Cervical erosion: whether it is dangerous, causes and consequences of that would be, if not treated

According to the Association of Gynecologists, at least 20% of women suffering from cervical erosion. Dangerous this disease is the fact that it contributes to infertility and can degenerate into malignancy, if not cure it in a timely manner.

girl complains to the doctor erosion


  • General information about the disease
  • Symptoms and signs
  • The consequences of erosion and complications
    • cervicitis
    • endometritis
    • Dysplasia
    • Cancer
    • Infertility
    • other complications
  • puberty
  • menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • puerperium

General information about the disease

Normally, a healthy woman's vaginal part of the cervix is ​​lined with flat stratified epithelium, while the inner surface of the cervix is ​​covered with a single layer of cylindrical.

Replacement of squamous epithelium cylindrical can lead to chronic cervical erosion. Identify several causes of pathology:

  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. Mucosal injury.
  3. Inflammation of the reproductive organs.

Additional risk factors include:

  1. Early sexual activity.
  2. Pregnancy before the age of 16 years.

erosion treatment methods include methods for conservative and

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cauterization procedure the damaged body part. In medicine radionozh actively used, and electrocoagulation cryospray. The safest way of thermal treatment is cauterization of cervical erosion by laser.

apparatus for cauterization of erosion

Symptoms and signs

The disease is fraught with complications due to the fact that the specific symptoms in the early stages of disease are absent. Identify erosion is possible only when viewed from a gynecologist. A woman may notice some discomfort, and does not give it the value attributed to other causes.

If there is discomfort during intimacy, or unusual discharge, it may be indicative of erosion or ectopia.

Pink, reddish or brown discharge occur when blood enters particles leucorrhoea. This is due to mechanical damage of microvessels.

Purulent secretion suggests that in the context of erosion have developed co-morbidities.

Risk of cervical erosion is that it can lead to diseases of the female reproductive system. In order to timely detect erosion, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist regularly. Only a doctor can diagnose ectopia cervix or real erosion and assign conservative treatment or moxibustion liquid nitrogen, laser or radio waves.

If the disease is started, the epithelial erosion continues, and this affects the general condition of the reproductive system and lead to the development of complications.

examination by a gynecologist

After cauterization within a month is regenerated tissues then formed in situ erosion of the squamous epithelium cells and the risk of severe complications is reduced significantly. In order to avoid the recurrence of the disease outbreak woman should perform all the advice of a doctor in the postoperative period:

  • do not use tampons;
  • Do not overheat the body in the bath, solarium on the beach;
  • to refrain from swimming in open water, and bathing;
  • stop taking alcohol.

Within 5-6 weeks after cauterization intimate life under the ban, and the next six months is best to use a barrier method of contraception, to reduce the risk of infection. Before planning a pregnancy, you should be examined by a gynecologist. In the event that the birth of the child is not included in the coming up of a woman, to assess the success of the treatment is necessary to visit a doctor.

The consequences of erosion and complications

Violating the integrity of cervical tissue contributes to the pathogenic microflora, leading to inflammatory diseases. The most commonly diagnosed chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and various fungal infections. If left untreated erosion, the appendages and the uterine cavity is affected infections.

the girl has a stomach ache

erosion risk is high probability of adhesions or other serious diseases. The consequences of erosion may be:

  • cervicitis;
  • endometritis;
  • dysplasia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infertility.

Timely inspection at the gynecologist revealed pathology and treatment helps to preserve the reproductive capacity and overall health.


One of the consequences of cervical erosion cervicitis can become. This pathology leads to miscarriage and premature birth. Cervicitis provokes the formation of polyps, inflammation of the uterus and appendages. Symptoms of disease:

  • turbid or pus;
  • painful urination;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • pain in the abdomen.

Most erosion contributes to infection and inflammation of the vaginal cervical department. Cervicitis and other diseases accompanied by:

  • vulvitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • cervical eversion.

This disease affects mainly women of reproductive age. Percent disease in menopausal sharply reduced.


Launched erosion contributes to the development of endometritis - uterine mucous membrane inflammation. Often affects the muscle layer. The acute form of the disease in the absence of treatment becomes chronic, which flows almost symptomless, in advanced cases, possible bleeding. Implications for uterine endometritis are as follows:

  • thickening of the mucosa;
  • serous plaque.

The severity determined by the size of endometrial hearth modified structure. The chronic form of the disease leads to infertility, miscarriage and other complications of pregnancy and the postpartum period.



At this stage launched erosion starts pathological processes in which epithelial cells are transformed into atypical. Dysplasia occurs at the boundary of cylindrical cells lining the cervical canal, and a flat multilayered epithelium. This condition is considered to be precancerous. The third degree of dysplasia is degenerating into squamous cell carcinoma. With timely treatment favorable prognosis.


Cancer of the cervix are diagnosed frequently in women of reproductive age, and very often becomes the cause of untreated erosion. Development processes benign into malignant degeneration faces, in this case, the treatment process is more complicated, and prognosis for recovery is much lower and depends on the stage of development of pathology.


Report Cervical protective functions promotes penetration into its cavity pathogens. Depending on the stage of inflammation the fallopian tubes can become impassable, eliminating pregnancy. Erosive surface complicates the process of penetration of sperm into the body. The emergence of erosion have given birth and lack of treatment leads to secondary infertility.


other complications

Pathological changes in the epithelium can occur at any age, although the reproductive age gives the highest risk diseases, t. To. It was during this period of a woman shows the greatest sexual activity, have children and, unfortunately, does abortions. Nevertheless, the youth and the menopause also have the chance of developing cervical mucous membrane defect.


Erosion can occur in girls during adolescence with the onset of puberty. The formation of the menstrual cycle leads to hormonal fluctuations, the reproductive system at this age is quite vulnerable. The reasons for the erosion of development should include:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Error hygiene of genitals.
  3. Early onset of sexual activity.

At the age of 11-14 years of menstruation vary irregularly. Hormonal changes previously unknown organism causes sensations so great danger of miss the symptoms of the pathological process starts.

Later erosion can lead to diseases of the sexual sphere, and infertility.


In menopausal female hormone level is reduced, and the cervical canal produces less secretions. At this age increases the probability of penetration of pathogenic infections in the uterus. Insufficient secretion vaginal mucosa results in the formation of microcracks and further development of erosion. In order to minimize friction in the moments of intimacy, you need to use lubricants or consult a gynecologist about the appropriateness of the use of medicinal ointments and suppositories with a softening effect.

woman thinking about lubricants

Untreated erosion can lead to cancer processes in the cervix. If the period of menopause in women were bleeding, and sexual intimacy brings discomfort, you should visit a gynecologist, as age increased oncogenic risk.

Do not ignore the warning signs - cervical cancer can metastasize in the body of the uterus and other pelvic organs. Timely diagnosis to determine the disease at an early stage. The earlier identified pathology, the higher the chance of a favorable prognosis.


When planning pregnancy, women need to be screened. If erosion is revealed, then it needs to be cured, not later than six months before the alleged conception. Untreated cervical pathology can cause penetration of infection inside the uterus, which is fraught with intrauterine infection of the fetus or the baby becoming infected during birth.

Pregnant woman at the doctor

If pregnancy is detected erosion of small size, burning is not carried out, because the manipulation of the neck can lead to its disclosure and cause miscarriage. When the lesion has extensive dimensions shown sparing methods of treatment that do not cause the formation of scar tissue.

Poorly conducted erosion treatment entails roughness mucosa. Reduction of cervical tissue elasticity leads to its rupture during labor.


The cause of postpartum erosion may include:

  • mucosal discontinuities and cracks;
  • epithelial damage tools;
  • suturing;
  • infection.

In addition to mechanical injury and the development of disease contribute to hormonal disturbances and exacerbation of chronic diseases. A woman can take the symptoms of erosion especially postpartum period. You must pass routine inspection to quickly identify and cure the disease and preserve the reproductive function.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 72
  • 150