Do I need to burn cervical erosion that will, if not cauterize

There are several options for the treatment of erosion. Depending on the type of disease and the degree of its development resorting to drug therapy or surgery. Moxibustion cervical erosion is appointed in cases where conservative treatment has been ineffective or there is a risk of malignant transformation.

doctor and patient


  • pathography
  • The essence of the procedure,
  • Indications and contraindications
  • When you can not use cautery


Under diagnosed with cervical erosion we must not imply pathology in its pure form, and pseudo. In medicine it is called ectopia.

Under real erosion understand the situation, when the cervix is ​​in the exposed state and the squamous epithelium is absent. This period varies within 1-2 weeks. After a while there is cover by a columnar epithelium of the cervical canal and the cervix - this is pseudo.

The essence of the procedure,

Doctors still can not say with certainty necessary to cauterize erosion of the cervix or not. According to some experts, there is no need to resort to drastic measures in the absence of abnormal cells. Others insist on the obligatory carrying out of the procedure, explaining that

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risk of erosion and the risk of degeneration into malignancy and the creation of a favorable background for the development of other diseases.

In the process of cervical care the following groups of drugs may be used:

  • antifungal;
  • antiseptic;
  • antibiotic;
  • antiviral.
tablets in the hands of

Exceptionally doctor should treat cervical erosion. Self-treatment is unacceptable measure. therapy tactics is selected depending on the scale of destruction and history features. If the gynecologist when choosing treatment decide to remove the erosion, the following methods can be used:

  1. diathermocoagulation. This method is suitable only for women giving birth. Affected areas cauterized due to electric current. This results in scarring of tissues.
  2. Cryodestruction. The method is applied with a slight tissue lesion which excised under the influence of liquid nitrogen. The risk of effects after the minimum procedure. For this reason, they have resorted to this method in the treatment of nulliparous women.
  3. Laser removal. Pathological elements are evaporated by a laser beam. The method is considered the most safe and painless, but costly.
  4. Radio wave method. Excision is made using a special instrument Surgitron. The procedure is shown parous and nulliparous patients.
Surgitron unit

Indications and contraindications

Doctors say unequivocally that it is necessary to cauterize erosion in the case of the development of dysplasia. This condition is considered to be precancerous. Regardless of its extent, it requires surgery.

The indications for this procedure are also the following cases:

  • large scale destruction;
  • appearance ectropion after childbirth;
  • pathology tends to recur;
  • scar deformation of the presence of erosion;
  • leukoplakia;
  • endometriosis, complicating the clinical picture.

In certain situations, doctors decide to carry out an effective conservative treatment. cauterization procedure is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • inflammations of the urogenital system;
  • bleeding;
  • violation of blood coagulation process;
  • a history of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • malignancy in the exposed area;
  • during pregnancy;
  • diabetes decompensated type;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device;
  • After cesarean section;
  • carriage of human papillomavirus;
  • a number of psychiatric disorders, such as propensity to epileptic states and schizophrenia;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In addition, some methods of cauterization does not apply in the case of wearing a pacemaker and a significant erosion of sprawl.

Doctors believe that ectopia untreated can cause serious complications, including degeneration in cancer and infertility. For this reason, they insist on the destruction of the lesion.


When you can not use cautery

In certain situations, appointed conservative therapy, which is carried out under strict medical supervision. To insist that the erosion should cauterize, in this case it is not necessary. Surgery is not always required. Sometimes it is enough to take a smear annually onkotsitologiyu and observe the state of the body by means of colposcopy. Such methods resorted to in the following cases:

  • congenital abnormality, the causes of which are rooted in hormonal imbalance;
  • true erosion. Restoration of damaged areas at the same time happen spontaneously;
  • during therapy nulliparous women with no suspicion that ectopia can lead to dysplasia;
  • damage in cervical and vaginal. In this state, you just need to wait for self-healing lesions.

In all other cases, gynecologists strongly recommend cauterize cervical erosion. When choosing a method of carrying out this procedure must take into account, in future plans woman is pregnant or not.

Moxibustion erosive education is not always the right solution. There are a number of contraindications for this procedure. In addition, in some cases it is quite conservative therapy. Take a decision to carry out these manipulations should be a doctor, taking into account the peculiarities of history and the extent of destruction. In certain situations, without surgical intervention is impossible to do.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 33
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