Erosion of the cervix after childbirth: the treatment, the causes of women's symptoms

Many women faced with the development of cervical erosion after childbirth. Panic in this case is not worth it. It is easy to understand why this is happening, and to conduct proper treatment.

woman with a child


  • Causes of
  • Symptoms and signs
    • Pain
    • whites
    • other release
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • complications
  • prevention

Causes of

often detected erosion during pregnancy. Provoke its appearance can hormonal drugs, early sexual activity, inflammatory processes, conducting multiple abortive measures, immunosuppression and mucosal damage shell. Quite often the disease begins to develop after birth. During this period, marked the first of his signs, the causes of these changes are as follows:

  • tears as a result of the passage of the baby through the birth canal;
  • violation of the mucosa due to sloppy welds performed;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • penetration of infection.

It is believed that after giving birth erosion can go on their own. Indeed, there comes a cure, but do not rely on luck when high-quality surface treatment of the neck and in the reduction of hormonal levels in rare cases. This disease needs treatment. Treatment for women giving birth is somewhat different than in the case of the pathology of the disease before pregnancy. Most often, the decision to cauterize erosive education.

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Symptoms and signs

If during delivery were gaps, the chances of erosion. Pathology at the same time develops without symptoms. A woman may not even know about the existence of this problem during lactation and breastfeeding. Often unable to learn about the disease only at scheduled visits to the gynecologist.

patient and physician

Clinical manifestations of disease are observed in the case of infections, and joining with advanced stage disease. So do not wait until the first symptoms, treatment should be started without delay.


erosion of the cervix after childbirth is dangerous because inflammation can begin on the background of its development. Pregnancy and childbirth - a huge stress to the body. A woman takes a long time to restore the immune system and hormonal levels. The body becomes susceptible to various diseases.

Erosion can cause the appearance of pain, which are often observed during intimacy. Generally, such symptoms are observed in case of inflammatory process. It often appears as uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.


After closure of postpartum uterine bleeding (lochia) appear leucorrhoea. In the case of erosion, they are abundant, often acquire a yellowish or green. It is not necessary to hope that the pathology can pass itself. If there is such clinical manifestations in women who give birth, it is necessary to be surveyed at the gynecologist.

inspection at the gynecologist

other release

Spotting after intimacy appear in the defeat of most of the neck. These symptoms often indicate the development of this disease.


Diagnosis is made by erosion of a comprehensive survey, which includes not only a visual inspection of the cervix, but also a variety of activities:

  • colposcopy for the detection of erosion. cervical region viewed through a special device, enhancing the image in multiple times;
  • swab from the vagina. Due to this it is possible to obtain information about the presence or absence of pathogenic bacteria that foster women's inflammatory processes;
  • PCR. With this method a DNA is determined by microorganisms. Obtained by swabbing and study information is necessary to identify the type of bacteria and the amounts thereof;
  • bacterial seeding. This establishes the type of microorganisms and their sensitivity to drugs.

Additional research is also carried out, during which the cervix tissue viewed under a microscope. Thus possible to establish the nature of changes in the affected cells and to determine their propensity for malignant degeneration.

The resulting erosion is able to pass itself after giving birth, but do not wait for it to heal without taking any measures. This disease can cause serious complications.


Treat postpartum erosion begin by addressing the factors that triggered its development. For this purpose, be appointed antibiotic, antiparasitic or antifungal agents. It is imperative to eliminate the causes of cervical erosion. Therefore conducted medical therapy.

woman drinks a tablet

Erosion itself is treated in women who gave birth after ten weeks after delivery and only on the condition that they have been colposcopy and all other necessary investigations. Methods of treatment in this case is directly dependent on whether the planned another pregnancy in the future. Among the main methods of treatment are the following:

  1. Diathermy. Moxibustion is performed using an electric current. The procedure is quite painful after the conference formed scabs that leave scars. If erosion cauterized in this manner in the future a normal delivery in most cases impossible.
  2. Cryotherapy. Erosive formation cauterize liquid nitrogen. After carrying out such manipulations are scars.
  3. Excision laser. This method of treatment is non-contact and has a high efficiency. Affected cells thus destroyed by the laser beam.
  4. Coagulation. After the procedure is not excluded relapses. This is due to the fact that the processing of special preparations are destroyed only superficial tissues.
  5. radio-wave method. Excision is performed using radiofrequency knife. The method is painless and low-traumatic.

At the beginning of therapy in the early stages of the disease are effective candles that have antiinflammatory action promoting tissue regeneration and restoration of the microflora vagina.



Postpartum erosion, as a rule, does not appear bright symptoms, and therefore identify it is not always possible at an early stage of development. When erosive female formations can only mark the occurrence of abundant leucorrhea and pain during intercourse. Possible to detect abnormalities in normal gynecological examination on the chair.

The probability of dangerous complications is possible in the case of advanced forms of the disease. No symptoms of a pathological process leads to the fact that women do not seek medical help. Later, when it wants to re-delivered, the affected areas may occur scar formation. Passage of the baby through the birth canal at the same time can lead to cervical rupture.

The most dangerous complication of the disease is considered to be the transformation of diseased tissue into a malignant tumor. Against the backdrop of erosion occurs dysplasia, which is considered a precancerous condition.

Moreover, against the background of the development of this disease is often described accession infection. For this reason, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms are beginning to appear and proliferate diseases such as adnexitis, oophoritis or endometritis.

Postpartum erosion: causes of, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Among the most dangerous complications of the medical release transformation in cancer and infertility. For this reason, it is recommended to treat the erosion at an early stage of development. Hope for self-healing is not necessary.


In order to prevent the disease is necessary to carry out the following recommendations:

  • systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist;
  • avoid promiscuity and use barrier contraception;
  • implement all the recommendations of breathing during labor to prevent cervical lesions;
  • to comply with all the rules of personal hygiene.

pathology The danger is that it can lead to dysplasia and cancer. For this reason, it can not be ignored. Despite the fact that erosion may disappear on their own, it is necessary to begin treatment. It should be taken into consideration, if the next pregnancy is planned.

Before the cautery have to ask a doctor, how would elastic neck after the procedure and whether it will be able to further procreation.

One of the most common phenomena - erosion after childbirth. Causes of erosive education rooted in damage the integrity of the body, hormonal failure, and immunosuppression. Due to the fact that clinical disease erased diagnose at an early stage it is problematic. You need to regularly at least once every six months, be inspected on a gynecological chair, to avoid excessive tissue damage and complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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