Moxibustion Surgitron cervical erosion, treatment apparatus for removing erosion radio waves

Surgitron - American-made machine is widely used for medicinal purposes. In gynecology via Surgitron carried out moxibustion cervical erosion, treatment of endometriosis, polyps and other gynecological pathologies. This method of treatment of erosion of effective, painless, while its accuracy is guaranteed only treatment of damaged tissue.

apparatus Surgitron


  • Description of the appliance and the essence of the treatment
  • advantages of the method
  • Preparation for surgery
  • performance technology
  • rehabilitation period
  • Contraindications

Description of the appliance and the essence of the treatment

Surgitron is a device that operates using radio waves. The principle of treatment of cervical erosion machine Surgitron is that a doctor using radio waves removes mucous portion, without affecting healthy tissue. Therefore, the use of this device for the cauterization of erosion is considered a safe, gentle way to eliminate the disease. Therapy can be assigned to nulliparous women.

A distinctive feature of the method of removal of cervical erosion by radio waves via Surgitron is that it does not cause bleeding and the formation of scars.

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Also, the procedure is characterized by painless. Radionozh Surgitron affects the diseased tissue by high-frequency waves. As a consequence, an incision and coagulation of erosive lesions.

advantages of the method

Removing Surgitron erosion - sparing procedure, which has several advantages. A lot of doctors has identified the following positive features of the application of the device:

  • operation reduces the risk of these consequences cauterization erosion as the formation of scars;
  • during treatment with the instant coagulation occurs radionozha damaged vessels, because of which there is no bleeding;
  • method is completely painless;
  • the risk of infection of treated tissue is minimized;
  • treatment of cervical erosion is quick, only one procedure is required to achieve the desired result.
The doctor holds a device Surgitron

The effectiveness of radiofrequency treatment of cervical erosion using Surgitron confirmed by the fact that the process of tissue healing occurs quickly, the body is restored as soon as possible.

Preparation for surgery

Before you begin cauterization of erosion cervical, need training. The first thing a woman passes a full gynecological examination, after passing specific tests conducted colposcopy. Also need to be tested for HIV, syphilis, sugar, hepatitis, tumor markers, a swab from the cervix, vagina. Thereafter assigned ultrasonography of the reproductive system.

performance technology

Treatment with Surgitron carried out very quickly. Treatment time takes only 1 minute. The surgery is performed using the following technologies:

  1. Injected anesthesia - Lidocaine.
  2. Further, by the apparatus the liquid is evaporated from pathogenic cells. The doctor determines the affected areas using a colposcope, which ensures the absence of bleeding and coagulation instant.
  3. Under the influence of this energy release, the cells break down.

During operation the device is not in contact with the work surface, all the cuts are formed without pressure, mechanical deformation. The procedure is continued until complete elimination of erosion, it is not conducive to the formation of muscle spasms, does not irritate the nerve endings. Since radio waves have a disinfecting action, inflammation of the cervix is ​​not formed, and the lesion heals quickly.

The doctor treats erosion

rehabilitation period

After treatment, you must follow some recommendations in order to facilitate and accelerate the healing process of the treated tissue. The duration of the rehabilitation period gynecologist calculated individually based on the severity of the pathology, the treated area, the characteristics of the organism. The doctor will explain about contraindications after cauterization.

Following operations can be weak pulling pain in the lower abdomen and slight discharge. In some cases, there are brown meager allocation after cauterizationCompletely disappear within 1-2 weeks. These effects are the norm and do not require treatment. Seek medical attention should be, if abdominal pain is acute and brown secretion is not terminated 3 weeks. Facilitate the healing period can be in compliance with all the recommendations:

  • within a month is prohibited from engaging in any physical activity, it is desirable to go as low as possible;
  • the girl can not lift any weights, if they weigh more than 3 kilograms;
  • It is forbidden to take a bath, because getting an infection in the vagina can cause complications after the procedure;
  • for 1.5 months should not visit saunas, baths, solariums, swimming pools, it is prohibited to swim in the waters;
  • start lead sex life after cauterization It can be no earlier than 1.5 months after the operation, when it is required to obtain permission gynecologist;
  • you can not do any douching;
  • during menstruation, use only sanitary pads, tampons are strictly forbidden;
  • unacceptable overheating of the body.

The process of formation of healthy tissue can take 3 to 6 weeks.

Bans after treatment of cervical erosion

Some women after treatment of cervical erosion cautery mark the occurrence of the following symptoms during the rehabilitation period:

  • appearance of watery vaginal discharge, odorless, within a week after the procedure;
  • elevated body temperature readings to 38 degrees;
  • occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen for 2 weeks after surgery.

All of these symptoms disappear on their own during the rehabilitation period. But if she feels ill health, it is necessary to urgently seem gynecologist.

The girl on reception at the gynecologist


Despite the fact that the procedure is cauterization of cervical erosion using Surgitron gentle, it has several limitations. Doctors are the following contraindications for treatment with this device:

  • menstruation;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases of reproductive organs;
  • cervical cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • during pregnancy.

The best time to manipulate considered 5-10 th day of the menstrual cycle.

While ensuring proper preparation for the operation, compliance with all of these rehabilitation measures the risk of negative effects is minimal procedures. If a woman has any sexual infections or inflammation in the area of ​​reproductive organs, first of all recommended treatment of these pathologies. After their complete elimination and restoration of mucous appointed moxibustion cervical erosion.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 57
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