menstrual irregularities. The disease can not be felt visible signs, but a planned visit to the doctor will reveal pathology at early stages and quickly it healed without complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 83
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